2017年高考英语三轮复习专练(广东) 完形填空 专题1 完形填空高分三原则——攻克记叙文专题训练-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语三轮复习专练(广东) 完形填空 专题1 完形填空高分三原则——攻克记叙文专题训练

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第三部分 完形填空

  专题一 完形填空高分三原则——攻克记叙文


  (2017·湖南)When I was 8 years old,I once decided to run away from home.With my suitcase__1__and some sandwiches in a bag,I started for the front door and said to Mom,“I'm leaving.”

  “If you want to__2__,that's all right,” she said.“But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I__3__my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.

  “Wait a minute,”Mom said.“I want your__4__back.You didn't wear anything when you arrived.” This really angered me.I tore my clothes off—shoes,socks,underwear and all—and__5__,“Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered,“but once you close that door,don't expect to come back.”

  I was so__6__that I slammed(砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch.__7__I realized that I was outside,with nothing on.Then I noticed that down the street,two neighbor girls were walking toward our house.I ran to__8__behind a big tree in our yard at once.After a while,I was__9__the girls had passed by.I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly.

  “Who's there?” I heard.

  “It's Billy! Let me in!”

  The voice behind the__10__answered,“Billy doesn't live here anymore.He ran away from home.”Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming,I begged,“Aw,c'mon,Mom! I'm__11__your son.Let me in!”

  The door inched open and Mom's smiling face appeared.“Did you change your__12__about running away?” she asked.

  “What's for supper?” I answered.

  【语篇导读】 本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事类。一位年幼无知的8岁男孩儿决定离开家出走,母亲为了让孩子明白离开家的不易,故意让他净身出走。可是刚一出门,男孩儿就感觉到了离开家的不易,最后决定回到母亲身边。

  1.A.packed B.returned

  C.cleaned D.repaired

  解析 根据第一段第一句的once可知作者以前有过离家出走的打算。现在作者打包好行李,装进一些三明治,准备离家出走,用pack表示“打包,包装”,符合语境。

  答案 A

  2.A.drop out B.go by

  C.move around D.run away

  解析 根据第一段第一句话的run away from和最后一句话的leaving可知妈妈对作者说“如果你想走的话,没关系”, run away意为“离开”,符合语境。drop out退出,退学,脱离;go by经过;move around走来走去,均不符合语境。

  答案 D

  3.A.pressed B.shook

  C.threw D.pulled

  解析 根据上一句的“如果你想走的话,没关系。但是你进这个家时,一无所有,所以你也要用同样的方式离开”,作者为了发泄对妈妈说的话的不满,狠狠地扔下包和三明治,再次准备出走。

  答案 C

  4.A.bag B.clothes

  C.sandwiches D.suitcase

  解析 根据此空的下一句“didn't wear anything”和本段第五句的“tore my clothes off”可知此处指的是妈妈要要回我的衣服,故clothes正确。

  答案 B

  5.A.explained B.suggested

  C.continued D.shouted

  解析 根据本段第四句话“This really angered me.”可知当妈妈向他要衣服的时候他已经非常生气了,这时候脱下衣服的他更是控制不住自己的愤怒。所以shout“喊”,符合语境。

  答案 D

  6.A.angry B.sorry

  C.frightened D.ashamed

  解析 根据上一段第四句话“This really angered me.”可知作者当时是非常生气,所以使劲砰地关上门,走出了前门。

  答案 A

  7.A.Certainly B.Naturally

  C.Suddenly D.Possibly

  解析 作者在家里的时候控制不住自己的怒火,但是当时只顾生气没想那么多,一旦出了门之后就意识到自己一无所有了,这里用suddenly表示出门后一刹那间的感觉。

  答案 C

  8.A.play B.hide

  C.rest D.wave

  解析 根据上一句的two neighbor girls可知作者没穿衣服看到两个女孩后非常害怕被嘲笑,所以藏在了一棵大树后。hide意为“隐藏”,符合语境。

  答案 B

  9.A.sure B.proud

  C.eager D.curious

  解析 作者在跑回家敲门要求进屋之前应该要先确保那些女孩已经走开,否则会遭到她们的嘲笑,所以用 be sure。

  答案 A

  10.A.house B.tree

  C.door D.yard

  解析 根据上一个空后的“I dashed to the front door...”可知此处表示“门后的声音回答”,故C项正确。

  答案 C

  11.A.also B.still

  C.even D.already

  解析 根据此空后的“Let me in”可知此处表示“妈妈,我仍然是你的儿子”之意,故副词still“仍然”正确。

  答案 B

  12.A.conclusion B.promise

  C.concern D.decision

  解析 妈妈问我现在改变离家出走的决定了吗,根据语境可知decision“决定”符合语境。conclusion结论;promise允诺;concern关注,关心。

  答案 D


  Cloze 1

  When we think of green buildings,we tend to think of new ones—the kind of modern,solar­paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines.

