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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“It’s OK” to


  me before he disappeared into washroom.

  Still shaky and unsure


  to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look


  . A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and


  our table. My heart almost stopped


  . I thought he was going to ask for my father’s


  and call him.

  To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “


  yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked


  without even finishing his food.

  He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse,


  he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still


  in this world. I’ll never


  his actions.

  26. A. ordered

  B. made

  C. arranged

  D. demanded

  27. A. food

  B. turn

  C. bill

  D. menu

  28. A. fixed

  B. caught

  C. cut

  D. tied

  29. A. by

  B. in

  C. from

  D. out

  30. A. knocked

  B. fell

  C. stood

  D. hung

  31. A. take

  B. taste

  C. swallow

  D. chew

  32. A. discouraged

  B. disappointed

  C. shocked

  D. annoyed

  33. A. rolled

  B. rubbed

  C. narrowed

  D. closed

  34. A. bitterness

  B. anxiety

  C. anger

  D. sorrow

  35. A. satisfy

  B. comfort

  C. encourage

  D. praise

  36. A. how

  B. who

  C. what

  D. which

  37. A. mild

  B. honest

  C. calm

  D. modest

  38. A. pushed

  B. approached

  C. drew

  D. laid

  39. A. beating

  B. breaking

  C. sinking

  D. trembling

  40. A. help

  B. position

  C. number

  D. job

  41. A. Prepare

  B. Buy

  C. Find

  D. Cook

  42. A. on

  B. around

  C. up

  D. away

  43. A. so

  B. since

  C. although

  D. but

  44. A. kindness

  B. happiness

  C. politeness

  D. brightness

  45. A. forget

  B. refuse

  C. oppose

  D. ignore



  段落 关键词 大意推测

  第一部分(para.1) went to a fast restaurant;ordered;came;

  got caught on;slipped off;went flying in the air;fell;soaked his white shirt 事情发生:托盘以及食物滑落


  第二部分(para.2--4) closed my eyes; it’s ok; shaky and unsure;approached;stopped beating;smiled at us;handed us some cash;

  walked away 事情发生后:我的忐忑及男子友善的处理方式


  第三部分(para.5) could have made;chose a different way;

  give us a reason to believe;never forget his actions 作者的感受:这个社会还是有友善的




  27.A。把握句子间的逻辑关系。根据上文,作者和朋友定了汉堡和可乐,以及下文中the tray

  and its contents托盘与食物的滑落,可知此处是想表达作者他们定的food食物来了。

  28.B。细节理解及动词词组的辨析。本句提到的是细节my purse strap我的钱包带子与椅子的关系。因此B选项get caught on“钩到,挂住”符合题意。

  29.C。把握关键词及句子内的逻辑关系。本题的关键词是slip“滑脱,滑掉”。句子的前半部分The tray that I was holding (我端着的托盘),因此,本句想表达的是:托盘从我的手中滑落飞了出去。

  30.B。把握句子间的逻辑关系。上文说到托盘went flying in the air(托盘连同食物脱手飞了出去),因此,此题描写的是托盘与食物的坠落fall。

  31.A。固定搭配。take a bite of =bite.


  33.D。把握细节理解。当人们受到惊吓时的反应,闭住眼睛,等着后果的爆发。因此,此处用close my eyes闭上眼睛。

  34.C。根据生活常识的推测。一个人无辜被浇了一身食物与饮料时,一般情况下必然会怒发冲冠雷霆大发呵斥对方。a burst of anger发怒。


  36.C。固定搭配。what to do next下一步做什么。由shaky and unsure写出作者和朋友们的忐忑不安,因此不知道接下来该做什么。




  40.C。把握句子内的逻辑关系。本句中后半句是and call him(给他/我父亲打电话),因此,前面写“向我要父亲的电话号码”。number号码。

  41.B。把握句子内的逻辑关系。前面提到handed us some cash(递给我们一些现金),告诉我们“给自己买些新的面包吧”。

  42.D。把握句子内的逻辑关系。He then walked____without even finishing his food(甚至没有吃完食物,然后他就走了)walk away 走开。





  Many animals use some kinds of “language”. They use signals(信号) and the signals have meanings. For example, __1

  a bee has found some food, it goes


  its home.


  is difficult for a bee to tell


  bees where the food is speaking to them, but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and


  it is.

