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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  “Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect

  36 of Chinglish.

  Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a


  English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American


  . I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not 39__ me at all. So I did a


  on Google. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages

  41 "Long time no see". This sentence has been 42

  used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is 43

  informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily.

  44, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the


    will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected. Nobody knows the 46

  of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully 47

  a world wide famous Chinese detective named "Charlie Chan" on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom 48

  quoting Confucius. "Long time no see" was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, "Long time no see" became a 49 phrase in the real world 50 the popularity of these movies.

  Some people


  America to a huge melting pot(大熔炉). All kinds of culture are

  52 in the pot together, and they


  the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数种族) group in the United States, is also


  some changes to the stew(混杂物)! Language is usually the first thing to be


  in the mixed pot.

  36. A. example

  B. sign

  C. word

  D. change

  37. A. damaged

  B. perfected

  C. learned

  D. ruined

  38. A. custom

  B. greeting

  C. habit

  D. proverb

  39. A. persuade

  B. encourage

  C. convince

  D. believe

  40. A. job

  B. research

  C. survey

  D. search

  41. A. containing

  B. printing

  C. publishing

  D. expressing

  42. A. widely

  B. hardly

  C. seldom

  D. deeply

  43. A. lots of

  B. plenty of

  C. lot of

  D. sort of

  44. A. Therefore

  B. Though

  C. However

  D. Anyhow

  45. A. hardware

  B. software

  C. operator

  D. speaker

  46. A. use

  B. origin

  C. expression

  D. meaning

  47. A. created

  B. published

  C. did

  D. discovered

  48. A. by

  B. in

  C. with

  D. of

  49. A. ordinary

  B. rare

  C. modern

  D. popular

  50. A. in spite of

  B. as to

  C. thanks to

  D. but for

  51. A. compare

  B. add

  C. join

  D. owe

  52. A. joined

  B. mixed

  C. piled

  D. done

  53. A. improve

  B. change

  C. lower

  D. promote

  54. A. owing

  B. putting

  C. taking

  D. contributing

  55. A. influenced

  B. mentioned

  C. used

  D. considered























  Over the past five years, I’ve spent about 2, 000 hours watching Warren Buffett work, and I’ve never seen anybody use his time more 1 . He does not do meetings, especially meetings where people sit around and plan their 2 one. It’s a time-waster. Instead he sees people 3 and will give a yes or no 4 to their proposals.  5 he’ll ask questions. But once he makes a 6 , he never revisits it. He’s incredibly efficient. 

  He does not book up his day with a lot of activity. He keeps his 7 very open so that he’s 8 to do what he wants and likes to do. Those who need 9 to him have it. And if someone from his inner circle calls, he 10 his own phone. (All others go through his secretary.) 

  He’s inspired me to be a much better 11 of my own time. 

  I am more focused, and I’ve 12 nonessential things. I make time for what I really like to do—things 13 gardening and traveling. I have given up hot-air ballooning, which I like only 14 . 

  Also, Warren Buffett never 15 those closest to him. He’ll only praise the qualities that he likes and admires. People feel 16 around him because of this and try to 17 what he wants. If he hadn’t told me I was a good writer when I was still in finance, I would never have 18 a biography of him. I hadn’t written a (an)  19 before. 

  But he believed in me. Here I am today, the 20 of a new biography of Warren Buffett (The Snowball). All because he said, “You can do it.” 

  1. A. differentlyB. slowlyC. effectivelyD. quickly

  2. A. lastB. nextC. formerD. best

  3. A. collectivelyB. frequentlyC. individuallyD. outside

  4. A. responseB. admissionC. wordsD. speech

  5. A. SeldomB. ClearlyC. OccasionallyD. Probably

  6. A. choiceB. decisionC. planD. suggestion

  7. A. doorB. eyesC. mindD. schedule

  8. A. freeB. allowedC. likelyD. willing

  9. A. timeB. moneyC. diaryD. access

  10. A. picks up B. picks outC. picks offD. picks on

  11. A. ownerB. managerC. plannerD. saver

  12. A. wiped awayB. wiped out  C. wiped upD. wiped down

  13. A. likeB. especiallyC. asD. with

  14. A. muchB. littleC. a littleD. more

  15. A. criticizesB. separatesC. disappointsD. puzzles

  16. A. anxiousB. safeC. steadyD. optimistic

  17. A. look forward toB. stick to C. live up toD. refer to

  18. A. underwentB. performedC. undertakenD. voided

  19. A. storyB. articleC. reportD. narrative

  20. A. sellerB. readerC. authorD. buyer



  What separates people who reach their goals from everyone else is their ability to stay on track, despite challenges. __36__ will come; you can bet there will be chances for you to __37__ track. If you’re an athlete, it may be an injury that causes you to have to __38__ practices. If you’re trying to get to a healthy weight, you may have to travel __39__ and stay with a friend who doesn’t like to __40__. The point is that some kind of challenge will __41__.

  How we deal with these challenges __42__ the victims from the victors. You can use

  challenges as a stepping __43__ or as a block, and you can use them to __44__ your ambition or

  block your view; the __45__is yours.

  Challenges should __46__ to make you stronger and more consistent as you attend to each

  difficulty. They should cause your __47__ to dig deeper, in search of a (an) __48__.

  The problem arises when you don’t __49__ challenges. If you can predict potential

  problems and plan __50__, you will have confidence and your belief in yourself will __51__ up.

  Your ability to stay __52__ and overcome difficulties is what will __53__ and allow you to achieve your goal.

  Start working toward your dreams daily. Get started by setting __54__ what your next step

  is to accomplish your goal. Then get into __55__ as you move closer to your goal daily.

  36. A. Abilities

  B. Goals

  C. Possibilities

  D. Challenges

  37. A. get off

  B. stick to

  C. take off

  D. attend to

  38. A. appreciate

  B. strengthen

  C. miss

  D. confuse

  39. A. disappointedly

  B. unexpectedly

  C. deliberately

  D. daily

  40. A. knock over

  B. get through

  C. put up

  D. work out

  41. A. arise

  B. raise

  C. appoint

  D. turn

  42. A. separates

  B. protects

  C. shelters

  D. deserts

  43. A. appointment

  B. arrangement

  C. stone

  D. expectation

  44. A. produce

  B. ignore

  C. reduce

  D. strengthen

  45. A. choice

  B. comment

  C. preparation

  D. promise

  46. A. provide

  B. serve

  C. offer

  D. expect

  47. A. characteristics

  B. ability

  C. roots

  D. signs

  48. A. solution

  B. comfort

  C. study

  D. adaptation

  49. A. blame

  B. accept

  C. meet

  D. expect

  50. A. actually

  B. otherwise

  C. beforehand

  D. after

  51. A. put

  B. build

  C. get

  D. bring

  52. A. solved

  B. focused

  C. deserted

  D. reduced

  53. A. get you away

  B. find you out

  C. set you apart

  D. keep you off

  54. A. down

  B. up

  C. about

  D. out

  55. A. effort

  B. measure

  C. plan

  D. action

  36—55 DACBD





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