  But the US has more than 100 million existing homes,and it would be incredibly __1__ to tear them all down and

  __2__ them with greener versions.

  An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses.And it would take an average of 65 years for the __3__ carbon emissions(排放) from a(an) __4__ energy­efficient(节能) home to make up for the


  lost by destroying an old one.

  So in the broadest sense,the greenest home is the one that has already been built.But at the same time,__6__ half of US carbon emissions come from heating,cooling and powering our __7__,offices and other buildings.“You can't deal with climate __8__ without dealing with existing buildings,” says Richard Moe,the president of the National Trust.

  With some exceptions,the oldest homes tend to be the

  __9__ energy­efficient.Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000,mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that __10__ over time and let in more outside __11__.

  __12__,there are a vast number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes,from __13__ ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own postwar home.And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth;they can help __14__ property owners from rising power __15__.

  【语篇导读】 为了建造一些环保的房子,因此考虑要拆除一些耗能大的旧房子。但其实拆除本身的消耗也是非常大的。幸运的是,现在有一些相对简单的改变,也可以让房子变得更环保。

  1.A.terrible B.wasteful

  C.wonderful D.useful

  解析 拆除他们是非常浪费的。后面tear them all down可看出选wasteful。

  答案 B

  2.A.put B.build

  C.replace D.take

  解析 replace...with...用……代替……。这里是:拆除这些旧房子,用环保的房子来替代他们,这个方法是很浪费的。

  答案 C

  3.A.reduced B.increased

  C.used D.destroyed

  解析 句意:从新的节能的房子中所减少的二氧化碳平均需要65年来弥补拆除老房子所消耗的资源。

  答案 A

  4.A.old B.fashionable

  C.new D.beautiful

  解析 见3题解析。

  答案 C

  5.A.magazines B.trees

  C.materials D.resources

  解析 见3题解析。

  答案 D

  6.A.nearly B.hardly

  C.rarely D.mostly

  解析 nearly几乎,差不多。差不多有一半的碳排放是来自于供热,降温,以及给我们的家、办公室等建筑物供电。

  答案 A

  7.A.libraries B.schools

  C.homes D.stores

  解析 本文主要讲述的是home。可以从第二段第一句existing homes看出。

  答案 C

  8.A.improvement B.appearance

  C.stability D.change

  解析 你处理不好气候变化。本文讲述的是多修建环保建筑,减少碳排放,以缓解气候变化。

  答案 D

  9.A.most B.really

  C.very D.least

  解析 老房子是最不节能的。

  答案 D

  10.A.expand B.narrow

  C.strengthen D.weaken

  解析 主要是因为那些随着时间的推移扩大的小裂缝让更多室外的空气流进室内。裂缝随着时间的推移应该是越来越大,所以要用expand扩大,伸展。

  答案 A

  11.A.dust B.air

  C.smoke D.water

  解析 室外的空气从裂缝里面进到室内来,才导致老房子不节能。

  答案 B

  12.A.Oppositely B.Unfortunately

  C.Fortunately D.Frankly

  解析 幸运的是,有很多相对简单的改变,这些改变能够让老房子更绿色、更环保。

  答案 C

  13.A.historic B.worthless

  C.ordinary D.meaningless

  解析 从那些具有历史意义的建筑像林肯的小屋到你自己的战后新家,都是例子。

  答案 A

  14.A.charge B.protect

  C.punish D.warn

  解析 效能升级不仅可以拯救地球,而且可以保护财产所有者不受增加的能源消耗之苦。protect sb from sth保护某人不受某事伤害。

  答案 B

  15.A.prices B.costs

  C.businesses D.bargains

  解析 cost消耗;成本。

  答案 B

  Cloze 2

  I saw the old man,with his untidy clothes and messy hair,as he dashed between the rows of the department store.He was trying to be ordinary but he was hard not to __1__.

