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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (新课标)2016高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破

  book 7 Unit 3 Under the sea 新人教版

  重点识记词汇 1.accommodation n.住所;住宿2.drag vt.拖;拉;扯

  3.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策

  4.abandon vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃

  5.upside down上下翻转

  6.(be) scared to death


  7.the Antarctic南极洲

  8.Antarctic adj.南极的

  9.conservation n.保存;保护

  10.pause vi.& n.暂停;中止

  11.sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的

  12.target n.目标;靶;受批评的对象

  13.narrow adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的

  14.help (...) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难

  15.neat adj.(口)好的;整齐的;匀称的

  16.witness vt.当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据

  17.flee vi.(fled,fled) 逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离

  18.depth n.深(度);深处→deep adj.深的

  19.opposite prep.在……对面 adj.相对的;相反的

  20.annual adj.每年的;按年度计算的 n.年刊;年鉴

  21.be/become aware of 对……知道、明白;意识到……

  22.vivid adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的→vividly adv.清晰地

  23.aware adj.意识到的;知道的→awareness n.意识

  24.tasty adj.好吃的;可口的→taste vt.品尝

  25.reflect vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考→reflection n.映像;思考;反映

  26.scare vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓→scared adj.恐惧的;害怕的→scary adj.引起恐慌的

  27.relationship n.关系;血缘关系;交往→related adj.有关系的

  必背经典句式 1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.


  2.It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.


  3.I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.


  4.The fish didn’t seem to mind me swimming among them.


  5.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.


  构词记忆  aggressive /əresIv/ adj.侵略性的;攻击性的;有进取心的

  attractive /ətræktIv/ adj.有吸引力的;有魅力的

  conservative /kənsɜːvətIv/ adj.保守的;(大写)保守党的

  positive /pɒzətIv/ adj.1.确定的,明确的;确实的 2.确信的;绝对的;积极的 3.正的,正面的

  sensitive /sensItIv/ adj.1.敏感的;容易感受的 2.灵敏的;感光的



  1.Anyone with an annual(每年的)income of under 50,000 yuan may be allowed to apply.

  2.He abandoned(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money.

  3.We witnessed(目睹)tremendous changes in the city.

  4.These requirements are absolutely basic to a good relationship(关系).

  5.Nobody knew the depth(深度) of her love for the child.

  6.We urged(催促)her to open her birthday gift from her boyfriend.

  7.I saw him leave and then I drove off in the opposite(相反的)direction.

  8.The old man dragged(拖着)his tired feet as he walked slowly.

  9.Generally speaking,if you want to shoot the target(靶),you must aim at it a little bit higher because of the effect of gravity on the arrow.

  10.Most people have come to accept the need for conservation(保护)of natural resources.


  11.I vividly remember the picture he drew last week whose colors were vivid.(vivid)

  12.Some flowers are reflected in the river and the reflection is very beautiful.(reflect)

  13.The school can accommodate more than 3,000 students.So every one of us can find accommodation here.(accommodate)

  14.Now we have to raise the public awareness of environmental protection because many people in our country are not aware that the environment we live in is becoming worse and worse.(aware)

  15.“Who sharpened the knife?” he asked sharply.(sharp)

  16.The little girl walked out to scare away the dog,but when the dog barked towards her,she was almost scared to death.(scare)



  17.She was aware of the fact that she had made a serious mistake,and she couldn’t forgive herself.

  18.We succeeded in helping him out of danger.

  19.The reason that they gave for being late was that they were held up in a traffic jam.

  20.I was scared to death when I saw someone walking slowly towards me in the dark.

  21.It was such a frightening snake that no one dared get close to it.

  22.We’re aiming at 5,000 set minimums per new pattern.


  23.I know he is untrustful.In the meantime I must admit he is a good worker.

  24.Looking for his lost magazine,the man turned the whole room upside down.

  25.A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time.


  26.Have you heard of my sister’s winning the contest?


  27.Today,we will begin where we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.


  28.I heard her sing a song on the stage.


  29.There was a time when I got on well with Mary.


  30.She was about to walk out of the door when the telephone rang.


  31.I hope you don’t mind me bringing the dog with me.


  1 witness v.当场看到,目击;见证see sth. happen;为……的证据;n.目击者;证人a person who sees sth. happen;证据evidence

  [应试指导] 无生命名词作主语时的写作词汇

  witness to doing...为……作证;出庭证明;证实

  a witness to...……的证人证据

  bear/give witness to/against为……作证;证明

  a witness for作证;为……辩护

  Police are appealing to any driver who may have witnessed the accident.


  No witnesses have come forward.




  (1)He witnessed to having seen(see) the man enter the room.

  (2)His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.

