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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (新课标)2016高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破

  book 7 Unit 4 Sharing 新人教版

  重点识记词汇 1.hear from接到……的信2.(be) dying to极想;渴望

  3.the other day不久前的一天

  4.privilege n.特权;特别优待

  5.in need在困难中;在危急中

  6.purchase vt.& n.买;购买

  7.anniversary n.周年纪念(日)

  8.arrangement n.安排;排列

  9.fortnight n.两星期

  10.concept n.观念;概念

  11.relevant adj.有关的;切题的

  12.remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的



  14.click vi.& vt.(使)发出咔嗒声 n.咔嗒声

  15.political adj.政治的;政党的→politics n.政治

  16.security n.安全;保护;保障→secure vt.使安全

  17.otherwise conj.否则;不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面

  18.weekly adj.& adv.每周(的)→week n.周;星期

  19.dry out(使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透→dry up(指河流、井等)干涸

  20.adjust vi.& vt.调整;(使)适合→adjustable adj.可调节的→adjustment n.调节;调整

  21.donate vt.捐赠→donation n.捐赠;捐赠物;赠品→donator n.捐赠者

  22.participate vi.参与;参加→participation n.参加;参与→participant n.参与者

  23.distribute vt.分配;分发→distribution n.分配;分布;分布状态

  24.operate vi.工作;运转 vt.操作→operation n.手术;运转→operator n.操作人员

  25.economic adj.经济的;经济学的→economy n.经济

  26.financial adj.财务的;金融的;财政的→finance n.财政;财政学;金融→financially adv.财政上;金融上

  必背经典句式 1.But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.


  2.She was dying to see him again but what if he didn’t want to see her?


  3.The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it. 


  4.We walked for two and a half hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.


  5.The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling over everywhere!


  构词记忆  additional /ə′dIʃənəl/ adj.附加的;另外的;追加的

  annual /ænjʊəl/ adj.每年的;年度的

  central /sentrəl/ adj.中央的;中心的;主要的

  critical /krItIkəl/ adj.关键性的;批评的;批判的;批评家的

  digital /dIdʒItl/ adj.数字的;计数的

  emotional /Iməʊʃənəl/ adj.感情的;情感的;情绪的

  gradual /rædʒʊəl/ adj.逐渐的;逐步的;渐进的



  1.The secretary should have all the relevant(有关的)documents ready before the meeting begins.

  2.Today is the couple’s wedding anniversary(周年纪念日).

  3.The medicine began to operate(起作用)at once.

  4.The other day,I purchased(购买) a camera,which could adjust its focus automatically.

  5.Dying(渴望)to know the exam results,we all gathered at the door of the teachers’ office.

  6.The concept(理念)is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.

  7.As an interpreter,her sister did much voluntary(志愿的)work during the Asian Games.

  8.To make sure of the security(安全),more money should be distributed to the police station.

  9.I have the privilege(特权)to check your arrangements for the coming ceremony.

  10.It’s fortnight(两周) since we got separated and I’m eager to hear from you.


  11.The desks and chairs are adjustable,and you can adjust them to the height of the students.The adjustment is not difficult to make.(adjust)

  12.The schoolbus was donated to them by a motor company and they received donations from other companies as well.(donate)

  13.They encouraged the participants to participate in the singing performances after the contest.(participate)

  14.They distributed their products over New York by trucks and the distributions took them a long time.(distribute)

  15.Mr.Thompson arranged the conference very well.Every one was satisfied with his arrangement.(arrange)



  be relevant to,participate in,come across,stick out,share sth.with sb.,die down,dry out,make a difference

  16.Were you active in participating in extracurricular activities?

  17.She came across an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

  18.The paint should have dried out by this time tomorrow.

  19.In a different place and time,with further development,the promising Horten 2­29 might have made a difference.

  20.The fire is dying down;put some more wood on!

  21.He was half under the bed,with his legs sticking out.

  22.Why teaching is a profession,and why psychology is relevant to professional preparation as a teacher.

  23.Was it a detail that you planned on sharing with us later?


  24.They were making a plan to help those poor students in need,which attracted me.

