Week One Monday A
1.charge 2.criminal 3.punishment
4.take effect 5.be subject to 6.license
7.misconduct 8.accountable 9.milligram
10.alcohol 11.apply for 12.ban
13.commit 14.violation 15.severe
16.content 17.strict 18.responsible
19.construction 20.contractor 21.contain
22.be accused of 23.authority 24.approve
25.survey 26.conduct 27.respondent
28.deputy 29.defense 30.committee
31.association 32.occurrence 33.appropriate
34.on condition that 35.revise 36.neutral
Week One Monday B
1.white-collar 2.overwork 3.risk
4.conduct 5.conclude 6.under a load of stress
7.shoot 8.stay awake 9.upload
11.physically 12.uncomfortable
13.temper 14.feel depressed 15.rarely
16.neck 17.depression 18.overstressed
19.combination 20.a lack of 21.irregular
22.surname 23.normal 24.product
25.hearbeat 26.unwell 27.diet
28.mental 29.undergo 30.threaten
Week One Tuesday A
1.emergency 2.warning 3.application
4.locate 5.tsunami 6.aftershock
7.varying 8.solution 9.a Tokyo-based firm
10.specialize 11.disaster 12.service
13.equipment 14.smart 15.originally
16.agency 17.release 18.alarm
19.approxiamtely 20.strength 21.subscriber
22.count 23.folk 24.consumer
25.customer 26.applicant 27.inform
Week One Tuesday B
1.astonish 2.destruction 3.a series of
4.dealy 5.tornado 6.outbreak
7.decade 8.entire 9.neighborhood
10.power 11.brief 12.statement
13.media 14.aid 15.rebuild
16.emergency 17.authorities 18.residential
19.uproot 20.blow off 21.tear down
22.vivid 23.contrast 24.accompany
25.observe 26.mark with 27.cross
28.sign 29.inspect 30.alongside
31.mayor 32.greet 33.resident
34.declare 35. zone 36.enable
37.federal 38.fund 39.reconstruction
40.up to now 41.advancement 42.loss
43.tornado-stricken 44.stormy 45.horror
Week One Wednesday A
1.tourist 2.overturn 3.mountainous
4.region 5.citizen 6.immediate
7.nationalities 8.path 9.approach
10.grief/grieved 11.thorough 12.investigation
13.carry out 14.footage 15.carriage
16.slope 17.rescue 18.tend
19.victim 20.ministry 21.helicopter
22.scene 23.narrow 24.rail line
25.steep 26.premier 27.tourist attractions
28.typhoon 29.reopen 30.administration
31.leadership 32.commercial 33.tension
34.level 35.steady 36.total
37.enrich 38.strengthen 39.reduce
40.scenery 41.plain
Week One Wednesday B
1.researcher 2.painless 3.journal
4.environmental 5.represent 6.unrecognized
7.opportunity 8.greenhouse effect 9.set out to do
10.consumption 11.preservation 12.disposal
13.decline 14.terms 15.abundant
16.colleague 17.calculate 18.trashed
19.embed 20.overall 21.planet
22.pocketbook 23.emission 24.impact
25.affordable 26.data 27.revise
28.analysis 29.option 30.policy
Week One Thursday A
1.due to 2.passive 3.estimated
4.organization 5.evaluate 6.global
7.impact 8.expert 9.expose
10.researcher 11.exposure 12.infection
13.tobacco 14.deadly 15.combination
16.region 17.comment 18.journal
19.policymaker 20.motivate 21.smoke-free
22.norm 23.universal 24.data
25.comprehensive 26.mathematical 27.be exposed to
28.lung 29.impact 30.exist