  He __2__

  the saleswoman and with a slight

  __3__,possibly German,asked where the women's shoes were sold.“Fourth floor,”she responded in a voice I could hear 10 metres away.“ Pardon?Where did you say they were?” he asked again apparently __4__.Clearly the old man was somewhat

  __5__.“Fourth floor,sir,” the friendly saleswoman replied patiently,this time so __6__ that customers turned to see what was causing the __7__.

  I continued watching as the man thanked the saleswoman and

  __8__ for what I assumed was the fourth floor.But rather than walk to the __9__ or the lift,he dashed behind a shelf,took out a notebook and started writing hurriedly,with an almost mad


  on his face.Then he went straight up to another saleswoman and asked where the women's shoes were sold.Again he asked her to


  the answer and once more he walked away and took down some notes.

  He did this three more times before a department store __12__,thinking him mad,removed him from the store.But rather than be

  __13__,the old man departed with a huge smile on his face.Although

  the incident was __14__,it was not until a year later,during my first year of university,that I gave it any further

  __15__.I walked into my

  language classroom and met my professor.It was that very same man.

  【语篇导读】 作者描述了在一家商店见到的一个行为怪异的老人,一年后才发现这位老人正是自己的语言学教授。

  1.A.see B.notice



  解析 他尽力使自己很普通但是他很难不被人注意。be hard not to notice很难不被注意。notice注意到,留意到。

  答案 B

  2.A.followed B.interviewed

  C.chose D.approached

  解析 他走向那位女售货员,用带点地方口音,可能是德国口音的话问女士鞋在哪儿卖。approach走近,接近,靠近。

  答案 D

  3.A.doubt B.voice

  C.accent D.smile

  解析 accent口音,腔调,土腔。

  答案 C

  4.A.confused B.amused

  C.annoyed D.tired

  解析 “我没有听清楚,您刚才说在哪儿卖?”他又问了一遍,显然有点困惑。confused困惑的,烦恼的。

  答案 A

  5.A.silly B.shy

  C.deaf D.weak

  解析 显然这位老人有点儿聋。deaf聋的。

  答案 C

  6.A.angrily B.loudly

  C.suddenly D.quickly

  解析 “四楼,先生,”那位友好的女售货员耐心地回答道,这一次声音是如此响亮以至于顾客们都转过头来看是什么打扰了他们。loudly高声地。

  答案 B

  7.A.disturbance B.accident

  C.pleasure D.quarrel

  解析 disturbance扰乱,忧虑,不安。

  答案 A

  8.A.put away B.passed away

  C.pulled off

  D.headed off

  解析 当那位老人谢过女售货员后我继续注视着他,他不像我预想的那样径直去四楼。head off中的head是vi.,off是副词“朝……方向”。此处的head off与后面的介词for搭配,核心结构为head for=go straight to“直接去(某处)”。

  答案 D

  9.A.shoes B.stairs

  C.exit D.sign

  解析 他不是走向楼梯或电梯,而是奔向一个货架后。stair楼梯。并列连词or后的lift暗示了答案。

  答案 B

  10.A.confusion B.appearance

  C.pain D.expression

  解析 他拿出一个笔记本,开始匆忙写起来,脸上有一种几乎疯狂的表情。with an almost mad expression on his face为with复合结构作伴随状语。expression表情,神色。

  答案 D

  11.A.reply B.recite



  解析 然后他直接走到另一位女售货员那里问女士鞋在哪里卖,又一次他让女售货员重复回答,之后他走开并记录着什么。

  答案 C

  12.A.security­guard B.customer

  C.saleswoman D.policeman

  解析 在他又做了三次这种事后认为他是疯子的百货公司保安把他赶出了商场。

  答案 A

  13.A.arrested B.embarrassed

  C.relaxed D.refused

  解析 但他不仅没有感到窘迫而是对保安展现出灿烂的笑容。embarrassed困窘的,局促不安的,不好意思的。

  答案 B

  14.A.unusual B.serious

  C.dangerous D.unforgettable

  解析 尽管这件事很不寻常,但是直到一年之后,当我成了大一学生我才有了更进一步的想法。unusual不寻常的,异乎寻常的,罕见的。

  答案 A

  15.A.wonder B.sense

  C.thought D.idea

  解析 我走进语言学教室见到了我的教授,正是那个我在商店见到的怪异的老人。这让我对那件事有了新的想法。thought思想,想法。

  答案 C

  Cloze 3

  It was a hot summer day and the air was filled with the smell of freshly­cut grass.I was six years old __1__ in my backyard with kids __2__ to the neighborhood.My mom came out with lunch for us,and one of my friends said,“Hey,your mom is __3__.She only has one leg.”

