2017年高考英语三轮复习专练(广东) 完形填空 专题2 完形填空解题五技巧——破解夹叙夹议文专题训练-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语三轮复习专练(广东) 完形填空 专题2 完形填空解题五技巧——破解夹叙夹议文专题训练

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题二 完形填空解题五技巧——破解夹叙夹议文


  Cloze 1

  I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict.I'm left __1__.Why do these people create mistrust and problems,especially with those from other __2__?

  I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s,when children from different races and religions played and studied __3__ in harmony.At that time my family lived a stone's __4__ from Ismail's.And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hindu—we just __5__ our differences.Perhaps,our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice,well __6__ or otherwise.

  We were nine when we became friends.During the school holidays,we'd __7__ the countryside on our bicycles,hoping to come across the unexpected.At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town.We would be glad of his __8__.

  When I was twelve,my family moved to Johor.Ismail's family later returned to their village,and I __9__ touch with him.

  One spring afternoon in 1983,I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur.I __10__ my destination.The driver acknowledged my __11__ but did not move off.Instead,he looked __12__ at me.“Raddar?” he said,using my childhood nickname(绰号).I was astonished at being so __13__ addressed(称呼).Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two __14__ we still recognized each other.Grasping his shoulder,I felt a true affection,something __15__ to describe.

  【语篇导读】 本文为夹叙夹议的文章,讲述作者在孩提时代和不同种族、不同宗教信仰的伙伴和睦相处。二十年后,再次相逢,亲密无间。

  1.A.interested B.pleased

  C.puzzled D.excited

  解析 interested感兴趣的;pleased高兴的;puzzled迷惑不解的;excited兴奋的。根据第一段第三句:为什么这些人之间会产生不信任和问题,尤其是同那些来自不同种族的人?可知答案为C。

  答案 C

  2.A.parties B.cities

  C.villages D.races

  解析 从下文内容及不断出现的race(s),可以推断答案为“种族”,故选D项。

  答案 D

  3.A.together B.around

  C.alone D.apart

  解析 句意:……当时不同种族和宗教信仰的孩子一起玩耍、念书,和睦相处。所以答案为A项。

  答案 A

  4.A.drop B.throw

  C.move D.roll

  解析 根据固定表达a stone's throw“一步之遥,近在咫尺”,可知答案为B项。

  答案 B

  5.A.refused B.made

  C.sought D.accepted

  解析 根据第二段第一句不同种族和不同信仰的孩子们和睦相处及第三句中的no one was bothered...可以推断答案为“接受”,故选D项。

  答案 D

  6.A.paid B.meant

  C.preserved D.treated

  解析 根据第二段最后一句:或许我们的前辈们没向我们灌输没必要的忠告……可以推断此处为well meant(善意的),故选B项。

  答案 B

  7.A.explore B.search

  C.discover D.desert

  解析 我们骑着自行车去乡下探寻,希望能有意外的收获。explore探索,探测;search搜查;discover发现;desert离弃。根据句意可知答案为A项。

  答案 A

  8.A.arrival B.choice

  C.effort D.company

  解析 根据第三段第三句中的accompany可知答案为“陪伴”,故选D项。

  答案 D

  9.A.lost B.gained

  C.developed D.missed

  解析 根据第四段:在我12岁时我家搬走了,Ismail一家后来也回到他们村里去,我和他失去了联系,故答案选A项。

  答案 A

  10.A.stated B.ordered

  C.decided D.chose

  解析 state说明;order命令;decide决定;choose选择。根据语境可知,我说明了目的地,所以选A项。

  答案 A

  11.A.attempts B.instructions

  C.opinions D.arrangements

  解析 attempt企图,努力;instruction指示,说明;opinion观点;arrangement安排。根据上一句可知,答案为“指示,说明”,故选B项。

  答案 B

  12.A.anxiously B.carelessly

  C.disappointedly D.fixedly

  解析 anxiously渴望地;carelessly粗心地;disappointedly失望地;fixedly固定地。根据情景可以推断,司机目不转睛地盯着我,所以答案为D项。

  答案 D

  13.A.familiarly B.strangely

  C.fully D.coldly

  解析 familiarly熟悉地;strangely奇怪地;fully完全地,全部地;coldly冷淡地。根据上文提到司机叫了我儿时的绰号,我对这么“熟悉地”被人称呼感到吃惊,所以答案为A项。

