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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题的四个选项(A、 B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts. But people in the streets


  him, especially those who are



  For those people, he is "Gloves" Greenberg. How did he get that


  ? He looks like any other businessman,

  wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's


  . His briefcase always has some gloves。

  In winter, Mr.Greenberg does not


  like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and


  the street. He looks around at


  . He stops when he


  someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he


  , looking for more people with cold



  On winter days, Mr. Greenberg


  gloves. During the rest of the year, he


  gloves. People who have heard about him


  him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

  Mr. Greenberg


  doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and


  his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes


  him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them



  It runs in the


  . Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the


  . A pair of gloves may be a


  thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

  16. A. know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after

  17. A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor

  18. A. job B. name C. chance D. message

  19. A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious

  20. A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress

  21. A. cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off

  22. A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights

  23. A. helps B. chooses C. greets

  D. sees

  24. A. holds up B. hangs out C. moves on D. turns around

  25. A. hands B. ears C. faces

  D. eyes

  26. A. searches for

  B. stores up

  C. gives away

  D. puts on

  27. A. borrows

  B. sells

  C. returns D. buys

  28. A. call

  B. send

  C. lend D. show

  29. A. delayed

  B. remembered

  C. began

  D. enjoyed

  30. A. understand

  B. dislike C. study D. excuse

  31. A. sorry for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by

  32. A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy

  33. A. city B. family C. neighborhood D. company

  34. A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold

  35. A. small B. useful C. delightful D. comforting

  [定文体抓主旨]:本文是一篇介绍人物的记叙文。在冬天,Michael Greenberg的公文箱里总带着许多手套,赠送给那些没戴手套的穷人。很多人都认识他,也理解他的行为;而不认识的人则可能会感到惊奇。他的家庭就有这种传统,他和他父亲都认为:帮助别人可以让所有人更快乐。 本篇难度:中等。


  段落 关键词 大意推测

  第一部分(para.1-2) Michael Greenberg;popular New Yorker;"Gloves" Greenberg;briefcase;gloves; Michael Greenberg是一个很受欢迎的纽约人;他被称为“手套” Greenberg;他的公文箱里总是带着一些手套;

  第二部分(para.3-5) In winter;looks around;stops;gives them a pair;looking for;know him;his behavior;don't know him;don't realize; 在冬天,他总是四处看,遇到没戴手套的人就停下来,送给他们一副,然后继续寻找别的人;很多人认识他,理解他的行为;一些人不认识他,没意识他做法的用意。

  第三部分(para.6) Michael's father;helped the poor;made everyone happier;feels;A pair of gloves;make a big difference 他父亲也一直帮助穷人;他认为这样可以使所有人更快乐;他也觉得是这样;在冬天,一副小手套会有很大的不同。


  16.A。前面说他在艺术或运动方面不出名(not famous),然后用but转折,但是人们都知道、了解(know about)他。

  17.D。根据下文所描述的赠送手套的情况,以及30空前出现的“many poor New Yorkers”和33空后面出现的“the poor”,可知选D。

  18.B。对于那些人来说,他是“"Gloves" Greenberg”,而这当然是一个名字。


  20.A。下文提到“who look at the sidewalk”,和“He looks around”等,这些都是人的行为表现(act)。



  24.C。他四处看人,看到没有手套的,就停下来给他们手套,然后继续前进(moves on),寻找更多需要手套的人。





  30. A。

  31. D。surprised by)。



  35.A。make a big difference”,根据对比关系可推知选small。


  Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor __1__ and said, “Well, Mr. Green, you are going to __2__ some injections, and you’ll feel much better. A nurse will come __3__ give you the first one this evening, and then you’ll __4__ get another one tomorrow evening.” __5__ a young nurse came to Mr. Green’s bed and said to him, “I am going to give you your __6__ injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”

  The old man was __7__. He looked at the nurse for a __8__, then he said, “__9__ has ever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?”

  “Yes, Mr. Green,” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do you want it?”

  “Well, then,” the old man answered __10__ “I want it in your left arm, please.”