  I never thought my mother was disabled;I never really __4__ that she only had one leg.As my mom __5__ us lunch,I asked,“Mom,are you disabled and why do you have one leg?”

  My mom put down the tray of food and then __6__ at all of us with a big smile.She was not __7__;she almost knew the __8__ was coming.She was excited to tell us the story about what happened.My friends and I __9__ her as she began to tell her story about the loss of her leg.

  My mom said it all happened when she was five.She said it all started with a __10__.She was given a medical examination after the fall,showing that she had cancer.My grandmother took her to Boston.The doctors would have to __11__ her leg before the cancer __12__ to any of her vital organs.The next day they did the operation and cut her leg off.

  My mom said that for over two years she had to go back and forth to Boston to get chemotherapy(化疗).My mom said that it made her __13__ all her hair on top of her head.

  As my mom told us the __14__,with my friends all around,all I could think of was that my mom was the __15__ person in the world.It was scary then but when I look at her today,she is beautiful to me,for she is my mom.

  1.A.playing B.eating

  C.working D.quarrelling

  解析 根据文章第一句所交代的情景可知,作者应该是在跟小朋友玩耍。因此选A项。

  答案 A

  2.A.rude B.close

  C.new D.friendly

  解析 根据下文小朋友们发现作者的母亲残疾并且非常吃惊可知,他们是刚来社区的孩子,故用new。

  答案 C

  3.A.wounded B.disabled

  C.disappointed D.embarrassed

  解析 根据下一段中的“I never thought my mother was disabled”可知,母亲是残疾人。

  答案 B

  4.A.realized B.wondered

  C.understood D.doubted

  解析 根据下文作者问的问题“Mom,are you disabled and why do you have one leg?”可知,作者从来没有意识到母亲有残疾。故选realized。

  答案 A

  5.A.brought B.sold

  C.cooked D.served

  解析 根据上文作者的母亲给大家带来了午饭可知,此处指伺候大家吃午饭,故用serve。

  答案 D

  6.A.pointed B.shouted

  C.looked D.laughed

  解析 根据下文母亲平静的表现可知,她应该是面带微笑看着一帮孩子。其他三项均与语境不符。

  答案 C

  7.A.nervous B.angry

  C.serious D.crazy

  解析 根据上一句中的“...with a big smile.”可知,作者的母亲面对小孩子们的疑问并没有生气。

  答案 B

  8.A.question B.challenge

  C.truth D.explanation

  解析 根据下一句“She was excited to tell us the story about what happened.”可知,作者的母亲很高兴给大家讲述自己的经历,由此可推知,此处应指她似乎知道孩子们要问这样的问题。

  答案 A

  9.A.encouraged B.helped

  C.followed D.surrounded

  解析 根据最后一段中的“with my friends all around”可知,此处指作者和朋友们围绕着母亲。

  答案 D

  10.A.fall B.test

  C.disease D.mistake

  解析 根据下一句中的“after the fall”可知,母亲小时候摔了一跤。

  答案 A

  11.A.press B.tie

  C.remove D.treat

  解析 根据下文的“cut her leg off”可知,医生不得不把她的一条腿切去,故用remove。

  答案 C

  12.A.belonged B.reacted

  C.spread D.replied

  解析 根据常识可知,医生把作者母亲的一条腿切去是为了防止癌细胞扩散,故用spread。

  答案 C

  13.A.dye B.protect

  C.hide D.lose

  解析 根据“...to get chemotherapy(化疗).”并结合常识可知,化疗使母亲的头发都掉光了,故用lose。

  答案 D

  14.A.lie B.story

  C.note D.news

  解析 根据上文多次提到的story可知,此处指作者的母亲讲述自己失去一条腿的故事。

  答案 B

  15.A.cleverest B.strongest

  C.kindest D.prettiest

  解析 根据上文母亲叙述的经历可知,她十分坚强。

  答案 B

  Cloze 4

  The mother of the youngest British soldier to die in Afghanistan will go on hunger strike in protest the government.Disabled Lucy Aldridge __1__ £ 300 a week in benefits after son William,18,died in an explosion in 2009,__2__ her £ 218,000 in insurance and death­in­service payouts.The __3__

  mum says she is prepared to die to get David Cameron to change rules which __4__ her carrying out her son's final wishes.Lucy,44,will stop taking __5__ on Monday and is sending her sons George,nine,and Archie,seven,to stay with close relatives.

