第三部分 第十二讲 发挥合理想象, 灵活阐释开放作文 第二部分 (半)开放作文 开放性作文一般没有提示和要点的限制,从而更好地考查了考生对英语语言的综合运用能力及考生的想象力和创造力,因此,这种题型也越来越受到高考命题人的青睐。 一、试题特征 1.命题式开放性作文,即给出作文题目,要求考生根据对作文题目的分析、理解,自由发挥。命题式开放性作文不像图画式开放性作文那样受到内容或文章体裁方面的限制,命题式开放性作文根据内容要求可以是记叙文、议论文、说明文,也可以是应用文等。 2.图画式开放性作文,即给出一幅图画,要求考生根据图画内容及对图画的理解,写出英语作文。图画式一般有两种情况,一是事件或事故发生的图画,二是夸张式的寓意图。对于事件或事故发生的图画,一般采用记叙文文体;而对于寓意式的图画,一般采用议论文文体。根据不同内容的图画,考生可以套用不同的写作模式。 3.以湖北为代表的命题形式:不给出具体事例及提示的半开放性作文。 二、写作步骤 开放性作文没有要点提示。面对一幅抽象的图画或一个标题,考生往往感到茫然,不知所措。为此,建议考生在写作时从以下几个方面入手: 1.虚拟目标,有的放矢 首先,虚拟读者对象,以便具体地告诉读者某话题;然后,列出要点,写出提纲,从而变抽象为具体,使开放性作文成为限制性作文。
2.理解题意,联系生活 开放性作文的形式可分为图画式或命题式。对于图画式开放性作文,考生必须首先准确描述画面内容;其次,对图画的寓意深层解读;最后,结合生活实际进行联想,发表自己的看法,或给人们提出警示或建议。对于命题式开放性作文,首先必须准确理解题目意思,抓住标题中的关键词;其次,确定文章体裁,结合生活实际组织材料。
3.确立主题,列出提纲 不论是图画式开放性作文,还是命题式开放性作文,都要注意以下几点:一是审题,包括题目或图画的内容、命题老师的目的或意图、写作时需要使用的文章体裁等;二是定文章的主题、结构、层次;三是列出要点和提纲,即哪些东西需要写,哪些东西不需要写,做到心中有数;四是文章中所用的人称、时态、语态;五是文章所需要的词汇、短语、句型等。这就为后面的写作做好了充分的准备。
4.根据体裁,快速写作 不同的体裁,写作的方法和思路也不一样。考生要运用平时所了解到的文体特点,结合提纲,将文章要点组织起来,以便迅速写出文章。记叙文,通常第一段用一两句话交代事情发生的时间、地点、原因等,第二段叙述事情发生和发展的经过,第三段是事情发生的影响及人们对此的评价或看法。说明文,通常第一段用一两句话点出说明对象,第二段按照时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序进行讲解或介绍,第三段提出想法或建议。议论文,通常第一段用一两句话提出论点,第二段从正反两方面进行论证,第三段通过对上述第二段的分析,总结得出结论。应用文,首先注意应用文的格式,其次表达清楚所要讲的事情;最后要注意语言措辞及礼节等。 三、注意事项 1.认真审题,即审语境、审人称、审时态。 2.要紧扣主题,首尾呼应。 3.注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者意识。 4.要进行细致描写,有细节的支撑。 5.要有主次之分,详略得当。 6.必须符合逻辑。 7.要做到思想健康,积极向上。 8.内容新颖。新颖的内容能够充分体现考生的创造力,这正好符合新课标所提倡的素质教育的要求。 四、常用句式 1.The picture presents to us that... 这幅画向我们展示了…… 2.As is seen in the picture.../We can see from the picture that.. 从这幅图画中我们可以看到…… 3.So it is a better choice to... 因此……是更好的选择。 4.On one hand,I don't think it is right to... 一方面,我认为……是不正确的。
5.Therefore,when we...it is wise to... 因此,当我们……时,……是很明智的。 6.I think that this picture tries to tell us... 我想这幅图是想告诉我们…… 7.I sincerely hope that... 我真诚地希望…… 8.We must learn to... 我们必须学会……
(2017·高考浙江卷)请以“One Thing I'm Proud of”为题,用英语写一篇100~120个词的短文,记述一件你自己认为得意的事情。要求如下: 1.记述事情经过; 2.简要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示。 注意:文章的标题已给出(不计词数)。
我对这段经历感到骄傲,因为它让我意识到我们都能够发现自己的潜能,通过努力也能够实现我们的梦想。 I am really proud of this experience,because it helps me realize that we can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work.
核心词汇: ①打乒乓球:play table tennis ②决心做某事:be determined to do sth. ③挑战某人:challenge sb. ④以……而自豪:be proud of ⑤实现目标:achieve one's goal ⑥熟能生巧:Practice makes perfect.
要点四:我经常地观察他们,来学习他们的技巧。 I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques. 要点五:我一直练习。 I kept practicing. 要点六:我变得足够有信心来挑战优秀选手。 I became confident enough to challenge the good players.
要点七:学期结束时,我成为我们班级的最佳选手之一。 At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class. 要点八:它帮我更好地理解了“熟能生巧”这个谚语。 It also helps me better understand the proverb “Practice makes perfect”. One possible version: One Thing I'm Proud of I still remember how I became a good table tennis player. The first day I went to high school,I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis.Amazed at how skillful they were,I was determined to be just as good.Later on,I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques.Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players.At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class.
I am really proud of this experience,because it helps me realise that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work.In addition,it also helps me better understand the proverb“Practice makes perfect”. (2017·江西省五校第一次联考) 在英语课堂上,你的周围有一些学习效率高的同学,他们表现突出,这与他们良好的习惯是分不开的。请就此话题用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,举一两个例子说明他们的良好习惯,并谈谈你的看法。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
答案:Some students have always been very efficient at schoolwork, among whom, Li, monitor of our class, is an example. He distinguishes himself as the most productive student in the class.
When asked why he is always so productive, Li responded that it was some good habits that benefited him greatly and enabled him to be quite effective at schoolwork. Li always has a strictlyfollowed plan, for he believes that efficiency depends on good organization. Besides, he makes full use of his time. He listens attentively and takes notes in class, keeping close pace with the teacher. After class, he not only finishes the homework but also makes sure that consolidation work has been done. Moreover, he attaches great importance to critical thinking, with which he never accepts anything blindly.