  (3)The past ten years has witnessed(witness) a boom in economy in my hometown,as a result of which people here are enjoying a far better life than before.

  2 urge v.催促;力劝persuade;竭力主张recommend;驱赶;鞭策force;n.强烈的欲望,冲动desire

  [应试指导] 虚拟语气的考查

  urge sb.to do...催促某人做……

  It is/was urged that...should do...有人主张……

  have an urge to do...渴望做……

  urgent adj.紧急的

  urgency n.紧急的事

  They urged parliament to approve plans for their reform programme.他们敦促议会批准他们的改革方案。

  He had an urge to open a shop of his own.




  There is an urgent need for food and water.

  ②The urgency of finding a cure attracted some of the best minds in medical science.

  (2)Our teacher urges us to study hard with the exam drawing near.

  It is urged that we should study hard with the exam drawing near.(用It is urged that...改写句子)

  3 abandon v.放弃stop doing;遗弃,抛弃leave;沉湎于;n.放任;放纵an uncontrolled way of behaving

  [应试指导] (1)后跟动名词 (2)过去分词作定语的考查

  abandon oneself to...纵情;沉溺于……

  abandon sth.to sb.把某事遗弃给某人

  abandon doing...放弃做……

  with abandon放纵地;尽情地

  abandoned adj.被抛弃的;废弃的

  an abandoned child弃儿

  The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food.当局中止了分发食物的尝试。

  We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.




  Soon they reached an abandoned(abandon) building,where there once lived an old monk.

  My doctor advised me to abandon smoking(smoke).

  (2)He abandoned himself to the Internet games and didn’t pass the exam.

  Abandoning himself to the Internet games,he didn’t pass the exam.(用现在分词短语作状语改写句子)

  Abandoned to the Internet games,he didn’t pass the exam.(用过去分词短语作状语改写句子)

  4 aware adj.知道的knowing;意识到的;察觉到的conscious

  [应试指导] be aware of作为高级词汇代替realize

  be/become aware of sth./that...知道;明白;意识到……

  make sb.aware of sth.让某人注意到……

  so/as far as I’m aware据我所知

  Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?


  So far as I’m aware,this is the first time a British rider has won the competition.



  (1)Ordinary woman though she is,she tries every means to make people aware of the importance(让人们意识到……的重要性) of the environment conservation.

  (2)As far as I’m aware(据我所知),he’s an honest man.

  (3)Aware of its danger(意识到它的危险),he decides to give it up.

  5 call out大声叫喊;出动;召集

  [应试指导] “call+副词”类语境词义辨析

  call on/upon sb.to do...恳求某人做……

  call sb.up给某人打电话;征召某人入伍

  call sth.up回忆起;使想起

  call at拜访某地

  call on 拜访某人

  call off取消

  call for呼吁;要求

  The injured soldiers called out in pain.


  Why didn’t you come when I called out your name?




  (1)Their recent protest was called off on account of tightened security.

  (2)This work calls for more care and patience.

  (3)I was called up three months after the war broke out.

  (4)He called at her house but was refused admittance.

  6 help...out帮助某人摆脱困境或危难

  help oneself to...自用/自取所需食物等

  can’t help/choose but do...不得不做……

  can’t help doing...情不自禁做……

  can’t help to do...帮不上忙做……

  I can’t help it.我没有办法。

  All these presents came to more money than I had,and my mother had to help me out.


  He thought you’d been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police.




  (1)You can’t help but start(start) moving when you hear this song.

  (2)I can’t help to clean(clean) the room,because I have to do my homework.

  (3)I think everybody can’t help laughing(laugh) if they see it.

  1 It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.那个时期,虎鲸当时被称为“杀手”帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。

  a time表示“一段时间”,相当于a period of time,后接when引导的定语从句。

  It/This/That/There was a time when...曾经一度那时……

  I still remember a time when I lived in Germany.


  It was a time when motorcars were rare.




  (1)It was after having her first child at a time when my mother was working as a lawyer that she decided to run for governor of the state.

  (2)There was a time when this style of dress was popular with young girls.

  2 It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,...我们花了半个多小时才把船调转过头来,回到詹姆斯落水的地方,……

  It takes/took sb. some time to do...花了某人多少时间做……,表达“花费”的其他句型:

  1sb.+spend...on sth./in doing...

  2sth.+cost sb....

  3sb.+pay...for sth.


  It took me years to get back on my feet.


  It’s going to cost me over 100,000 to buy new trucks.买几辆新卡车将花掉我10万多美元。



  (1)I spent 120 on the books.

  (2)It takes the boy most of his free time to learn drawing.

  (3)She pays £200 a week for this apartment.

  (4)Good words cost nothing,but are worth much.

  (5)He bought the bag for ten dollars.


  (1)I heard an English song being sung(sing) by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday.

