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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  走向高考 · 英语 人教版(课标卷地区) · 高考总复习


  第二部分 专题八 情景交际 第二部分 一、社会交际应答 要点 分类 常用交际用语 感谢和应答 A.Thank you (very much)./Thanks a lot./Many thanks./Thank you for.../Thanks for.../I really don't know how I can thank you enough. B.It's very kind of you to.../Not at all./It's/That's all right (OK)./You're welcome./I'm very glad you enjoyed it./It's a pleasure. /My pleasure. /Please don't mention it./It was nothing./Forget it. 道歉和应答 A.Sorry/Pardon. I'm terribly/awfully sorry./I'm sorry for (about).../I'm sorry to... I apologize.; Forgive me (for...).; I really didn't mean that at all. B.Excuse me (for...); be afraid that...; What a pity/shame! /It's a pity that... C.That's all right. It doesn't matter.; That's nothing. Don't worry about it. Never mind./Forget it. It can't be helped; It's OK. It really isn't worth mentioning. 要点 分类 常用交际用语 提供帮助和应答 A.Can/Could/Shall I help you? Would you like me to... ? Is there anything(else) I can do for you? Do you want me to... ? What can I do for you?;Let me do/carry/help... (for you). ;Would you like some... ? B.(1) Thanks. That would be nice/fine.; That's very kind of you. Thank you for your help.; Yes, please. Here,take this/my...; (2)No, thanks/thank you.; No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself.; Thank you all the same.;That's very kind of you,but... 请求和应答 A.May







  I could... ;Would/Do you mind if I opened/open the window? ; May I ask a favor of you? Would you do me a favor?;Be kind enough to tell me the truth. B.Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes, (do) please.; Of course (you may). Go ahead, please. ;That's OK/all right. Not at all. ;Well, if I can. I'd be glad to. With pleasure. 要点 分类 常用交际用语 劝告和建议 A.I think you ought to... If I were you, I'd... ;It might be a good idea if you... Have you ever thought of... ? I recommend that...; I strongly advise you to... You really ought to... Personally, I think you'd better... Why not do...? Why don't you do...?I suggest that... What about doing... ? How about doing... ?; Shall we... ? Let's


  shall we?; You need (to)...;You'd better... B.肯定:Good idea. That's great. Sounds great.; It sounds great. That's fine. Why not? 否定:I'd love to, but... I'm afraid... It's an idea, but... 祝愿 A.Good luck! Best wishes to you. ;Have a nice/good time/journey.; Congratulations!

  Happy New Year! ;Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you. B. Thank you! The same to you. ;You,too. —Happy New



  Christmas!) —The same to you. (You, too. ) 要点 分类 常用交际用语 鼓励 Very good. Well done. Wonderful. ;Excellent. Come on. Keep trying. ;You can do it. 应答:Thank you. OK. I'll try it again. 邀请和应答 A.Will you come to... ? Would you like to... ?; I'd like to invite you to... We'd be very pleased if you could come to



  evening. ;Why don't you... ? ;I would feel honored if you would come. B. ( 1 ) Oh./Sure, why not? OK. That's terrific/a great idea. That sounds very nice. Yes,I'd love to (...). Yes,it's very kind/nice of you. (2)I'd love to,but...

  I'm really sorry,I can't. ;I'm afraid I can't because... 二、日常情景交际问答 情景 交际问答常用语 问候 ①A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How do you do? ;Nice to meet you. B:答语与问候语相同。 ②A:How are you? ; B: Fine, thank you. And you?; A:Very well, thank you. 时间 日期 A:What day is it?B:It's Monday. A:What's the date?B:It's Jan. 10th. A:What's the time,please? (What time is it?) B:It's five o'clock/half past five... It's time to... 情景 交际问答常用语 打电话 This is... (speaking). It is... here. May I speak to..., please? Can I speak to..., please? Could I speak to..., please? I'd like to speak to..., please. Who's that (speaking/calling)? Is that... (speaking) ? Is... there? Is... in? Hold on,please. Hold the line,please. Can I take a message? Can you give/leave a message? Can/Could I ask who is calling? May I have your telephone number? The line is busy/engaged. 购物 What can I do for you? Can I help you? I'd like... What's the price of... ? How much is... ? It's well worth the money. Have you got anything a little cheaper? How much does it come to? How much is it altogether? How many/much do you want? Try it for size. Will you show me... ? Have you got any... ? It's a bit too large (small, plain,gaudy, etc. ) for me. That's fine. I'll take it. That's too expensive,I'm afraid. What colour do you want? What size do you want? Do you have any other kind? 情景 交际问答常用语 问路 A.Excuse me. Where's the men's/ladies' room/toilet/restroom/washing room? Excuse me,can you tell me the way to...? How can I get to...? I don't know the way. B.Go down this street. Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. It's about... meters from here. 就餐 A.What would you like to have? Would you like something to eat/drink? B.I'd like... Would you like some more... ? Help yourself to some... C.Thank you. I've had enough. Just a little,please. 情景 交际问答常用语 约会 A.Are you free this afternoon/evening? How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at...? B.Yes,that's all right. Yes,I'll be free then. C.No,I won't be free then. But I'll be free... D.All right. See you then. 看病 A.What's wrong/the matter with you? How are you feeling today? B.There's something wrong with... I've got a cough.

  I feel terrible(bad). I don't feel well. I've got a pain here. This place hurts. C.Take this medicine three times a day. It's nothing serious. You'll be all right/well soon. 三、情感态度及其他 类别 常用语 惊奇 Really? How come? (何以会……?为什么)Is that so? What a surprise!

  Oh, dear! Good heavens!

  How amazing! I can't believe my eyes. 同情 I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry. What a pity/shame! That's really unlucky. Bad luck. Just my luck. 安慰 Don't worry.Don't be afraid. Take your time.

  Take it easy. Make yourself at home.

  It's quite all right. It'll be OK. 鼓励 Come on.  Cheer up. You can do it.

  You will make it. 同意 I quite agree. I couldn't agree more. Exactly. Certainly.

  Absolutely. Of course. All right/OK.

  That's a good idea. No problem.

  I think so. 类别 常用语 不同意 Not really. Not exactly. I don't quite agree.

  I don't think so. I'm afraid not.

  It's hard to say. No way. 禁止和 警告 A.You can't/mustn't... If you...you'll... B.Take care. Be careful! = Look out! (不)肯定 A.I'm sure. I'm sure (that)... B.I'm not sure. C.Maybe/Perhaps. 喜悦 I'm glad/pleased/happy to... That's nice. That's wonderful/great. 焦虑 What's wrong? What's the matter/trouble/problem (with you)? I'm/He's/She's worried. Oh, what shall I we do? 其他常考交际用语 It all depends !(视情况而定!);What if...?(倘若……会怎么样?);What for?(做什么用,为什么?);Got it!(明白了!)


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