  25.The beggar can’t have been dead,for I saw him begging in the street the other day.

  26.To be honest,the house is not quite our style.


  27.Cars moved very slowly in the 1930s,but they did move faster than in the 1920s.


  28.—I’ll take the driving test tomorrow!

  —What if you should fail?



  29.Between the two generations,it is often not their age but their education that causes misunderstanding.


  30.She climbed up to the top of the hill,from where she could have a good view of the whole town.


  31.Before I could say a word,she had stormed out of the room.


  1 adjust v.调整,调节change to make more suitable;适应,习惯adapt


  adjust oneself to...使自己适应于……

  adjust to doing...适应做……

  make an adjustment/adjustments to...对……作出调整

  To attract investors,Panama has adjusted its tax and labor laws.


  We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.




  (1)She found it hard to adjust to working(work) at night.

  (2)He will have to make major adjustments(adjust) to his thinking if he is to survive in office.

  (3)She soon adjusted herself(she) to his way of life.

  (4)The survey shows some major publishers,institutions and businesses have begun to make adjustments(adjust) to the new age in order to meet the need of the social and economic change.

  2 participate vi.参加,参与take part

  [应试指导] participate in作为高级词汇替换take part in

  participate with sb.in sth.同某人参与某事

  participate in参加……

  participant n.参加者;参与者

  participation n.参加;参与

  I am going to participate in an English speech contest for senior high school students to be held in July this summer.




  Encouraged by the teacher,the participants actively participated in the English speech contest.Their participation inspired the rest of the class to study hard.

  (2)She actively participated in local politics.

  She took an active part in local politics.(用part短语改写句子)

  3privilege n.特殊利益;特权;荣幸;光荣;v.给予特权

  [应试指导] 作为高级词汇替换right,advantage

  a privilege of doing sth./to do sth.做某事是荣幸

  It is a privilege for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是项荣幸。

  have the privilege to do sth./of doing sth.有做某事的特权

  be/feel privileged to do sth.做某事是荣幸的

  Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood,she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.




  We all feel privileged(privilege) to be invited here.

  ②He’s glad that he has the privilege to have(have) the chance.

  ③Do you think it a privilege to be chosen?

  (2)We are privileged to have a distinguished guest with us tonight.

  It is a privilege for us to have a distinguished guest tonight.(用it作形式主语改写句子)

  4 donate vt.捐赠,赠送;捐献器官give;present

  [多词一义] donate,contribute,give...to

  donate sth.to...把某物捐献给……

  collect donations for...为……募捐

  make/give/present a donation to捐赠

  He frequently donates large sums to charity.


  The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。



  (1)We are collecting donations for the relief fund.

  (2)All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.

  (3)As the patient’s life hung in the balance,many volunteers offered to donate blood.

  5be dying to do sth.极想做某事;渴望做某事

  [多词一义] be dying to do,long to do,be hungry for,be thirsty for,desire to do,be keen to

  be dying for sth.渴望/想要某物

  long for sth.渴望某物

  long to do sth.渴望做某事

  be thirsty/hungry/eager/anxious for...渴望得到……

  We’re dying to meet your new boyfriend.


  I’m dying for a cup of coffee.




  (1)He is dying to return to his motherland. (dying)

  (2)He is anxious to return to his motherland. (anxious)

  (3)He is longing to return to his motherland. (long)

  (4)He is eager to return to his motherland. (eager)

  (5)He is keen to return to his motherland. (keen)

  6 in need在困难中;在危急中

  [应试指导] 在谚语中的应用

  in need of需要……

  satisfy/meet one’s needs满足某人的需要

  needn’t have done...本来没必要做而做了……

  There is no need for sb. to do.../for doing sth.某人没必要做……

  As the saying goes,a friend in need is a friend indeed.


  How do you say no to someone in need?




  There is no need(没有必要) for you to come if you don’t want to.

  It should suit you perfectly,and meet your needs (满足你的需求).


  Neither of us was in need of love. (need n.)

  Neither of us needed love. (need v.)

