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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Section A (10 marks)

  Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

  Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  Cheerleaders are part of athletic competitions throughout the United States. As their name says, they lead the crowd in cheering for team it likes best.

  About five years ago, cheerleaders were considered to be simply entertainers. Today they are much more than that.

  Cheerleading in America has become another form of athletic competition.

  Cheerleading today are expected to be gymnasts and dancers. They are expected to be quicker and stronger. Many cheerleaders are better athletes than the boys and girls on sports teams. High school cheerleading especially has become more difficult. The students must be in top physical shape. They must be able to jump high, turn circles in the air and lift each other. Teachers say this

  is the result of the influence of college football and basketball games on TV.

  They see how the cheerleaders throw each other into the air and perform difficult athletic movements. They want to do the same thing. There is one big difference between the two groups, however. College cheerleaders in America are young men and women.. The men do most of the lifting. At most high schools only girls are cheerleaders. It’s very difficult for them to hold others on their shoulders and throw them into the air.

  There are a number of ways high school cheerleaders are improving their skills. They are exercising and lifting weights to increase their strength. And they are attending camps during the summer holiday to learn new techniques. Cheerleaders test their skills by taking part in competitions against cheerleaders from other schools, just like other athletes.

  Coaches at some high schools say this new kind of athletic cheerleading has caused some problems. They say girls who were soccer and basketball players are now competing, for places on a cheerleaders team. As mere girls attempt to become cheerleaders, sports teams suffer from a lack of good players.

  Title :


  Players of cheerleaders 76.______________________ Entertainers

  Today 77._________________

  78. __________________

  required as a cheerleader

  Bring able to jump high

  Being able to turn circles in the air

  Being able to 79.________________

  80._________________ High school cheerleaders


  82. __________________

  Young men and women

  Cheerleaders’ 83.____________

  Exercising and lifting weights

  84. _______________during summer holidays

  Problems from the new kind

  of cheerleading

  Sports teams 85.____________


  71. Five years ago

  72. Gymnasts and dancers

  73. Qualities /Abilities

  74. lift each other

  75. Different cheerleaders / Kinds of cheerleaders

  76. Mostly/Mainly girls

  77. college cheerleaders

  78. ways of improvement

  79. Attending camps

  80. lacking good players




  The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smartphones, writing by hand has become something of a nostalgic(怀旧的) skill. However, while today's educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful—both in school and in life.

  Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it's important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.

  Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks-both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.

  In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a student's writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to how well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active, which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.

  Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe (转换) “those words in the mind into written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “mind's_eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot (发现) spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct them over time.

  “In our computer age, some people believe that we don't have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they won't have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the options given by the computer.”

  46. What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?

  A. The absence of blackboards in classrooms.

  B. The use of new technologies in teaching.

  C. The lack of practice in handwriting.

  D. The popular use of smartphones.

  47. Berninger's study published in 2009 ________.

  A. focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer

  B. indicated that students prefer to

  write with a pen and paper

  C. found that good essays are made up of long sentences

  D. discussed the importance of writing speed

  48. Which of the following best shows the role of spelling?

  A. Spelling improves one's memory of words.

  B. Spelling ability is closely related to writing ability.

  C. Spelling benefits the translation from words into ideas.

  D. Spelling slows down finding exact words to express ideas.

  49. What does “mind's eye” in Paragraph 5 mean?

  A. Window.

  B. Soul.

  C. Picture.

  D. Imagination.

  50. What conclusion could be drawn from the passage?

  A. Computers can help people with their choice of words.

  B. Spell checks can take the place of spelling teaching.

  C. Handwriting still has a place in today's classrooms.

  D. Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade.

  【答案解析】【要点综述】随着现代科技的发展,书写渐渐被人们忽视。但是Virginia Berninger的研究表明,书写在现代教学中应该占有一席之地。

  46. B 信息理解题。根据第一段中的 “With the coming of new technologies like computers and smartphones, writing by hand has become something of a nostalgic skill”可知答案。

  47. A 信息理解题。根据第三段可知答案。

  48. B 信息理解题。根据第四段可知答案。

  49. D 词义猜测题。根据第五段可知答案。

  50. C 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是第一段最后一句可知答案。


  Fat on human beings is distributed(分布)in different ways. Some fat people have a large stomach and no waistline---which makes them look round, rather like apples. Others are fatter below the waist, which makes them appear pear-shaped(梨形的).

  There are two types of fat: external fat (fat under the skin) and internal fat (fat inside the body wall). Doctors, who have been examining the relationship between health and fatness, have found that the‘pears’have less internal fat, but the‘apples’have more internal fat than external fat. This seems to be what causes the health problems.