  (2)Afraid of being attacked(attack) by sharks,people dare not go swimming in the sea.

  (3)The question being discussed(discuss) at present has something important to do with nature.

  (4)Having been told(tell) many times,he still made the same mistake.

  (5)Being kept(keep) waiting made Bill so angry.



  Mary will never forget the first time she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class one day,16.wearing(wear) sunglasses.He walked in as if he17.had bought(buy) the school.And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.

  For some reason he sat beside Mary.Mary felt18.pleased(please),because there were many empty seats in the room.But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her,it was probably the fact that she sat in19.the last row.

  20.Although/Though he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back,he was wrong.It might have made it a little21.harder (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around,but that didn’t stop the kids in the class.Of course whenever they turned to look at him,they had to look at Mary,22.which made her feel like a star.

  “Do you need those glasses for medical reasons?” the teacher asked.The new boy shook his head.“Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class.I like to look at your eyes when I’m speaking to you.”The new boy looked at the teacher23.for a few seconds and all the other students wondered24.what the boy would do.Then he took25.them off,gave a big smile and said,“That’s cool.”



  I also need to reflect on my carelessness.


  Years of school life has taught me a lot of things,of which teamwork is the most important for me.


  In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.



  1.The new apartment is large enough to accommodate(accommodate) over two hundred people.

  2.The lost car of the Lees was found abandoned(abandon) in the woods off the highway.

  3.The likely reactions of the market need reflecting/to be reflected(reflect) on before we act.

  4.She slipped away without him being(be) aware of it.

  5.The beautiful scenery called up my sweet memories.

  6.He was scared to death on seeing the frightening scene.

  7.There was a time when I lived on the farm happily.

  8.Tom’s being admitted(admit) into a famous university made his parents happy.

  9.On Monday mornings it usually takes(take) me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.

  10.Having been asked(ask) to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.


  1.They said that the baby had abandoned by its mother.had后加上been

  2.He said that the manager had already been aware the problem.aware后加上of

  3.When I first saw a real snake,I was scared to the death.去掉the

  4.The driver witnessed having seen the man leaving the building.witnessed后加上to

  5.I was about to go out while suddenly it began to rain.while→when

  6.Tom runs very fast.In the 100­meter race yesterday,he soon ran ahead


  7.The house showed no sign of having damaged.having后加上been

  8.Mark often attempts to escape from being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.去掉from

  9.For many years people in that country had been accustomed to be treated like animals.be→being

  10.—Have you moved into the new house?

  —Not yet, the rooms are painted.are后加上being


  The best gift should be the one to which you devote the time and energy.(素材来源于2017·重庆·写作二)

  The best gift should be whatever you devote the time and energy to.(用whatever引导的表语从句改写句子)


  Few years ago,I was on a plane with my friend,waiting for it to take off.The pilot’s voice was heard throughout the plane,“Sorry for the delay,ladies and gentlemen.Our engines don’t work.We are going to jump­start them.Once we get them going,we’ll get up in the air and see what happens.”

  That was all he said,“See what happens?Shouldn’t we have had a better plan than that?” At that point,I could only laugh nervously.One woman started crying,“Oh,no!We are going to crash!” There were sighs of desperation and anxiety,and we hadn’t even taken off yet.

  The pilot even seemed unhappy.He told us our one engine was working double time,and his plan was to get up in the air and see what would happen!Then we did.We got up in the air,and what happened?Nothing.We arrived in Norfolk,and no sooner had the wheels touched down than applause burst out as everyone on the airplane breathed a sigh of relief.

  All too often,people stop chasing their goals just because they don’t have a guaranteed(有保证的) result.But success will never be guaranteed.The best thing that you can do is just get up in the air,and see what happens.While I do prefer planning better to “seeing what happens” when it comes to flying,it really isn’t such a bad idea for life.

  If your effort is to build a business,then get up in the air and see what happens!Don’t give yourself all the reasons why you can’t.Do not wait until you have everything you need.You never will!

  If your goal is to start a friendship,say “Hello”,get up in the air and see what happens!The result could be very rewarding.If your goal is to learn a new skill,get up in the air and see what happens!It might not be as difficult as you think.It could be fun!

  1.How did the author feel when the pilot said the engines didn’t work?





  答案 B

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“At that point,I could only laugh nervously.”可知,作者开始听到这个消息的时候很焦急。故选B项。

  2.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.The passengers began crying after the plane took off.

  B.The engines often worked double time to get started.

  C.The pilot tried to comfort the nervous passengers.

  D.The passengers reached the destination safe and sound.