  答案 A

  14.A.departures B.months

  C.years D.decades

  解析 根据第二段第一句中的时间1960s和第五段第一句中的时间1983,可以推断时间相隔二十年,所以答案为D项。

  答案 D

  15.A.possible B.funny

  C.hard D.clear

  解析 句意:我紧紧抓住他的肩膀,感到一股真情,难以描述。根据句意可知答案为C项。

  答案 C

  Cloze 2

  (2017·广东卷)Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a __1__

  in number.Human beings are born with this ability.__2__,experiments show that many animals are,too.For example,many birds have good number sense.If a nest has four eggs and you remove one,the bird will not

  __3__.However,if you remove two,the bird

  __4__ leaves.This means that the bird knows the __5__ between two and three.

  Another interesting experiment showed a bird's

  __6__ number sense.A man was trying to take

  a photo of a crow(乌鸦)that had a nest in a tower,but the crow always left when she saw him coming.The bird did not __7__ until the man left the tower.The man had an

  __8__.He took another man with him to the tower.One man left and the other stayed,but they did not

  __9__ the bird.The crow stayed away until the second man left,too.The experiment was


  with three men and then with four men.But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were

  __11__.It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were __12__ able to fool the crow.

  How good is a human's number sense? It's not very good.For example,babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a __13__ group.But when the number goes beyond three or four,the children are

  __14__ fooled.

  It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world,and that our human

  __15__ is not much better than a crow's.

  【语篇导读】 这是一篇有趣的说明文。文章通过一些对比试验说明,许多鸟类也像人类一样具有一定的数字感知能力。

  1.A.rise B.pattern

  C.change D.trend

  解析 由下文的两个实验来看,都是数字的“变化”。其他三个选项“上升”“样式”“趋势”与文中内容几乎毫无关系。

  答案 C

  2.A.Importantly B.Surprisingly

  C.Disappointedly D.Fortunately

  解析 因“实验表明许多动物也跟人类一样具有这种能力”,这是“令人惊讶的”。其他选项“重要地”“失望地”“幸运地”与上下文内容无联系。

  答案 B

  3.A.survive B.care

  C.hatch D.notice

  解析 结合下句,特别是however可知,上下句的大意应是“如果鸟巢内有四个蛋,你移走一个蛋,这只鸟会没有注意到;然而,如果你移走两个蛋,这只鸟就会离开这里了”。其他选项“幸存”“关心”“孵化”不合语境。

  答案 D

  4.A.generally B.sincerely

  C.casually D.deliberately

  解析 这只鸟“通常”会离开,因为这个具体的例子是用来说明“many birds have good number sense”这个主题的。其它选项“真诚地”“无意地”“故意地”不合语境。

  答案 A

  5.A.distance B.range

  C.difference D.interval

  解析 这个例子谈到,四个中移走一个余下三个,这只鸟不会注意到;若移走两个,余下两个了,这只鸟就会离开这里了。这说明这只鸟知道余下两个与余下三个的“差别”。其余选项“距离”“范围”“间隔”与语境不符。

  答案 C

  6.A.amazing B.annoying

  C.satisfying D.disturbing

  解析 与上文中good number sense(良好的数字感)中的good相对应,也与第2题的答案surprisingly相对,故选“amazing (令人惊异的)”,近义复现。其他选项“讨厌的”“令人满意的”“烦扰的”不合语境。

  答案 A

  7.A.relax B.recover

  C.react D.return

  解析 与left相对,“离开”“返回”这两者也叫同现;与下文中return to the nest的return是原词复现。

  答案 D

  8.A.appointment B.excuse

  C.idea D.explanation

  解析 从下文看,这个人有了一个“主意”或想了一个“办法”。 其他选项“约会”“借口”“解释”均不合语境。

  答案 C

  9.A.fool B.hurt

  C.catch D.kill

  解析 由but可知,他们并没能“欺骗”那只乌鸦。与下文fool the crow中的fool是原词复现,也就是说从此可以得到启示。

  答案 A

  10.A.reported B.repeated

  C.designed D.approved

  解析 该实验先由一个人去接近那只乌鸦,然后又带一个人即共两个人去做这个实验,接着三个人、四个人去“重复”做这个实验。其他选项“报告”“设计”“证明”均与语境不符。

  答案 B

  11.A.confused B.gone

  C.tired D.drunk

  解析 那只乌鸦直到所有人都“不见了,消失了”才会回来。

  答案 B

  12.A.gradually B.luckily

  C.strangely D.finally

  解析 前面已分别由一个人、二个人、三个人、四个人重复做了四次了,直到五个人进了塔走了四个,即还有一个在塔里,他们才“最终”欺骗了这只乌鸦。结合文章倒数第二段讲14个月大的婴儿在数量超过三四个之后就常常被欺骗,就可理解。

