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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been


  to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to


  them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how


  this method has been. We have set innumerable


  , from simple wires to


  machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with


  developed germs. We’ve

  27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the



  So why can’t man manage to


  a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat


  : wriggle through a hole no


  than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same


  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away


  ; and last but certainly not least ,


  so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!


  all these phyical qualities, we also have the


  that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to


  when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve


  it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to


  a trap with no real difficulty.

  One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to


  these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

  21. A. Trying

  B. managing

  C. coming

  D. failing

  22. A. solve

  B. drive

  C. kill

  D. murder

  23. A. effective

  B. efficent

  C. explict

  D. extreme

  24. A. troops

  B. tricks

  C. tyres

  D. traps

  25. A.commercial

  B. complictated

  C. conventional

  D. contemporary

  26. A. secretly

  B. especially

  C. specially

  D. separately

  27. A. ever

  B. never

  C. just

  D. even

  28. A. competition

  B. companion

  C. battle

  D. challenge

  29. A. Overcome

  B. hunt

  C. grasp

  D. interrupt

  30. A. should

  B. can

  C. must

  D. may

  31. A. larger

  B. smaller

  C. less

  D. more

  32. A. method

  B. way

  C. means

  D. road

  33. A. harmed

  B. unharmed

  C. brave

  D. clumsy

  34. A. adopt

  B. grow

  C. multiply

  D. accelerate

  35. A. In spite of

  B. Owing to

  C. In addition to

  D. At the mercy of

  36. A. phenomenon

  B. problem

  C. principle

  D. privilege

  37. A. touch

  B. taste

  C. feel

  D. sense

  38. A. after

  B. when

  C. since

  D. before

  39. A. realize

  B. recognize

  C. ruin

  D. rewind

  40. A. win

  B. hit

  C. strike

  D. defeat


  21. A

  22. C

  23. A

  24. D

  25. B

  26. C


  28. C

  29. A

  30. B

  31. A

  32. B

  33. B

  34. C

  35. C

  36. B

  37. D


  39. B

  40. D


  Summer cools down in August when the city features a lot of jazz to send excitement to any music fan.From the beginning of August 28,the city hosts a week of jazz performances in a variety of places.

  This year’s annual Jazz Festival in Grant Park will offer a “Tribute to New Orleans”,with performers from the city,honoring the birthplace of Jazz.Jazz fans who want to be part of the week­long celebration can start with a free concert at Millennium Park’s famous Pritzker Pavilion on Monday,August 28 at 6∶30 p.m..

  •Other events will include:

  Tuesday,August 29—the Jazz Institute of Chicago presents the Fourth Annual Gala Concert.

  Wednesday,August 30—Heat up Wednesday night with a ride to the best jazz hot spots and learn a bit of history of the genre(类型) with the Jazz Institute’s Jazz Club Tour,which starts at 6 p.m. until midnight.For one low price,visit more than a dozen Jazz Clubs.The tour covers nearly every inch of Chicago.

  The Chicago Jazz Festival officially opens with a ticketed performance at the Symphony Center on Thursday,August 31.Then,the festival moves to Grant Park on Friday,September 1,for three days of free music on three stages.The event opens daily at 11 a.m..

  Performance hours are:

  Jazz on Jackson Stage 12 p.m.—4∶30 p.m.

  Jazz & Heritage Family Stage 12∶30 p.m.—4∶30 p.m.

  Petrillo Music Shell 5 p.m.—9∶30 p.m.

  •In addition to the music,the Chicago Jazz Festival features an art fair located in the rose garden just south of Jackson.The fair offers a variety of handmade crafts and artwork.

  1.What is special for the Chicago Jazz Festival this year?

  A.Jazz on Jackson Stage. B.Jazz & Heritage Family Stage.

  C.Tribute to New Orleans. D.Jazz Club Tour.

  2.According to the text,most probably Pritzker Pavilion is


  A.a place to hold the concertB.a well­known jazz band

  C.a famous jazz performerD.a jazz fan

  3.Which of the following events needs to be paid to attend?

  A.The concert at Millennium Park.

  B.The Fourth Annual Gala Concert.

  C.The Jazz Institute’s Jazz Club Tour.

  D.The Art Fair in the Rose Garden.

