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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Success doesn’t begin until you begin the walk down the way towards your goals. And your walk down the way always begins first with a baby step. Why do we call them baby steps? Are they really anything more than our next step down life’s way?

  Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith. We see others stepping out and we want to show our ability to walk by following them. As we grow, we continue our development by taking extra baby steps. Sometimes we fall; sometimes we fail. After that, all steps become an act of faith; we just become more practiced. If you say to yourself“I don’t want to make a fool of myself”or“I’d better be good at this”, you’ll probably never take the baby steps towards your goals and end up lying in your own self-pity.

  As a culture, we focus on results. We think about every risk that must be taken to reach our goals. There are few people who are excellent performers of any tasks the first time they try them. They fail and succeed. Then, they build upon their abilities learned each time. They practice their skills and use their talents through baby steps before they are ready to prove them to the whole world.

  So, learn to take those baby steps to reach the goals before you. Know that you can depend on God to show you the way. As you become more experienced, your baby steps become a walk, then a jump, and finally a sprint. That’s how our baby steps lead us through the marathon of life.

  【文章大意】千里之行, 始于足下。即使是最优秀的运动员, 在其通往辉煌顶峰的人生起跑线上, 其步履也一定是蹒跚如婴儿般孱弱。本文向我们讲述了baby steps在我们人生及成功道路上的重要意义。

  5. What does the writer mainly discuss in the text?

  A. The power of faith in our life.

  B. The importance of baby steps.

  C. The abilities to achieve success.

  D. The cause of cultural differences.

  【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要论述了baby steps在人们走向成功的道路上所起的重要作用。

  1. Which of the following is thought most important in taking baby steps?

  A. Faith. B. Practice.  C. Skill.  D. Examples.

  【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith和After that, all steps become an act of faith可知, 在我们迈出走向目标的第一步时, 坚定的信念是最重要的, 而不是技能、练习或榜样。

  . In the third paragraph, the writer expresses the view that .

  A. we can’t expect to succeed without working hard at first

  B. adults should learn from babies in dealing with hard tasks

  C. we must make full use of our skills in order to get rewards

  D. baby steps play the key role in leading us towards success

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据该段内容可知, baby steps是成功的第一步, 它让我们在失败中提升能力, 获得成功所需要的各种才能, 因此baby steps在我们迈向成功的道路上起着关键作用。

  . The underlined word“sprint”in the last paragraph probably means“ ”.

  A. slow rush B. sudden stop

  C. hard climb D. fast run

  【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据语境, 随着你的经验越多, 蹒跚学步变成走, 然后跳, 最后冲刺。

  . What’s the writer’s tone in the text?

  A. Light-hearted.

  B. Regretful.

  C. Encouraging.

  D. Concerned.

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。作者劝说人们不要惧怕失败, 要勇敢地迈出通向自己成功目标的baby

  steps, 由此可知, 作者在叙述中是一种“鼓励、激励”的语气。

  Do you know about a series of books that say they are “for dummies”? These American self-help books have been translated into more than thirty-nine languages including Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, German, Greek and Spanish.

  “Dummy” is a word for a stupid person. The dummies books are not really for stupid people. They are designed to show people how to do something they may never have tried before, like painting a house or learning a language. The books all say in a funny way that they are for dummies, such as World History for Dummies, Rabbits for Dummies, Chinese Cooking for Dummies, and Wedding Planning for Dummies. The first such book, DOS for Dummies, was published in 1991. It helped people learn how to use the DOS operating system for computers. Since then, more than one hundred fifty million dummies books have been sold.

  The dummies.com website explains the idea behind the books. It says that they show that people can be taught to do anything. First they can make fun of ideas that are difficult to understand. Then they show how the information can be interesting and easy. The publishers say that the books do not provide more information than necessary. They give readers just enough information to do what they want. They say that the dummies books give the best and easiest way to do something. And the books use simple and easy language.

  There are more than one thousand different dummies books. A report in New York Times says that the top-selling dummies books are those that explain technology and personal finance.

  The publishers say that the best-selling dummies books are those providing information many people need---like information about diseases, education and cooking. People interested in opera, car repair and wine can also find dummies books to help them. And there are even more dummies books to come. The publishers say that they publish about two hundred new dummies books every year.

  hich of the following can be the best title of the passage?

  A. Books for Dummies

  B. The Easiest, the Best

  C. Books for Stupid People

  D. New Ideas Behind the Books

  ccording to the dummies.com website, people can ________ with the help of dummies books.

  A. do some personal things

  B. learn any foreign language

  C. become expert in cooking

  D. do anything they want

  The dummies books have been popular because ______.

  A. they provide just what is needed and are easy to understand

  B. they provide abundant information on the concerning subject

  C. people can learn to do anything with just one copy

  D. people can save lots of money through self-teaching

  According to New York Times, we know that books on ______ sell best.

  A. diseases and education

  B. opera and car repairing

  C. technology and personal finance

  D. cooking and world history

  What can we learn from the passage?