  答案 D

  13.A.single B.small

  C.local D.new

  解析 由下文“But when the number goes beyond three or four...”可知,是指三四个以内的这样一“小”组东西。

  答案 B

  14.A.seldom B.temporarily

  C.merely D.often

  解析 由but可知,后文是表示与always notice相对的意思,当数量超过三四个以后,就“常常”能欺骗这些婴儿了。其他选项“很少”“暂时地”“只是”与语境不符。

  答案 D

  15.A.sight B.nature

  C.ability D.belief

  解析 由文章的首段可知,本文在讲到人具有数字感的同时,重点是讲动物的数字感,即有辨别数字变化的“能力”。

  答案 C


  Cloze 1

  All the kids were home for Thanksgiving this year.That is,our son,two daughters,their spouses,and most__1__,the grandchildren.The house was full,but we had a great time!

  On Saturday afternoon following the big turkey day,I was looking through Velvet and Steel,by John K.Ream.On page 27 of his book there are fourteen__2__sketches(素描),along with these__3__,“Have your children circle the picture that most reminds them of daddy!” This is an exercise John uses in his “Effective Father Seminars”.

  I__4__to my son who was sitting next to me on the couch and said,“I'll bet I__5__which of these pictures your daughter would __6__.”(There were sketches of a man laughing,another of one fishing,and etc.)I__7__out to my son the one I thought his daughter would pick.

  Just then my eight­year­old granddaughter entered the room.My son called to her,“Here sweetie,tell me which of these pictures reminds you of me.” She looked at one,__8__,and then went on to the next,but very__9__pointed to the one in the lower right hand corner.“This one reminds me of you,Dad,because you are always__10__me.”

  The sketch my granddaughter selected represented a__11__stooping down with one hand on a child's shoulder;the other pointed toward something.It was the exact picture I had selected,because I had watched my son time after time,hour after hour,show the__12__to teach and encourage his daughter.I was so__13__.She sees him that way,too!

  When our sons and daughters are born,we want for them many things—good__14__,a good education,happiness,and much more.These are all desirable,but nothing warms my heart more than seeing the __15__husband and father my son has become.

  1.A.important B.strange

  C.valuable D.special

  解析 此处强调最“重要的”是,自己的孙子和孙女都来了。

  答案 A

  2.A.meaningful B.abstract

  C.colorful D.different

  解析 根据第三段第一句后的“There were sketches of a man laughing,another of one fishing...”可知,此处指14张不同的(different)素描画。

  答案 D

  3.A.methods B.instructions

  C.comments D.signs

  解析 根据下一句中的“‘Have your children circle the picture...'”可知,这是书中所给的操作指南,故用instruction。

  答案 B

  4.A.drove B.came

  C.agreed D.turned

  解析 根据空后的“...who was sitting next to me...”可知,作者转向(turn)了坐在自己身边的儿子。

  答案 D

  5.A.know B.decide

  C.predict D.like

  解析 根据第五段第二句“It was the exact picture I had selected...”可知,孙女选择的图片正是作者预料到的,因此此处指作者“知道”孙女会选哪张图片。

  答案 A

  6.A.neglect B.insist

  C.pick D.draw

  解析 根据本段最后一句中的“...I thought his daughter would pick.”可知,此处用pick,指作者知道孙女会“选择”哪一张。

  答案 C

  7.A.took B.pointed

  C.found D.looked

  解析 作者很清楚孙女会选择哪张图片,因此给儿子指出了这张图片,故用point out。

  答案 B

  8.A.hesitated B.waited

  C.hurried D.checked

  解析 根据空后的“...and then went on to the next...”可知,孙女先是犹豫(hesitate)了一会儿。

  答案 A

  9.A.quietly B.suddenly

  C.quickly D.politely

  解析 她很快选择了一张她认为能代表父亲形象的图片,因此用quickly。

  答案 C

  10.A.praising B.teaching

  C.scolding D.supporting

  解析 根据下一段倒数第二句中的“...show the______to teach and encourage his daughter.”可知,此处指因为父亲总是“教导”她。

