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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  )with Europeans, they had invented something that was unique on earth: the hammock.

  Nobody really knows who first had the bright idea of making sleeping in the air the symbol of untroubled rest. The Indians see the hammock as a "gift of heaven (上天)"

  something given to them a very long time ago.

  In it the Indians pass away hot noon hours, napping or chatting. Swinging it to and fro (来回摆动) creates a cooling breath of air and keeps away insects. They work and play in hammocks, are born and die there.

  Hung like a suspension bridge between heaven and earth, a hammock is dry while the soil is damp and is safe from most wild animals.

  Hamocks have the advantage over beds in that they are easy to transport and take up very little space when they have been rolled up (卷起). Indians never go on a journey without their hammocks, not even to their plantations.

  1. The word hammock in this passage means ______.

  A. a suspension cage which can be swung to and fro in the air

  B. a seat hanging by two ropes from the branch of a tree

  C. a suspension bridge in the South American rain forests

  D. a net hung between two supports and used as a bed

  2. When was the hammock invented and by whom?

  A. The Indians had invented the hammock long before they came to South America.

  B. The Indians had invented the hammock long before the Europeans came to South America.

  C. The Europeans invented the hammock after they made acquaintance with the Indians.

  D. The Europeans had invented the hammock before they went to South America.

  3. Indians swing the hammock to ______.

  A. pray to heaven for a gift

  B. keep away flies, mosquitoes and other insects

  C. keep away wild animals

  D. fall asleep quickly

  4. According to the passage, hammocks _____.

  A. cannot be rolled up

  B. are difficult to transport

  C. are never brought to the plantations

  D. can be kept dry while the ground is wet

  5. The passage is about ______.

  A. the Indian way of living

  B. tropical regions

  C. Indians' gift for the Europeans

  D. a portable bed


  1.【分析】本题属于词意猜测题。从文章的最后一自然段的首句可以看出hammocks比床有其优越性,因为它们运输方便,卷起来少占空间。再加上文章的首段第一句的信息,即“…have formed the habit of sleeping in the open air.”可以推断出该词意思是某种睡觉使用的用具。故D为本题的正确答案。


  3.【分析】这也是一道细节题。从文中这句:Swing it to and fro creats a cooling breath of air and keeps away inserts便可得知该题答案为B。如果不仔细,很有可能选择C。切莫忘记题干要求的是“摇床”的目的是什么。所以审题极其重要。




  Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for years. Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.

  The first kind of loneliness is temporary

  (暂时的). This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation---for example, a family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness,

  it usually does not last for more than a year.

  The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic (长期的) loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.

  Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person's social contacts, e.g., friends, family members, co-workers, etc. We depend on various people for different reasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share similar interests and activities. However, psychologists have found that, though lonely people may have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more. They question their own popularity.

  Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitally lonely people for two reasons: they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and sometimes dangerous, condition.

  1. How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?

  A. Talk to friends.

  B. Just ignore it.

  C. Go to see a doctor.

  D. Ask your teachers for guidance.

  2. "It" in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to _______.

  A. temporary loneliness

  B. situational loneliness

  C. a new place

  D. sleeplessness

  3. The topic of the 4th

  paragraph is that ______.

  A. one problem of loneliness is a person's social contacts

  B. we depend on various people for different reasons

  C. lonely people don't have many social problems

  D. lonely people don't have many friends

  4. Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?

  A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems.

  B. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness.

  C. Chronic loneliness can not be overcome.

  D. A, B, and C are all correct.

  5. What is the best title for the passage?

  A. Three Kinds of Loneliness.

  B. Loneliness and Diseases..

  C. Loneliness and Social Contacts.

  D. Chronic Loneliness.


  1.答:B最佳【分析】这是一道推理题,从第2自然段第2行It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.可以推断出。



  4.答:B最佳【分析】这是一道细节题,从文章的最后一段的第 3行:there is a connection between Chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease .可以推断出结论。



  Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the

  deisre to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.

  1. What is the topic of the text?

  A. Young thieves.

  B. An unusual illness.

  C. Reasons for stealing.

  D. A normal child's actions.

  2. From the text we learn that small children______.

  A. have little control of themtelves

  B. usually steal things but grow up honest

  C. are usually kleptomaniacs

  D. like to give things away

  3. Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that______.

