2016届高考英语一轮复习专项练习 4《代词》-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习专项练习 4《代词》

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专项四 代词


  1.Mary waited for a reply, but



  答案 none [句意:玛丽等待回信,但没有等来。此处none相当于none of the replies,符合题意。]

  2.Usually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fog.I happened to witness


  this morning.

  答案 one [句意:通常在雾中会发生很多事故,我今天早上就碰巧看到了一次。此处表示“一次事故”应用one (accident)。]

  3.(2017·开封市高三模拟) The power failure made


  difficult for us to complete the task on time.

  答案 it [句意:停电使得我们按时完成任务变得相当困难。此处空格内为形式宾语,替代后面的不定式短语,故用it。]

  4.(2017·桂林十八中模拟)The role change of husband to father, although difficult, doesn't seem so great as

  ________ of wife to mother.

  答案 that [句意:从丈夫到父亲的角色转变,尽管很难,但好像不如从妻子到母亲的转变那么大。此处考查替代词,空格内代表the role change,应用that作替代词。]

  5.(2017·成都市高三模拟)—Which of these resorts do you like best?

  — ________.They are both hot and crowded.

  答案 None [句意:“这些旅游地你最喜欢哪一个?”“一个都不喜欢,他们都太热而且太拥挤。”表示“三者或三者以上都不”用none。]

  6.She wanted a job,


  she had never experienced before.

  答案 one [句意:她想得到一份工作,一份她以前从未经历过的工作。此处空格处代表a job,应用one代替。]

  7.—What major will you choose when you are at university?


  but English, which has brought terrible dreams to me for the past 12 years.

  答案 Anything  [句意:“你上了大学打算选择什么专业?”“除英语外什么都行,英语在这过去的12年中给我带来很多噩梦。”anything but意为“根本不”。]

  8.(2017·长春市高三模拟)I know you want to borrow money but I don't have


  at hand myself.

  答案 any  [句意:我知道你想借钱,但我手头上一点也没有。此处not any (money)表示“没有一点钱”。]

  9.(2017·陕西西北工大附中模拟)—What about the price of these washing machines?

  —They are equal in price to, if not cheaper than, ________

  at the other shops in the street.

  答案 those [句意:“这些洗衣机的价格怎样?”“他们与街上其他商店的相比,如果说不便宜,至少和他们的价格一样。”此处空格内的代词代替the washing machines,应用those代替。]

  10.(2017·吉林市高三模拟)—May I ask for leave tomorrow?

  —No, you can't.________

  applying for the scholarship must be present.

  答案 Anyone [句意:“我明天可以请假吗?”“不,你不能,任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。”anyone表示“任何人”。]



  1.The Greens tried his best to help me.__________

  2. I won't forget the gift you sent I on my birthday.__________

  3.His parents went to New York last year, and none of them wrote letters to him.__________

  4. Would you like any coffee?__________

  5.There is hardly nothing worth listening to in his talk.__________

  6.He made the least mistakes in the English examination.__________

  7.The dog is always loyal to it's owner.__________

  8.— Is anyone here?

  —Yes, all are here.__________

  9. My glasses are missing, and I am looking for it.__________

  10.If you keep still, you can sit at every end of the boat.__________

  答案1.his→their [the Greens指的是“格林一家”,代词应用their。]

  2.I→me [人称代词me作宾语, 要用宾格。]

  3.none→neither [parents是“父母二人”。]

  4.any →some [表示邀请时,疑问句需用 some。]

  5.nothing→ anything [因为 hardly是“几乎不”的意思,已有否定含义。]

  6.least→fewest [mistake为可数名词。]

  7.it's→its [代词“它的”正确形式是:its。]

  8.anyone →everyone [Is everyone here? 表示“所有的人都到了吗?”,而Is anyone here? 则表示“是否有人来了?”,意义是不一样的。]

  9.it →them [glasses是复数意义名词,用 them或they代替。]

  10.every →either [either表示“两者中的任意一个”。船只有两头,故用either。]


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