  1We walked for two and a half hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。

  from where...引导定语从句,修饰a ridge。where一般用作关系副词,其前不加介词;但where有时也可作关系代词,其前可加介词from。

  Alice stood at the window,from where she could watch her classmates playing football.



  (1)How far is it from where we are now(从我们现在待的地方)?

  (2)Put the key where it was(它原来的地方).

  (3)After supper,he usually stood near the window,from where he could see the tower(从那里他能看到塔),the tallest building in this city.


  (1)They talked of things and persons.They remembered those in the school.

  →They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.

  (2)This is the very book.I want to borrow the book.

  →This is the very book that I want to borrow.

  (3)I agree to every point.He referred to it just now.

  →I agree to every point that he referred to just now.

  (4)I told the story to John.Later he told it to his brother.

  →I told the story to John,who later told it to his brother.

  (5)His speech went on and on.His speech bored everyone.

  →His speech,which bored everyone,went on and on.



  One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival.I left it early because I had an appointment16.later(late) that day.My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me17.until the bus arrived.I got on the bus and found a seat near the back,and then I noticed a man18.sitting(sit) at the front.He19.was pretending(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.He must be20.mentally(mental) disabled.

  Behind him were other people to21.whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes22.they walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed.

  I didn’t want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him23.on his own either.

  After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus.I sat next to the man and introduced myself.We had24.an amazing conversation.He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.

  I’m glad I made the choice.It made25.both of us feel good.



  We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules.


  Luckily,many people and organizations donated a lot of money to help them receive college education smoothly.



  1.When a child is studying abroad,he must learn to adjust to living(live) on his own.

  2.Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great privilege of introducing our speaker tonight.

  3.—Has she really donated one of her kidneys to the advanced teacher?

  —That’s true.

  4.The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once,which made us all worried.

  5.—Would you mind if I open the window?

  —Not at all.In fact,I am going to suggest you do(do) it.

  6.It is often said that the joy of traveling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.

  7.The Great Wall is the place which almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.

  8.The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need.

  9.The parents were shocked by the news that their son needed an operation on his knee.

  10.When I arrived,Bryan took me to see the house where I would be staying.


  1.Bill Gates made a generous donation for the charity.for→to

  2.Would participants the next race come forward?participants后加上in

  3.After he studied abroad, he went on operating on the company.去掉第二个on

  4.I’m glad to help people in the need.去掉the

  5.Whether you go or not makes no differences.differences→difference

  6.It took us some time to adjust the dark cave.adjust后加上to

  7.What he has done has relevant to his personality.relevant前的has→is

  8.I’ll arrange a car to meet you at the airport.arrange后加上for

  9.I do invite Mr.Green to the party that day, but he forgot it completely.do→did

  10.Education used to be a privilege for the privileging class.privileging→privileged


  It is the thoughtfulness rather than the price that matters.(素材来源于2017·重庆·写作二)

  What matters is the thoughtfulness rather than the price.(用what引导的主语从句改写句子)



  WELLINGTON,September 19(Xinhua)—If your teenage son won’t get out of bed in the morning,then take comfort from the fact that he might be sleeping his way to a healthier future,according to a new research from New Zealand.

  Researchers in human nutrition at the University of Otago have found that teenage boys who sleep less have more body fat when compared to girls,for whom lack of sleep has no noticeable effect on their body fat ratios.

  The study of 386 boys and 299 girls aged 15 to 18 found that the average­sized 16­year­old boy weighing 69.5 kg and 176 cm tall,who slept for eight hours a day,had a waist size 1.8 cm bigger and 1.6 kg,or 9 percent,more body fat than the average­sized boy who slept 10 hours a day.

  “The boys who slept eight hours a day would also have 1.8 kg more lean(bone and muscle) mass compared to the boys who slept 10 hours,but that’s only a 1.4 percent increase,compared to the 9 percent increase seen in body fat,”said lead researcher from the Department of Human Nutrition,Dr.Paula Skidmore.

  “Our results suggest that for older teenage boys,making sure that they get enough sleep may help to maintain a healthier body.It seems to be that,within reason,the more sleep the better for boys,”Skidmore said in a statement Thursday.