  A. The first dummies book was on Chinese cooking.

  B. The dummies books will continue to be popular.

  C. Fifty million different dummies books have been published.

  D. The simple language was intended for child readers.



  Global warming threatens to hold back human progress, and make unachievable all UN targets to reduce poverty, according to some of the world’s leading international and development groups.

  In a report published today, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, WWF and 15 other groups say rich governments must immediately address climate change to avoid even “unbearable levels” of worldwide poverty.

  “Food production, water supplies, public health and people’s living environment are already being damaged,” the report says. “The world must meet its promise to achieve poverty reduction and also deal with climate change.”

  The report, which draws on UN predictions of the effects of climate change in poor countries over the next 50 years, says poor countries will experience more flooding, declining food production, more disease and the worsening or disappearing of entire ecosystems(生态系统)on which many of the world’s poorest people depend.

  “Climate change needs to be addressed now. The poor will bear the burden of it. The frontline experience of many of us working in international development indicates that communities are having to fight against more extreme weather conditions.”

  Climate change will play havoc(浩劫)with agriculture and water supplies and will increase diseases. “By 2025 the proportion of the world’s population living in countries of great water stress will almost double, to 6 billion people. Tropical and sub-tropical areas will be hardest hit — those countries already suffering from food shortage”.

  Poor countries mostly do not need high-tech solutions, but would most benefit from education, research and being shown how to farm better. The report says unchecked global warming, more than wars or political confusion, will displace millions of people and destabilize (不安定) many countries.

  9. ________ should play a leading role in resisting the more extreme weather conditions according to the report.

  A. International groups

  B. Poor countries

  C. Rich countries

  D. Tropical and sub-tropical countries

  10. Which of the following is not the effect of global warming according to the report?

  A. More natural disasters and starvation.

  B. Increasing the world’s population.

  C. Making millions of people move to other places.

  D. Shaking the foundation of a country.

  11. Which of the following is not true according to the text?

  A. Poverty and climate change are closely linked.

  B. More and more people will suffer from the water stress and food shortage.

  C. What the poor countries need badly is high technology.

  D. International communities have to take steps to resist the bad climate.

  12. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. International Development Brings in Climate Change

  B. Global Warming Is a Bigger Threat to Poor

  C. International Groups Work Together to Reduce Poverty

  D. Worldwide Poverty Shall Be Avoided


  9. C 细节题。根据第二段中的“rich governments must immediately address climate change to avoid even "unbearable levels" of worldwide poverty”一句的意义可知:财力富足的政府必须立即致力于改变日益恶化的气候条件,以免全球范围内的贫穷上升到无法忍受的程度。由此可判断富裕国家应该起主导作用。

  10. B 归纳题。文章第四段提到:气候变化将导致愈演愈烈的洪灾,不断衰减的粮食生产,疾病的威胁以及整个生态系统的退化甚至消失。文章最后一句又说:尚未得到抑制的全球变暖比战争和政变更可怕,它将迫使数百万人口迁移,动摇很多国家的安定局面。而B项在短文中没有提及

  11. C 判断题。短文最后一段表述的意义是:对贫穷的社会来说,它们几乎不需要高科技的解决方案,但是教育、科研以及教授更好地耕作方式将使它们受益最多。此据判断可知。

  12. B 主旨题。短文第一段第一句就表述了全文的中心,其意义是:据全球主要的国际发展组织推测,全球变暖不但威胁着人类发展的进程,有可能使之倒退,而且联合国所有减少贫穷的目标和计划都将无法实现。由此可简述为:全球气候变暖加剧贫穷。


  你是高学生为响应绿化祖国的号召你班四月十二日去郊区suburbs)植树请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序介绍植树活动的全过程给某英文杂志的绿色行动专栏写一篇以Green Action in Our Class”为题的英文稿件。


  【参考范文】One Possible Version:

  Green Action in Our Class

  April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day in active response to the call of greening our country. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement. We feel it’s our duty to protect and beautify our environment.


  某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(self-defence),护理(nursing)。假如你是王华,写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。信的内容:1.你感兴趣的课程 2. 为什么想学这些内容 3. 你期望从这门课程中学到什么

  注意:1.可适当增加细节,以便行文连贯;2.词数120 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

  Dear leader,

  I’m very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses, such as gardening, cooking, self-defence, nursing and so on.

  Looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours truly,

  Wang Hua


  One possible version:

  Dear leader,

  I’m very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses, such as gardening, cooking, self-defence, nursing and so on.

  I’d like to register to attend a course about gardening because I have liked flowers and grass since I was a child. I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of nature.

  For one thing, I hope to gain more knowledge of gardening which can help me to major in the gardening after attending college. For another, I can realize the bitterness of the gardeners to treasure plants more, and also I wish to get more information about gardening so as to study it more easily when I enter university. Besides, after graduating from college, I will devote my life to cultivating flowers and grass to turn our country into a more beautiful state which will attract more foreigners to visit. (127)

  Looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours truly,

  Wang Hua


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