  1. A. looked for him

  B. looked him over

  C. looked after him

  D. looked him up

  2. A. get

  B. give

  C. make

  D. hold

  3. A. so

  B. but

  C. or

  D. and

  4. A. must

  B. can

  C. had better

  D. have to

  5. A. In the morning

  B. In the afternoon

  C. In the end

  D. In the evening

  6. A. first

  B. one

  C. two

  D. second

  7. A. confident

  B. surprised

  C. full

  D. hungry

  8. A. hour

  B. minutes

  C. year

  D. moment

  9. A. Somebody

  B. Anybody

  C. Nobody

  D. people

  10. A. with a smile

  B. in time

  C. in surprise

  D. with tears in his eyes




  B。look for sb/sth 意为“寻找……”;look after sb 意为“照料……”;look up sb意为“看望……”;而look over sb意为“检查某人”,最贴近文意,为正确选项。


  D。空白部分前面I come 和后面的give形成承接关系,所以应用 and连接。

  D。must 不可以用于将来时,根据文章意思,应选have to。

  D。与上文this evening相对应,In the evening应为正确选项。

  A。one 填入空白部分显得画蛇添足,根据上下文这是第一次注射,应用first。

  B。老人对护士的提问应感到surprised, 因为下文提到从来没人问过他这样的问题。

  D。对护士的提问, 老人思考了一会儿, 故应选moment。

  C。老人感到奇怪, 是因为没有人问过这样的问题, 故应选nobody。

  A。老人想捉弄一下这个小护士。按常理, 应是带着微笑取笑她, 故应选with a smile。


  Today was a very important day. France played __1__ Senegal (塞内加尔) in the opening match of the World Cup. Soccer fans were very __2__ watching the match on TV. To our great surprise, France was __3__.

  Today football has become very __4__ in China after a __5__ wait. “China is in the World Cup for the first time, __6__ we should support them!” Said some people. In our school many students enjoy __7__ it. My __8__ and I often go to the football field after class.

  This afternoon there was a __9__ football match in our school. __10__ team played against No.1 Middle School. __11__ they were all very big and strong, it was a __12__ game between the two teams with the result 0-0 last time. Today our school played much __13__.

  In the first half of the match __14__ team kicked a goal, but in the second, Li Ming from our school kicked a goal. We won 1-0, at last. I’m so __15__. I can’t get to sleep tonight.

  1. A. with

  B. against

  C. to

  D. at

  2. A. good at

  B. pleased to C. interested in D. boring in

  3. A. beaten

  B. knocked

  C. fought

  D. hit

  4. A. welcome

  B. popular

  C. useful

  D. usual

  5. A. 44-day

  B. 44-week

  C. 44-month

  D. 44-year

  6. A. or

  B. but

  C. so

  D. yet

  7. A. buying

  B. playing

  C. drinking

  D. looking

  8. A. students

  B. teachers

  C. classmates

  D parents

  9. A. happy

  B. wonderful

  C. funny

  D. famous

  10. A. Their

  B. Her

  C. Your

  D. Our

  11. A. Because

  B. And

  C. As

  D. Though

  12. A. mistake

  B. luck

  C. draw

  D. game

  13. A. better

  B. well

  C. vest

  D. worse

  14. A. neither

  B. either

  C. both

  D. none

  15. A. lucky

  B. pleased

  C. unhappy

  D. worried




  1. B。固定结构 play against sb. 意为“与……进行比赛”。

  2. C。be good at 意为“擅长于……”;be pleased to 后面应接动词原形;D项说法和意思都不对;be interested in 意为“对……感兴趣”,符合文意,为正确选项。

  3. A。beat sb. 意为“击败某人”,符合文意,为正确选项。

  4. B。事实说明,足球在中国越来越流行,故选popular。

  5. D。大家都知道,这次等待的时间应为44年,故选 D。

  6. C。两句的意思形成因果关系,所以应用so来引导结果状语从句。

  7. B。play football 意为“踢足球”。

  8. C。按常理,放学后,和我一起踢足球的应是同学,故选classmates。

  9. B。通读下文,这是一场紧张但以我方胜利而告终的足球赛,比赛刺激精彩,应选wonderful 。

  10. D。根据文章,比赛是在我们城队和另一支城队之间进行,故选our。

  11. D。分析句子,前一句是后一句的让步状语从句,故应选Though。

  12. C。根据上半场0:0的比分可知上半场以平局告终,故选draw 。

  13. A。从文中可知,我对我队的表现非常满意,且much常用来修饰比较级,故选择better。

  14. A。neither表示两者都不,either表示两者中的任意一个,both表示两者都,none表示三者或三者以上都不。上半场双方没有进球,故选neither。.

  15. B。我队获胜,我当然很高兴,故选pleased。


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