  “It was unexpected that we did not find the same result in girls,who may actually be more aware of their diet and more in tune with a healthier lifestyle.”

  The researchers ruled out the effects of food choice and the number of screens,such as televisions,games and consoles,which the teenagers had in their bedrooms.

  1.What’s the research really about?

  A.Boys and girls.

  B.Food and weight.

  C.Sleep and health.

  D.Screens and fat.

  答案 C

  解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是一项关于青少年睡眠时间的长短与身体健康关系的调查。故选C。

  2.What’s the result of less sleep for teenage boys?

  A.A bigger waist and more fat in the body.

  B.An increase in weight and height.

  C.More concerned with their diet.

  D.A decrease in bone and muscle.

  答案 A

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...who slept for eight hours a day,had a waist size 1.8 cm bigger and 1.6 kg,or 9 percent,more body fat than ...who slept 10 hours a day.”可知,一天睡八个小时的男孩和一天睡十个小时的男孩相比,腰围更宽,体内脂肪更多。故选A。

  3.From the sixth paragraph we can infer that


  A.girls usually sleep less and have healthier lifestyles than boys

  B.the researchers expected to see the same result in girls

  C.people’s diet has a great effect on their health

  D.boys are usually lazier than girls

  答案 B

  解析 推理判断题。根据第六段中的“It was unexpected that we did not find the same result in girls...”可知,在女孩身上并没有发现同样的结果,这是没有预料到的,由此可推断B项符合题意。

  4.Who would be the most pleased to hear the news?





  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。通读全文可知,调查研究的结果是:十几岁的男孩睡得越多反而更健康,由此可推断D项符合题意。


  Dogs are able to help all sorts of people with disabilities live their lives.Now a man from the United Kingdom has made a dog­controlled washing machine so that dogs can help these people with their laundry too!

  John Middleton of laundry company JTM invented the “Woof to Wash” washing machine that makes it easier for people with disabilities to get their clothes clean.

  Loading,starting,and emptying regular washing machines involves movements that most of us don’t think twice about and take for granted.But doing laundry can be difficult for people who have autism(孤独症),are blind,have learning disabilities,or have limited movement in their hands.

  “We developed this machine because mainstream products with complex digital controls seldom meet the needs of the disabled users,”explained Middleton.

  “But then I saw a video from the charity Support Dogs,where a dog strips a bed and loads the washing machine.I was completely blown away and instantly thought I could invent a machine where the dog does everything.So I got in touch with Support Dogs and they loved the idea.They said it would be a huge help to their severely disabled users.”

  With Middleton’s washer,support dogs of all shapes and sizes can be trained to load the clothes,bark to turn it on,and open the door with a push of a paw and pull a string to unload the washing.

  The dogs are currently being trained by Support Dogs,and,for now,they will only be available to the UK citizens with disabilities.

  JTM’s website says that,“Plans are underway for this groundbreaking machine to improve the quality of life and independence for thousands of people with wide ranging disabilities across the UK.”

  5.According to Middleton,the common washing machines


  A.are designed for special purposes

  B.are completely controlled by themselves

  C.are produced digitally for people to use

  D.are difficult for the disabled to operate

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据第四段的“because mainstream products...the disabled users”可知,我们平时使用的洗衣机对于那些残疾人来说很不方便。

  6.If the dog wants to empty washing machines,he should


  A.bark to the machine

  B.open the door

  C.pull a string

  D.bite a button on the machine

  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“pull a string to unload the washing”可知,经过训练的狗,只要拽一根绳子就可以让洗衣机中的衣服出来。

  7.What do we know about the “Woof to Wash” washing machine?

  A.Any dogs can be trained to operate it.

  B.It is widely sold in England at present.

  C.Dogs for it are being trained by John.

  D.It is designed especially for the dogs.