  4.The purpose of writing the ads is to


  A.introduce the Chicago Jazz Festival

  B.welcome people to the week of jazz performances

  C.earn more money from tourists

  D.honor the birthplace of Jazz

  1.It was a spring day,and I was washing the dishes when I happened to look out of the kitchen window into the backyard. (完形填空第二段)


  (1)I was just getting into the bath when the telephone rang.


  (2)Mr. Green was about to begin when Jennie spoke first.


  2.Like Jeremy,all I needed was to turn around and fix my eyes on my father who had also been watching over me all the time. (完形填空最后一段)


  (1)His eyes were fixed on the distant yacht.


  (2)He sat there,with his eyes fixed on the blackboard.


  3.From the beginning of August 28,the city hosts a week of jazz performances in a variety of places. (阅读理解第一段)


  (1)A variety of fitness activities have been performed.


  (2)The variety of plants in China is large.


  4.In addition to the music,the Chicago Jazz Festival features an art fair located in the rose garden just south of Jackson. (阅读理解最后一段)


  (1)In addition to his flat in London,he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.


  (2)In addition,there are six other applicants.

  除此之外,还有六个申请人。Ⅱ. 1.C 2.A 3.C4.B


  I was sitting at the bar of a local restaurant having __36__ and taking a break. A pretty girl who looked about 25 walked in and sat down in a booth(饭馆的小隔间) __37__ for her friend. It didn’t take long __38__ I saw she was trying to stay __39__ from other people’s gazes(注视) and my heart sank. You could see her hair was __40__ and, at such a young age, she was receiving chemo(化疗).

  I sat there watching her trying to remain composed(镇静的) and she was having a __41__ time of it. I __42__ for her, imagining what it must be like to go through this and yet I know some of her __43__.

  You see I __44__ my wife, the love of my life just a few short years ago and watched her slowly fade away. I needed to give a message of __45__ to this girl. But how? What could I do?

  Then it __46__ to me! I called over her waitress and explained that I wanted to buy the girl and her friend’s lunch but I also told her not to tell her it was me. I also __47__ the waitress a note to give to the girl.

  The note __48__ as follows:

  “ Someone today thought you were beautiful; someone today thought your smile glowed __49__ excitement; someone today thought your eyes __50__ up the world; someone today cared and wanted you to know this. Enjoy the rest of your day, pretty young lady.”

  About 15 minutes later, the young girl asked for her __51__ and I watched as she was told it was paid for. She asked why? Who? What for? The waitress simply handed her the note and __52__ to her the gentleman who did it left.

  I watched as she slowly read the note. Her eyes tore up, for only a moment, and then came the smile! A huge, beautiful, hopeful smile! She lit up the room and then sat up straight, not __53__ who saw her.

  It’s not __54__ we look or what we have; it’s not our houses or how many cars we have; nor is it how much money we can earn. It’s all about how much we care and what we do, __55__ it’s making someone feel pretty only for a moment.

  36. A. meal

  B. lunch

  C. tea

  D. breakfast

  37. A. searching

  B. hoping

  C. looking

  D. waiting

  38. A. so

  B. before

  C. after

  D. until

  39. A. hidden

  B. lost

  C. focused

  D. sighted

  40. A. falling in

  B. falling down

  C. falling out

  D. falling behind

  41. A. easy

  B. good

  C. tough

  D. great

  42. A. sank

  B. ached

  C. hurt

  D. puzzled

  43. A. ideas

  B. views

  C. trouble

  D. pain

  44. A. left

  B. deserted

  C. buried

  D. valued

  45. A. dream

  B. hope

  C. energy

  D. wish

  46. A. struck

  B. happened

  C. occurred

  D. hit

  47. A. handed

  B. presented

  C. provided

  D. brought

  48. A. told

  B. say

  C. read

  D. wrote

  49. A. for

  B. on

  C. of

  D. with

  50. A. tore

  B. lit

  C. cheered

  D. lifted

  51. A. meal

  B. money

  C. check

  D. share

  52. A. informed

  B. explained

  C. warned

  D. reminded

  53. A. knowing

  B. caring

  C. risking

  D. ignoring

  54. A. what

  B. how

  C. why

  D. when

  55. A. even though

  B. as though

  C. as if

  D. if only

  36-40 BDBAC

  41-45 CBDCB

  46-50 CACDB

  51-55 BBBBA


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