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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  题号 一 二 总分



  Home, sweet home

  It was December 22. The bitter wind swept the countless snowflakes across my front yard. My dad was there sweeping the 1. His nose was red as a cherry. With every breath he took, a white puff 2 into the air.

  Inside, my mother was 3 the last of the boxes. As I entered the front door, the 4 that after today I wouldn’t enter through that door ever again 5 a hole in my stomach. I picked up my dog and sat Indian style with him in my lap on the 6, wooden floor. I had no 7 but to sit on the floor, for there was no longer any furniture occupying my house. I sat there in a daze (恍惚), just 8. There was no reason for my parents to make me, a once 9 12-year-old kid, 10. I had two best friends right across the street; I did well in school and I always kept my room clean. 11, this was “my house”. By no means did I want a couple of 12 living here. These recurring (重复) thoughts 13 around in my mind and I couldn’t find an answer.

  Out of the front window I could see the orange top of a truck pulling in he cleaned driveway and I knew it was the other U-Haul. Instantly there men came 14 in the back door like World War Ⅲ was starting.

  I watched 15 as the men, my mother and my dad loaded the truck. My dog even winced (畏缩) as he stared out of the window. I wondered if he was 16 , too, or if he just wished to play outside in the snow.

  My mum came in, looking solemn (凝重) for my sake, I imagined. She turned 17 the overhead light, put the 18 in my arm and took me out of the back door. A totally 19 feeling filled my heart. For the first time in my life. I wondered what 20 would be to me tomorrow.

  1. A. stairs

  B. garden

  C. sidewalk

  D. driveway

  2. A. escaped

  B. flew

  C. rose

  D. flowed

  3. A. piling

  B. packing

  C. collecting

  D. locking

  4. A. idea

  B. dream

  C. thought

  D. worry

  5. A. cut

  B. burned

  C. shot

  D. made

  6. A. cold

  B. wet

  C. broken

  D. messy

  7. A. choice

  B. way

  C. solution

  D. means

  8. A. dreaming

  B. thinking

  C. staring

  D. crying

  9. A. diligent

  B. clever

  C. happy

  D. honest

  10. A. remain

  B. cry

  C. suffer

  D. move

  11. A. However

  B. Besides

  C. Therefore

  D. Yet

  12. A. neighbors

  B. strangers

  C. visitors

  D. elders

  13. A. came

  B. traveled

  C. danced

  D. flowed

  14. A. running

  B. laughing

  C. talking

  D. whistling

  15. A. curiously

  B. motionlessly

  C. carefully

  D. helplessly

  16. A. afraid

  B. angry

  C. sad

  D. lonely

  17. A. down

  B. off

  C. on

  D. up

  18. A. box

  B. dog

  C. bag

  D. hand

  19. A. excited

  B. eager

  C. empty

  D. mixed

  20. A. life

  B. school

  C. home

  D. world




  A MENTORING (导师制) program is giving life changing opportunities to Banbury youth.

  Young Inspirations was founded two years ago to provide mentoring sessions for students and unemployed young adults aged 11 to 21.

  Alex Goldberg, the program's founder, said; "We set up Young Inspirations because we wanted to give young people experiences which will potentially be life changing and broaden their outlook.

  "We try to create work experience opportunities that will really make a difference to our youth. For example, we've secured internships (实习) with world-famous firms such as Honda.

  "At a time of funding cutbacks where schools are finding it more and more difficult to offer this kind of mentoring, it is extremely important that these opportunities are available both to help youth with their school work and grades and to give them opportunities which may help shape their futures. " Kieran Hepburn, 14, is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited from the program so far. In October the Banbury School pupil was accompanied by Young Inspirations staff to Paris where he was an observer at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) International Youth Forum (论坛).

  The event was held for young people from around the world, to seek their views on how the future of youth and education should look. Kieran joined several hundred observers mostly in their 20s and was the only UK school pupil to attend the event. Kieran thinks the trip was a life changing experience. " Before we left I didn't quite know what to make of it but when we got there we didn't stop, it was amazing," he said, " We went to three or four hours of debates each day and then did something cultural each afternoon."