  答案 B

  11.A.woman B.grandfather

  C.teacher D.man

  解析 根据第三段中的sketches of a man laughing可知,图片描述的是一位男子的动作,故用man。

  答案 D

  12.A.courage B.pleasure

  C.patience D.skill

  解析 根据前面的“...time after time,hour after hour...”可知,作者的儿子对孩子十分负责,教育女儿时很有“耐心”。

  答案 C

  13.A.ashamed B.proud

  C.disappointed D.curious

  解析 根据下一句“She sees him that way,too!”可知,看到孙女眼中的父亲与自己眼中的儿子的形象相同,说明儿子真的尽了一个做父亲的责任,因此作者感到很“自豪”。

  答案 B

  14.A.mood B.memory

  C.image D.health

  解析 根据下文并列的成分a good education和happiness可推知,此处应指父母希望自己的孩子健康(health)。

  答案 D

  15.A.protecting B.pushing

  C.loving D.moving

  解析 根据文中提到的作者眼中儿子的形象和孙女眼中父亲的形象可知,作者的儿子是一个有爱心的(loving)丈夫和父亲。

  答案 C

  Cloze 2

  This was our time,our senior year.My best friend Beth and I had big dreams...But in my world of “big dreams”,this one small __1__ freshman did not appear on my radar.My best friend Beth was the first to __2__ her.

  “Kristi,did you see the girl standing by us in the lunch line,she looks so __3__,so out of place.” We had heard of a family that had just __4__ to our town from the country of Cambodia.We knew there was supposed to be a __5__ girl at our school from that family,but we had yet to meet her,until now.

  Leourn was a small dark­haired beauty.She __6__ with the little English she knew and that made it very __7__ for her to get to know people in our small town.Every day Leourn kept her eyes fixed on the floor and we never saw her look up.

  What could we do to help Leourn?With love and faith we decided to let her know that there were people who __8__.We sought out Leourn in the hall and said “Hi” and tried to continue to engage her in __9__.Leourn responded to us with smiles and small talk.

  When Valentine's Day came,I __10__ thought of Leourn and decided to send her a flower for the holiday.Thinking that she was __11__ learning our language and customs,I simply wrote,“Happy Valentine's Day,Leourn.Your friend Kristi.”

  I will __12__ forget that Valentine's Day.

  For the first time,Leourn was the one who __13__ me out.She found me in the hall with the carnation(康乃馨) in her hands.Then she did something __14__.She took her eyes off the floor,looked up at me with beautiful eyes and in a __15__ whisper said two words,“Thank You.”

  It was a life­changing moment for me.

  1.A.weak B.quiet

  C.silly D.brave

  解析 根据下文提到的Leourn每天盯着地板,不与人交往可知,她十分安静,故用quiet。

  答案 B

  2.A.accept B.greet

  C.notice D.introduce

  解析 根据上文的“...this one small ____ freshman did not appear on my radar.”可知,作者没有注意到她,是自己的好朋友第一个注意到了她。故选notice。

  答案 C

  3.A.lost B.satisfied

  C.proud D.pretty

  解析 根据空后的“so out of place”可知,女孩融入不了新环境,显得很迷茫,故用lost。

  答案 A

  4.A.returned B.objected

  C.travelled D.moved

  解析 根据上文可推知,女孩全家刚从柬埔寨移民过来,搬到了作者所在的小镇。其他三项均与语境不符。

  答案 D

  5.A.kind B.strange

  C.new D.familiar

  解析 根据上文提到的女孩全家刚刚搬来可知,作者猜测学校会来一位新生。

  答案 C

  6.A.struggled B.played

  C.met D.continued

  解析 根据空后的“with the little English she knew”可知,她懂的英语不多,所以在学校处境应该十分艰难,故用struggle。

  答案 A

  7.A.necessary B.convenient

  C.valuable D.hard

  解析 由语境可知,因为英语不好,所以她很难认识镇上的人,故用hard。

  答案 D

  8.A.failed B.wondered

  C.shared D.cared

  解析 根据作者和朋友对女孩的关怀可知,她们要让女孩知道有人关心她,故用care。

  答案 D

  9.A.conversation B.discussion

  C.explanation D.argument

  解析 根据上文“We sought out Leourn in the hall and said ‘Hi'”可知,作者和朋友跟女孩打招呼,想跟她交谈,故用conversation。其他三项均与语境不符。

  答案 A

  10.A.finally B.simply

  C.immediately D.steadily

  解析 根据上文作者对这个女孩的关心可推知,情人节来临的时候,作者马上就想到了这个女孩,故用immediately。

  答案 C

  11.A.already B.just

  C.still D.yet

  解析 女孩刚刚来到新的国家,刚开始学说英语,故选just。

  答案 B

  12.A.often B.seldom

  C.never D.even

  解析 根据最后一段“It was a life­changing moment for me.”可知,这个情人节对作者来说极为不寻常,因此让作者终生难忘,故用never。