  Her __6__ son William died seven weeks after his 18th birthday while serving with The 2nd Battalion,The Rifles in July 2009.His troop was __7__ by two roadside bombs in a “daisy chain” Taliban attack in Helmand province.In

  all,five Riflemen died in the __8__.Brave William,who __9__ behind girlfriend Zeta Prince,spent his last moments helping the injured and __10__ badly­wounded commanding officer Major Alistair Field.After William died around £ 218,000 was paid into his estate from death­in­service and __11__ payouts.Before leaving home for the last time the __12__ told his mum that if he died in action he __13__ all the money to be used for the upbringing of his two younger brothers.

  But Lucy told yesterday how her housing and council tax benefit and income support,have all been __14__ since the money was paid into William's estate which she manages.She has been

  __15__ with eviction (赶出) from her three­bedroom home in Herefordshire over rent arrears (欠账) and warned she faces bailiffs (法庭监守) for non payment of council tax.Lucy tried to kill herself by taking an overdose in June.

  【语篇导读】 本故事讲述的是一个女人因儿子在战场上死了而政府停发她的补助金,而想以自杀来唤起政府改变政策。

  1.A.won B.lost

  C.earned D.made

  解析 母亲因儿子战死沙场而拿不到300元一周的抚恤金。

  答案 B

  2.A.making B.lending

  C.leaving D.offering

  解析 现在分词表结果。这个句子的主语是william,他死后自然就把保险金留给母亲。

  答案 C

  3.A.beautiful B.single

  C.young D.strong

  解析 根据上下文可知,这个母亲是单身的,故选single。

  答案 B

  4.A.prevent B.inspire

  C.hope D.require

  解析 这些规章阻止(prevent)她实现她儿子最后的愿望。

  答案 A

  5.A.transport B.shelter

  C.clothes D.food

  解析 根据第一句中的will go on hunger strike in protest the government可知她要绝食。

  答案 D

  6.A.youngest B.oldest

  C.biggest D.eldest

  解析 根据上下文可知在战场上死去的肯定是她的长子。

  答案 D

  7.A.met B.hit

  C.hurt D.cut

  解析 他的部队“被袭击”了。

  答案 B

  8.A.war B.bomb

  C.attack D.battle

  解析 因为attack与前面句子in a “daisy chain” Taliban attack属同词复现。

  答案 C

  9.A.left B.met

  C.braced D.kissed

  解析 根据上下文可知,他在自己受了伤的情况下,“撇下”自己的女朋友而去照顾受伤的指挥官,可知他的品德是多么的高尚。政府却这样对待她的母亲,反映了社会的黑暗。

  答案 A

  10.A.comforting B.carrying

  C.pleasing D.scolding

  解析 根据上下文可知他撇下自己的女朋友去comfort他受伤的指挥官。

  答案 A

  11.A.government B.death

  C.insurance D.food

  解析 与文章的第一句...in insurance and deathin­service payouts同词复现。在第一段提到他死后有一笔保险金。本来是留给他母亲和自己的弟弟生活的,可现在却要拿去交房租。

  答案 C

  12.A.woman B.girlfriend

  C.officer D.teenager

  解析 他刚刚才过18岁生日,所以在最后一次离开家时自然就是一个teenager了。

  答案 D

  13.A.hoped B.wanted

  C.received D.suggested

  解析 根据上下文可知他是“想”把自己死后的补助留给两个弟弟生活的,多好的小伙子!