  The best treatment for fatness is to reduce the internal fat. But unfortunately it seems that dieting (节食) simply makes an appleshaped person into a smaller apple and a pear-shaped person into a smaller pear. At the moment there is no known way of reducing the internal rather than external fat.

  1. The text is mainly about______.

  A.fatness and health

  B.ways to lose weight

  C.people's figures

  D.distribution of fat

  2. Which of the following people is most likely to have health problems?

  3. When a pear-shaped person becomes thinner, he/she loses more______.

  A.internal fat than external fat

  B.external fat than internal fat

  C.fat above the waist

  D.fat below the waist




  3.【分析】这是一道细节题。第二段中的the 'pears' have less internal fat,提示该题答案为B。


  The United States: Fliers may want to have their tickets in hand before catching their planes, but the airline companies are doing everything they can to bring forward costs-saving ticketless flights---no paper needed, just a ticket number and a photo ID(带照片的身份证). Anyone who buys a Northwest E-ticket through the airline's computer service by June 16 will get an award (奖励). Next time you fly, you can buy another ticket for a friend for $ 99, good anywhere in the US or Canada through Feb.12,

  2000, along with the lowest ticket prices. Some airlines offer extra frequent-flier miles for the ticketless crowd. And there are rising punishments for paper lovers. American, Northwest, United, and last week, US Airways have raised the cost for lostticket replacement (替换) to $ 70 from either $ 60 or $ 50. The airlines insist that the increase in price is not meant to push travelers toward E-tickets but only covers the increasihg cost of replacing and tracking a missing ticket.

  1. Why is the new ticketless flight introduced?

  A. It is cheaper for air travelers.

  B. It helps reduce the cost for airlines.

  C. It can use computer to plan air traveling.

  D. It helps prevent fliers from losing their tickets.

  2. To encourage people to take ticketless flights, the airlines_______.

  A. sell their tickets for $ 99 from June to February the following year.

  B. let travelers go to both the US and Canada with the same tickets.

  C. allow each traveler to have an extra $ 99 ticket for a friend of theirs.

  D. offer ticketless travelers free miles to fly in the US.

  3. Who are the paper lovers mentioned in the text?

  A.People who like to shave paper airplane tickets.

  B.People who love paper products of various kinds.

  C. People who travel with paper on a plane.

  D.People who have lost their ticket and buy a second one.

  4. The airline companies say that they have raised the lost-ticket replacement price in order to ______.

  A. attract travelers to take ticketless flights.

  B. punish those who insist on using paper tickets.

  C. do better than other airline compaines.

  D. pay for the work to deal with lost tickets.


  1.答:B最佳【分析】文章中将the new ticketless称为cost-saving ticketless及...have raised the cost for lost-ticket replacement...得知,此举是为了降低航空公司的花费。

  2.答:C最佳【分析】由原文"…you can buy another ticket for a friend for $99,..."可知。

  3.答:A最佳【分析】由上下文可知本文只涉及在airplane tickets范畴的问题.



  At 9:00 Dick Spivak's bank telephoned and said his payment was late. "The check is in the post," Dick replied quickly. At 11:45 Dick left for a 12:00 meeting across town. Arriving late, he explained that traffic (交通) had been bad. That evening, Dick's girlfriend wore a new dress. He hated it. "It looks just great on you," he said.

  Three lies in one day! Yet Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man. Each time, he told himself that sometimes the truth causes too many problems. Most of us tell much the same white lies, harmless untruths that help to save trouble. How often do we tell white lies? It depends in part on our age, education, and even where we live. According to one U. S. study, women are more truthful than men, and honesty increases as we get older.

  While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life. They say that people today are less honest than they were ten years ago. Although it is believed that things are getting worse, lying seems to be an age-old human problem. The French philosopher (哲学家) Vauvenarges

  writing in the eighteenth century, touched on the truth when he wrote, "All men are born truthful and die liars (说谎者)."

  1. When the writer says "Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man", he means ______.

  A. it is common that people tell white lies

  B. Dick could do nothing about had traffic

  C. it is common that people delay their payment

  D. Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems

  2. According to the text, most Americans ______.

  A. hate white lies

  B. believe white lies

  C. value honesty

  D. consider others dishonest

  3. Vauvenarges' remark suggests that ______.

  A. lying is an age-old human problem

  B. dishonesty increases as people get older

  C. people were dishonest in the 18th century

  D. it is social conditions that make people tell lies



  2.【分析】这是一道细节题。从第三自然段…he majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.一句可以看出:大部分美国人很看重“诚实”,故C为本题的最佳答案。

  3.【分析】这是一道寓意题。本文最后通过哲学家Vauvenarges的一句:"All man are born truthful, and die liars"说明人生来都是诚实的, 而死去时都变成了说谎者, 这一切都是社会环境和社会条件造成的。故D为正确答案。


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