  The main theme of the forum was how youth can drive change in political and public life. It dealt with issues such as drug abuse, violence and unemployment.

  Kieran said: " It has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills as well as my school grades and I was voted most improved pupil at school in August. "

  The Young Inspirations mentoring sessions take place each Friday in Banbury. For details visit www.younginspirations.com.

  66.The Young Inspirations mentoring program aims to _____.

  A. train staff for world-famous firms

  B. provide youth with unique experiences

  C. offer job opportunities to young adults

  D. equip the unemployed with different skills

  67.According to Alex Goldberg, it is difficult for schools to offer the mentoring due to ______.

  A. the shortage of money

  B. the cultural differences

  C. the effect of unemployment

  D. the lack of support from firms

  68.According to the passage, the forum focused on how youth can ______.

  A. build up their confidence at school

  B. find work experience opportunities

  C. improve their social skills for the future

  D. play an active role in the change of society

  69.We can learn from the passage that _____.

  A. the visit to the United Kingdom was amazing

  B. the youth have found a way to solve their problems

  C. Kieran has made great progress in many aspects

  D. the mentoring sessions are held every day except Friday

  70.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Alex Goldberg, Founder of Young Inspirations

  B. Kieran, Banbury School Pupil to Paris

  C. Young People Find a World of Opportunity

  D. Debates Help Youth with Their Grades



  Celebrity(名人) has become one of the most important representatives of popular culture. Fans used to be crazy about s specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption(消费)on the interest of celebrity attached to any given product. Besides, fashion magazines have almost abandoned the practice of putting models on the cover because they don’t sell nearly as well as famous faces. As a result, celebrities have realized their unbelievably powerful market potential, moving from advertising for others’ products to developing their own.

  Celebrity clothing lines aren’t a completely new phenomenon, but in the past they were typically aimed at the ordinary consumers, and limited to a few TV actresses. Today they’re started by first-class stars whose products enjoy equal fame with some world top brands. The most successful start-ups have been those by celebrities with specific personal style. As celebrities become more and more experienced at the market, they expand their production scale rapidly, covering almost all the products of daily life.

  However, for every success story, there’s a related warning tale of a celebrity who overvalued his consumer appeal. No matter haw famous the product’s origins is, if it fails to impress consumers with its own qualities it begins to resemble an exercise in self-promotional marketing. And once the initial(最初的)attention dies down, consumer interest might fade, loyalty (忠诚) returning to tried-and-true labels.

  Today, celebrities face ever more severe embarrassment. The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover has speeded up as well. Each misstep threatens to reduce a celebrity’s shelf life, and the same newspaper or magazine that once brought him fame has no problem picking him to pieces when the opportunity appears. Still, the ego’s (自我的)potential for expansion is limitless. Having already achieved great wealth and public recognition, many celebrities see fashion as the next frontier to be conquered. As the saying goes, success and failure always go hand in hand. Their success as designers might last only a short time, but fashion-like celebrity – has always been temporary.

  69. Fashion magazines today ________.

  A. seldom put models on the cover

  B. no longer put models on the cover

  C. need not worry about celebrities’ market potential

  D. judge the market potential of every celebrity correctly

  70. A change in the consumer market can be found today that _______.

  A. price rather than brand name is more concerned

  B. producers prefer models to celebrities for achievements

  C. producers prefer TV actresses to film stars for advertisements

  D. quality rather than the outside of products is more concerned

  71. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 indicates that any wrong step will possibly ______.

  A. decrease the popularity of a celebrity and the sales of his products

  B. damage the image of a celebrity in the eyes of the general public

  C. cut short the artistic careen of a celebrity in show business

  D. influence the price of a celebrity’s products

  72. The passage is mainly about _______.

  A. celebrity and personal style

  B. celebrity and market potential

  C. celebrity and fashion design

  D. celebrity and clothing industry



  1-5 DABCB

  6-10 AABCD

  11-15 BBCAD

  16-20 CBBCC


  69-72 ADAB


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