  答案 B

  14.A.given B.lost

  C.stopped D.received

  解析 根据上下文可知她所有的补助已被终止了,所以用stopped。

  答案 C

  15.A.threatened B.warned

  C.informed D.told

  解析 因为交不起房租,所以她被“威胁”要赶出出租屋。

  答案 A

  Cloze 5

  Edison was always an addicted smoker,and used to keep a number of boxes of __1__ in his room,and these were a __2__ object of interest to his colleagues.First one man,then another,would enter the room,ask Edison some trivial question,and when leaving would manage,__3__,to insert his hand in one of the boxes and sneak three or four choice cigars.Edison began to __4__ something of the kind,and one day he called on his tobacconist,__5__ things,and got the man to fix up some fearful “ smokes,”consisting of old bits of rag,tea leaves,and shavings,and worth about two dollars a barrel.These were done up in __6__ boxes,and delivered to the laboratory.Nothing happened,however,there was a __7__ in the number of Edison's visitors,but no casualties (伤亡人员) were reported.Then one day Edison again called at the

  __8__,and inquired of his dealer if he had forgotten to send up the

  __9__ cigars.“Why,Mr.Edison,” replied the __10__ tobacconist,“I sent up ten boxes of the worst concoctions (调和物) I could make two months ago.Aren't your __11__

  through with them yet?” Then Edison made a rapid __12__,divided the number of cigars by his daily allowance,and was forced to the __13__ conclusion that he had consumed those “life destroyers” himself.There and then he gave a big order for his __14__ brand,and his cigars __15__ once more with their accustomed speed.

  【语篇导读】 这篇文章是篇关于爱迪生的逸闻趣事,他是个瘾君子,办公室里总放着成箱的雪茄,他的同事们总是偷偷地拿走他的雪茄,他就想了个法子想整整他的同事,没想到最终是自己成了“受害者”。

  1.A.documents B.chocolates

  C.cigars D.matches

  解析 由前文中的smoker可知。

  答案 C

  2.A.constant B.temporary

  C.changeable D.short­term

  解析 由前面的used to可知,选constant(经常的)。句意:成箱的雪茄成了他的同事们经常捞便宜的对象。

  答案 A

  3.A.unheard B.unseen

  C.untouched D.unmade

  解析 他的那些同事借故来他这儿问个琐屑的问题,走时偷偷拿走他的雪茄,当然是“不被看见地(unseen)”拿走。

  答案 B

  4.A.suspect B.find

  C.watch D.decide

  解析 爱迪生开始“怀疑”这事了。

  答案 A

  5.A.described B.explained

  C.told D.enjoyed

  解析 爱迪生到烟草商那儿向他“解释,说明”此事。

  答案 B

  6.A.ordinary­looking B.ill­favored

  C.strange­looking D.attractive­looking

  解析 他要烟草商帮他“整”出(fix up)一些不好的烟来,放在样子吸引人的盒子里,以迷惑别人,让人感觉那“烟”很好。

  答案 D

  7.A.going up B.going with

  C.falling off D.falling down

  解析 来“拜访”他的人数少了,可以推断,一定有人试过这烟,发现了真相,所以不再到他那儿去了。

  答案 C

  8.A.park B.school

  C.store D.hospital

  解析 爱迪生又来到烟草商这里,当然是在store,而不是其他地方。

  答案 C

  9.A.real B.fake

  C.true D.fine

  解析 他问烟草商有没有把上次他用破布、茶叶、刨花“整”出来的烟送到他那儿,那样的烟当然是“假的,伪劣的”。

  答案 B

  10.A.amazed B.excited

  C.delighted D.frightened

  解析 烟草商发货了,当然对他的问题感到“惊讶”,amazed。

  答案 A

  11.A.family B.relatives

  C.men D.leaders

  解析 烟草商反问:不是你的人完成这事的吗?不可能是他的家人或是亲戚,文中也没有提及他的领导。

  答案 C

  12.A.recovery B.calculation

  C.transition D.progress

  解析 由后面的divided...by...(用……除以……)可知是“计算”。

  答案 B

  13.A.pleasant B.reasonable

  C.curious D.painful

  解析 爱迪生最终发现是自己受用了那些“life destroyer”,这当然是他得出的痛苦的(painful)结论。

  答案 D

  14.A.common B.ordinary

  C.normal D.usual

  解析 订的是他常用的(usual)的那个牌子。common“常见的”;ordinary“平凡的,不出众的”;normal“正常的”都不符合题意。

  答案 D

  15.A.disappeared B.arose

  C.happened D.dropped

  解析 他又用回原来牌子的雪茄了,他的同事们当然又来偷拿了,雪茄当然就像之前“习惯的(accustomed)”速度“消失(disappeared)”了。

  答案 A


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