  答案 C

  13.A.made B.took

  C.picked D.sought

  解析 根据下一句中的“She found me in the hall...”可知,女孩主动找到作者,故用seek out。

  答案 D

  14.A.polite B.amazing

  C.interesting D.important

  解析 根据下文女孩抬起头并且向作者表示感谢可知,女孩的改变让作者很吃惊,故用amazing。

  答案 B

  15.A.low B.long

  C.clear D.sudden

  解析 根据上文对女孩的描述和空后的whisper可知,女孩应该是低声向作者说了声“谢谢”。

  答案 A

  Cloze 3

  Tina's husband is an engineer by profession,she loves him for his steady nature and she loves the warm feeling when she leans against his broad shoulders.

  However,after five years' marriage,she would have to admit,that she is getting __1__ of it.The reasons of her __2__

  him before,have now transformed into the causes of all her restlessness.She is extremely __3__ when it comes to a relationship and her feelings while her husband is her complete opposite.His lack of sensitivity,and the __4__ of bringing romantic moinents into her marriage have disheartened her about love.

  One day,she decided to tell him her decision that she wanted a __5__.He kept __6__ the whole night,seemingly in deep thought.Her feeling of


  only increased.And finally he __8__ her,“What can I do to change your mind?” Looking deep into his eyes,she __9__ answered, “Here is the question.If you can answer it and

  __10__ my heart,I will change my mind.Let's say,I want a flower located on the face of a mountain cliff,and we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your __11__.Will you do it for me?” He said,“I would not pick that flower for you,but please allow me to explain the reasons further.You always __12__ the house keys behind,so I have to save my legs to rush home to open the door for you.You love traveling but always lose your way in a new city.I have to save my


  to show you the way...So I could not pick that flower yet,and die...” Her tears fell down,and she was very sure that no one will __14__ love her as much as he does...

  That's life and love.When one is surrounded by love,the feeling of excitement fades away,and one tends to __15__

  the true love that lies in between the peace and dullness.

  【语篇导读】 本文通过记叙Tina在得知丈夫其实一直深爱自己后,深受感动并打消了离婚的念头的故事告诉我们不要忽视了平淡、单调的生活背后的真爱。

  1.A.rid B.tired

  C.convinced D.expected

  解析 由句中的however可知,应与She loves him相反,故应填get tired of“对……感到厌倦”,是反义同现。

  答案 B

  2.A.hating B.supporting

  C.loving D.disliking

  解析 由句中的before知,讲的是之前的情况,也就是全文第一句提到的内容。loving与loves是原词复现。

  答案 C

  3.A.indifferent B.polite

  C.insensitive D.sensitive

  解析 由本句中while her husband is her complete opposite可知Tina与她的丈夫相反;再由下一句。His lack of sensitivity可知,应选D。sensitive与sensitivity是原词复现。

  答案 D

  4.A.ability B.inability

  C.possibility D.information

  解析 由and及前面的lack of sensitivity可知,应选inability。

  答案 B

  5.A.marriage B.cooperation

  C.divorce D.date

  解析 由前一句他没能给婚姻带来一丝浪漫使Tina对爱情泄气可知,她最终说出的决定应该是divorce“离婚”。divorce与marriage是反义同现。

  答案 C

  6.A.quiet B.calm

  C.conscious D.silent

  解析 由本句中seemingly in deep thought“似乎陷入了沉思”可知,应选silent(沉默)。

  答案 D

  7.A.disappointment B.satisfaction

  C.patience D.silence

  解析 由后面的increased推断,是她之前对婚姻的失望在增加,故选disappointment。disappointment与第二段的最后一句disheartened是近义词复现。

  答案 A

  8.A.told B.taught

  C.asked D.answered

  解析 由后面的问句可知,Tina的丈夫是在问Tina。

  答案 C

  9.A.angrily B.slowly

  C.happily D.excitedly

  解析 由第二段的最后一句和第三段的第三句以及前半句可知,Tina是心情并不好,故用slowly。

  答案 B

  10.A.convince B.break

  C.set D.bless

  解析 由本句中的I will change my mind推断,只有Tina的丈夫能回答她的问题且说服她的心,她才会改变主意。解题方法是逻辑推断。

  答案 A

  11.A.life B.anger

  C.anxiety D.death

  解析 由第三段倒数第二句话So I could not pick that flower yet,and die...可知,去悬崖上摘花会导致丈夫的死亡。death与die是原词复现。