  A. are valuble

  B. are unimportant

  C. their friends like

  D. they themselves need

  4. Which of the following words can best replace(替代)the word desire in the first sentence?

  A. chance

  B. power




  2.【分析】这是一道细节题,从文中All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions这一句,同时用反向思维的方法,故能得出A是正确答案。

  3.【分析】同上,属细节题。文中的The things ...are seldom of great value 正与B选项相等。其中seldom为关键的信息词,故B为正确答案。

  4.【分析】这是一道词义辨析题。我们可以从第一句的illness of the mind及后面的解释猜出desire意思是“欲望”或“想法”,所以D为本题的最正确答案。此题通过率为49%。


  I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor--and go to court (法庭).

  After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $ 200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money frorn the person who was responsible for my injury, I'd have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer. Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him."

  But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $ 115 each time. The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.

  My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss (解雇) him. And he made me pay him $770.

  Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience, I told the insurance company the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time,... and I left without getting a cent.

  My experiences taught me two things about America: firstly, in a country like America money is everything. It is more important than friendship, honour or professional

  morality (职业道德). Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.

  1. The author's roommate offered to help him because_____.

  A. he felt ferry for the author

  B. he thought it was a chance to make some money

  C. he knew the doctor was a very good one

  D. he wanted the author to have a good lawyer

  2. A good doctor is essential for the author to _______.

  A. be properly treated

  B. talk with the person responsible for the accident

  C. recover before he leaves America

  D. eventually get the responsible party to pay for his injury

  3. The word "charge" in this passage means______.

  A. be responsible

  B. accuse

  C. ask as a price

  D. claim

  4. Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very_____.

  A. friendly

  B. greedy

  C. professional

  D. busy

  5. What conclusion can you draw from the story?

  A. Going to court is something very common in America.

  B. One must be very careful while driving a car.

  C. There are more bad sides in America than good sides.

  D. Money is more important than other things in the US.


  1.答:B最佳【分析】这是一道推理题,从整个故事来看,his roommate主动提出帮忙的真正目的就是借此来敲诈一笔钱。

  2.答:D最佳【分析】这是一道细节题,从第2自然段的第4行开始:if I wanted to collect… get a good lawyer.据此来回答该题。

  3.答:C最佳【分析】这是一道细节题。从第二自然段的第4行:He had good reason to charge me.以及它前后的句子可以推断出,他向我要价。

  4.答:B最佳【分析】这是一道推理题。由各个细节可以看出,两个人都很贪婪,为了钱可以什么都不顾,而且后文又交待了in a country like America,money is everything,it is…morality.





  About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film­studio (影棚) to take part in a crowd­scene. Although our “act” would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.

  We all stood at the far end of the studio as workmen prepared the scene, setting up trees at the edge of a winding path. Very soon, bright lights were turned on and the big movie­camera was wheeled into position. The director shouted something to the camera operator and then went to speak to the two famous actors nearby. Since it was hot in the studio, it came as a surprise to us to see one of the actors put on a heavy overcoat and start walking along the path. A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in “snow”. Two more fans were turned on, and a “strong wind” blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.

  The next scene was a complete contrast (对比). The way it was filmed was quite unusual.Pictures taken on an island in the Pacific were shown on a glass screen. An actor and actress stood in front of the scene so that they looked as if they were at the water's edge on an island. By a simple trick like this, palm trees, sandy beaches, and blue, clear skies had been brought into the studio!

  Since it was our turn next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us.

  For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the excitement of being film “stars”!

  64. Who is the author?

  A. A cameraman.

  B. A film director.

  C. A crowd­scene actor.

  D. A workman for scene setting.

  65. What made the author feel cold?

  A. The heavy snowfall.

  B. The man­made scene.

  C. The low temperature.

  D. The film being shown.

  66. What would happen in the “three minutes” mentioned in the last paragraph?

  A. A new scene would be filmed.

  B. More stars would act in the film.

  C. The author would leave the studio.

  D. The next scene would be prepared.


  64. C 细节理解题。根据文章中的第一段“About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film­studio(影棚)to take part in a crowd­scene. Although our ‘act’ would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.”可知作者是群众演员。所以C正确。

  65. B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in ‘snow’. Two more fans were turned on, and a ‘strong wind’ blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.”可知这里的picture即是the man­made scene。

  66. A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the excitement of being film ‘stars’!”可知A正确。


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