  Some animals show


  they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks. Birds make several different sounds and


  has its meaning. Sometimes we humans make sounds in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” to


  how we feel about __9__ or we


  something on our feet.

  We humans have languages. We have words. These words have meaning of things, action, feeling or ideas. We are able to __11__ each other information, to tell other people


  we think or we feel. By writing down words, we can remember what has happened or


  messages to people far away.

  Languages, like people, live and die. If a language is not used by people, it is called a dead language. This language cannot live and grow because


  speaks it.

  A living language, of course, is often spoken by people today. It grows and changes with time. New words are created, and some old words have



  1. A. because

  B. since

  C. when

  D. as

  2. A. out of

  B. back from

  C. away from

  D. back to

  3. A. It

  B. This

  C. That

  D. He

  4. A. each other

  B. another

  C. the other

  D. others

  5. A. how long

  B. how far away C. how many

  D. how old

  6. A. why

  B. which

  C. how

  D. what

  7. A. each

  B. every

  C. all

  D. some

  8. A. show

  B. say

  C. talk

  D. speak

  9. A. everything

  B. something

  C. nothing

  D. anything

  10. A. put

  B. drop

  C. fall

  D. set

  11. A. give

  B. put

  C. show

  D. take

  12. A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. why

  13. A. send

  B. bring

  C. push

  D. get

  14. A. someone

  B. no one

  C. anyone

  D. everyone

  15. A. new

  B. right

  C. real

  D. good







  4.C。the other bees其它的蜜蜂。









  13.A。send messages为固定搭配,表示“发送信息”。




  Try It in a Different Way

  Bobby Moresco grew up in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen, a tough working-class neighborhood on Manhattan’s West Side. By tradition he 1 have been, like his father or like most of his childhood pals, a construction worker or a policeman. But he wanted 2 . Attracted by the bright lights from the time Bobby was a teen, he tried to act. “I wasn’t a 3 actor, but I had a driving need to do something 4 with my life,” he says. 

  He moved to Hollywood, promising to find his 5 . But he didn’t make 6 . For almost 10 years, he drove a taxi and worked as a waiter,  7 at an actors’ workshop that he opened in Hollywood. But Moresco kept working at his 8 career. 

  In 1983 his younger brother was murdered in a mob-linked killing. Moresco moved back to his 9 neighborhood. In 1988 he finally wrote a play that was 10 to his life. Called Half-Deserted Streets, it was based on his brother’s 11 and staged at a small theater. A Hollywood producer 12 to see it and asked him to work on a screenplay. 

  His 13 grew, and he got enough assignments to move back to Hollywood. However, it was never easy. By 2003, he was 14 out of work and out of cash 15 he got a call from Paul Haggis, a director who had befriended him. The two worked on the script but every studio 16 it down. Moresco believed so 17 in the script that he borrowed money, and sold his house. At last the writers found an independent film producer who would take a chance. 

  The movie, Crash,  18 into the theaters in May 2005, and quietly became both a hit and a critical success. It won three Academy Awards—Best Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Writing. 

  At the age of 54, Bobby Moresco became an 19 success. “If you have something you want to do in life, don’t think about the problems,” he says, “think about the 20 to get it done.” 

  1. A. mustB. shouldC. canD. need

  2. A. overB. farC. outD. up

  3. A. simpleB. strictC. firmD. good

  4. A. differentB. impressiveC. effectiveD. special

  5. A. occasionB. treasureC. fortuneD. possibility

  6. A. itB. oneC. thisD. that

  7. A. communicatingB. entertaining  C. practicingD. volunteering

  8. A. affordedB. chosenC. respectedD. offered

  9. A. earlyB. wornC. oldD. passed

  10. A. turnedB. pointedC. belongedD. related

  11. A. arrestingB. injuringC. killingD. shooting

  12. A. advisedB. happenedC. intendedD. planned

  13. A. influenceB. ambitionC. successD. reputation

  14. A. againB. even C. finallyD. still

  15. A. beforeB. whenC. sinceD. while

  16. A. letB. lookedC. tookD. turned

  17. A. stronglyB. hardlyC. deeplyD. bravely

  18. A. movedB. slippedC. fellD. put

  19. A. effortlessB. enjoyable  C. overnightD. optimistic

  20. A. waysB. linesC. mannersD. actions



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