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句话可推知,所有人都安全着陆了。故选D项。

  3.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means “


  A.think carefully before you make friends

  B.start to fly the plane to see what will happen

  C.make an effort even if the result is uncertain

  D.get up from the chair and greet somebody

  答案 C

  解析 句意猜测题。根据最后一段画线部分后面的“The result could be very rewarding.”可知,画线部分的内容旨在鼓励我们努力去尝试,不管结果如何。

  4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

  A.We Will See What Happens

  B.I Survived an Adventurous Flight

  C.The Pilot Risked Our Lives

  D.Making Plans Is Better than Taking Chances

  答案 A

  解析 标题归纳题。根据文章中反复出现的中心句“...get up in the air and see what happens.”可知,A项最适合作文章标题。



  Hispaniola is a Caribbean island made up of two independent countries:the Dominican Republic in the east and Haiti in the west.Christopher Columbus arrived on the island on Christmas Day in 1492.Hispaniola became an important base for the Spanish in the New World,as they controlled other islands and parts of Central America from there.


  Today,most of the island’s people are descended from(为……的后裔)African slaves.


  As the second­largest island in the Caribbean,Hispaniola consists of mountain ranges that spread from east to west as well as valleys and plains.While the lowlands are hot,the slopes(斜坡)of the mountains are cooler and get much rain from the winds that frequently blow across the island.


  Hispaniola is often hit by hurricanes that cross the Atlantic Ocean on their way to North America.

  One island,two different worlds


  The Dominican Republic is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world.For a long time it has been an important producer of sugar cane,coffee and tobacco(烟草);moreover,in the past years it has also become a tourist attraction for Americans and Europeans.

  In the west of the island,the violence throughout the last 200 years has made Haiti a poor country.


  A storm in 2004 left 3,000 dead.In 2010 the country was hit by a strong earthquake,from which it hasn’t recovered yet.Two hundred thousand people were killed,and almost two million were left homeless.While most of the population work in farming,thousands leave the country every year and immigrate to the U.S.or the Dominican Republic.

  A.The history and culture of Haiti

  B.Geography and weather conditions

  C.Rainfall usually varies from 1,000 to 3,000 mm per year.

  D.In addition,Haiti’s population has been hit by natural disasters.

  E.Relationships among Dominicans are more important than schedules.

  F.During the 16th century the Spanish started bringing African slaves to the island.

  G.The two countries on Hispaniola have gone through different stages of development.

  答案 5.F 6.B 7.C 8.G 9.D


  Fay:Hi Jerry.I’m thinking of applying 10.for a job with a multinational(跨国的) company,but I’m worried about having an interview in English.Can you give me any good tips?

  Jerry:Hmm.That’s a tough one.I guess the first thing is to try to make 11.a good impression.

  Fay:That sounds good.But 12.seriously(serious),how can I do that?

  Jerry:To begin with,you should firmly shake the interviewer’s hand and keep eye contact while 13.greeting(greet) him or her with a smile.

  Fay:Ah,“body language” is really important,isn’t it?

  Jerry:Yes.The second thing is to be confident.You gain 14.confidence(confident) from being prepared.You should learn a little bit about the company before the interview.Find out what they do,how long they’ve been in business,15.what their business motto is,that kind of thing.

  Fay:I never 16.thought(think) about that before.You’re really smart,Jerry!But what should I do 17.if I can’t remember an English word when I’m answering a question?

  Jerry:In 18.that case,you have to paraphrase.In other words,you have to explain what you want to say.

  Fay:That’s very 19.helpful(help),Jerry.Thanks very much.Ah,one more thing.Should I ask about the salary during the interview?

  Jerry:No,either let them bring up the topic of money,or wait for a second interview.Good luck!



  Being wealthy,Jack often wears cheap clothes and just drive a small car.He helped thousands of poor children so far.He spent a large number of money on their clothing and studies.Jack heard about the stories of these children as earlier as five years ago.“I knew nothing about them since I went to their country and met those children,” Jack said.He once went for a trip to Africa,and he was lost his way in a local village.Fortunate,a little girl appeared and helped him out.Then he got to knowing the poor life of the girl and many children like her.“I want to do nothing for them,” Jack said.


  Being wealthy,Jack often wears cheap clothes and just

  a small car.He

  helped thousands of poor children so far.He spent a large

  of money on their clothing and studies.Jack heard about the stories of these children as

  as five years ago.“I knew nothing about them

  I went to their country and met those children,” Jack said.He once went

  a trip to Africa,and he was  lost his way in a local village.,a little girl appeared and helped him out.Then he got to

  the poor life of the girl and many children like her.“I want to do

  for them,” Jack said.







  提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用be doing...when...结构。


  Smart,my guide dog,often helps me out.One day,we were crossing the street when Smart paused and dragged me back before I was aware of it.Then I heard a car whistling by.Everyone who witnessed this was scared to death.I believe it will not abandon me.


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