  答案 A

  解析 细节理解题。结合倒数第三段的“support dogs of all shapes and sizes can be trained to...to unload the washing”可知,任何狗,只要经过训练都可以使用这种新型的洗衣机。

  8.The best title for the passage may be “


  A.A Washing Machine Designed by a Disabled Person

  B.The Dog­friendly Washing Machine

  C.The Latest Washing Machine in the World

  D.The Machine Specially Designed for Dogs

  答案 B

  解析 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了一种新型的、专供残疾人使用的洗衣机,这种洗衣机可以利用狗来操作,从而大大地方便了残疾人。


  I was on a walk with a friend yesterday when I found an iPhone 5s in a pile of snow.I picked it up and it still


  !I started looking through the name list and calling numbers to see


  I could figure out whose phone it was.


  ,only one person answered and she didn’t


  the number that I was calling from.She gave a(n)


  of “It is just so nice that you are trying to find out whose phone it is.”

  Since that lady didn’t know whose phone it was,my friend


  that we go back to the street and the


  that we found the iPhone 5s in front of.I knocked on the door and two college­age people


  .They hadn’t lost their phones,but as I told them the


  and mentioned some names on the name


  ,the young man said that he also


  those names and it must be the phone of one of their friends.


  ,both of the young men politely mentioned how


  it was that I took the time to hunt for the owner.I really didn’t have anything to say,because in my


  I was just doing the right thing.

  I never considered


  the phone—it wasn’t mine.I immediately tried to find out the owner,because that is


  what I would want someone to do if either I or any of my family members lost phones.

  Eventually the owner


  ,sincerely expressing a lot of thanks.I was very happy that the


  part was that I didn’t say who I was—give my


  ,or number.I strongly felt that the purpose of helping others is not for


  .Helping others is more than enough for me and it is the most endless joy of life.





  答案 C

  解析 “我”把它捡起来,而且它还能运行!work运转,运行。





  答案 D

  解析 “我”拨通几个号码看看是否(whether)能弄清楚这是谁的手机。





  答案 A

  解析 不幸的是只有一个人接了电话。unluckily不幸地。





  答案 A

  解析 接电话的人不知道“我”捡到手机的号码。recognize认出,辨认出。





  答案 B

  解析 根据接电话的人所说的话,即“你努力弄清楚是谁的手机,真好。”可知,这是对方在作出评价(opinion)。





  答案 B

  解析 因为(接电话的)那位女士不知道这是谁的手机,“我”的朋友建议(suggested)我们回到捡手机的地方。





  答案 C

  解析 根据空后的“...that we found the iPhone 5s in front of.I knocked on the door...”可知,此处应填house。





  答案 D

  解析 answer the door意为“(听到敲门或铃声)去开门”,故选D,表示“应门”。





  答案 B

  解析 此处指代第一段中讲到的故事。





  答案 C

  解析 根据上文中的“I started looking through the name list”可知,此处应用list。





  答案 B

  解析 年轻人说他也有(had)这些名字,这一定是他一个朋友的手机。





  答案 A

  解析 结合上下文可知,此处表示动作的先后关系,不表示因果或转折关系。then然后,接着。





  答案 B

  解析 两个年轻人都说“我”花时间去寻找手机的主人,这真是令人赞叹(wonderful)。





  答案 D

  解析 in one’s mind在某人头脑中,在某人内心,为固定搭配。





  答案 A

  解析 “我”从来没考虑过保留这部手机,因为它不是“我”的。keep保留,留下,符合语境。





  答案 C

  解析 “我”立刻设法找到手机的主人,因为如果“我”或“我”的家人丢了手机时,这也正是“我”希望有人做的。exactly恰好,正好。

  25.A.got up

  B.picked up

  C.turned up

  D.kept up

  答案 C

  解析 最终,失主出现了(turned up),真诚地表达了谢意。





  答案 D

  解析 “我”感觉最好的(best)是“我”没有说“我”是谁。





  答案 A

  解析 由上文中的“I didn’t say who I was”可知,“我”没有告知对方自己的名字(name)或号码。





  答案 D

  解析 “我”坚定地认为帮助别人不是为了得到回报。return回报,报答。









  A fortnight ago,a remote area was hit by floods.Many people donated money to the people who were in need and many volunteers also participated in the rescue work and others purchased necessities for them.Actually,everyone was dying to do something for them.


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