  答案 D

  12.A.put B.leave

  C.throw D.get

  解析 由后半句Tina的丈夫要留着脚来帮她回去开门可知,她是把钥匙忘在家里,故选leave。解题方法是逻辑推断。

  答案 B

  13.A.ears B.face

  C.eyes D.legs

  解析 由前半句Tina总是迷路以及空格后要为她带路可知,应选eyes(眼睛)。解题策略是逻辑判断。

  答案 C

  14.A.ever B.never

  C.hardly D.seldom

  解析 由前半句她的眼泪流了下来以及下一段的内容可知,她明白了没有人会像她丈夫一样一直深爱着她,故选ever。解题策略是逻辑推断。

  答案 A

  15.A.value B.treasure

  C.understand D.ignore

  解析 由前半句When one is surrounded by love,the feeling of excitement fades away以及空格前的and可知,被人深爱着的人总是忽视平淡、单调生活背后的真爱。故选D。解题策略是逻辑推断。

  答案 D

  Cloze 4

  (2017·广东模拟卷)When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the opposite __1__ is as much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to __2__ in good health,or advice about how to __3__ and conduct yourself in society.If I cut the front article,the opposite one is likely to suffer __4__ ,leaving out half of it or keeping the text off the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,or the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the __5__


  Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your __6__ .You can only take up one of them:the other has to wait or be __7__ up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not __8__ you to do what is left behind.Thus you are __9__ in a different position and feel sad.How come nice __10__ and clever ideas should gather around all at once?It may happen that your life __11__ greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other.

  In fact that is what __12__ is like;we are often __13__ with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only before we get into another.The __14__ may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind.I still remember a philosopher's remarks:“When

  one door



  in life.”So a casual __15__ may not be a bad one.

  【语篇导读】 本文是夹叙夹议型文章。作者通过叙述剪报纸的经历,说明在人生中也常常遇到像剪报纸一样的情况,有有益的一面,也有无益的一面……

  1.A.newspapers B.side

  C.paper D.article

  解析 当作者看报纸时遇到了一篇好文章,正准备剪下来时,却发现背面也有一篇好文章。因此选B,opposite side(背面)。

  答案 B

  2.A.get B.bring

  C.lead D.keep

  解析 背面的文章可能是讨论“保持身体健康的方法”。固定搭配keep in good health。

  答案 D

  3.A.do B.help

  C.behave D.dress

  解析 “in society”意思是“在社会上”,因此这句话是说“关于社交举止的建议”。behave和conduct是近义词。

  答案 C

  4.A.damage B.ruin

  C.hurt D.injury

  解析 在剪前面的文章时背面的文章遭到损坏。

  答案 A

  5.A.satisfying B.regrettable

  C.surprising D.impossible

  解析 regrettable值得后悔的。

  答案 B

  6.A.courage B.patience

  C.strength D.attention

  解析 worth your attention值得你注意。

  答案 D

  7.A.given B.picked

  C.held D.made

  解析 一个人同时做两件事是办不到的,这是常识。只能做一件事,放弃另一件。

  答案 A

  8.A.persuade B.agree

  C.allow D.tell

  解析 改变了的情况或许不允许你做剩下的事情。

  答案 C

  9.A.filled B.struck

  C.caught D.attracted

  解析 be caught in固定搭配,意为“陷入”。

  答案 C

  10.A.chances B.conditions

  C.wishes D.ways

  解析 良机如何与良策同时聚集在一起呢?有了好主意,没有机会,也是白费。既要有良机,也要有良策。根据这句话的意思,应选A。

  答案 A

  11.A.progresses B.goes

  C.changes D.improves

  解析 这句话暗示了生活中每一次选择都很重要,但现实生活通常会改变人们的每一次选择。生活具有两面性,好的或坏的。

  答案 C

  12.A.fact B.life

  C.work D.living

  解析 上文提到“生活”会改变人们的选择,实际上,这就是“生活”的真实面目。

  答案 B

  13.A.supplied B.connected

  C.fixed D.faced

  解析 常常面对一个事物相对的两面。

  答案 D

  14.A.following B.former

  C.above D.next

  解析 后面出现了“the latter”,前面就应是“the former”。这是一组相对应的词。

  答案 B

  15.A.treatment B.action

  C.choice D.remark

  解析 根据作者的观点,“不经意地选择并不一定是不好的选择”。

  答案 C


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