2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:7-1《Living well》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:7-1《Living well》

发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 短语填空

  in other words; out of breath; in particular; adapt to; have trouble; sit around; meet with; bump

  into; at a time; in comfort

  1. By the roadside several young girls were________

  looking bored.

  2. No matter what difficulty you________, you must carry out

  your plan.

  3. The little boy tossed the peanuts into his mouth one________.

  4. The bus________ the back of the car. Luckily nobody was hurt.

  5. I like to travel________, so I always go first class on the ship.

  6. Most students have little difficulty________

  college life.

  7. They asked him to leave-________, he was fired.

  8. Is there anything________you'd like for dinner?

  9. He's been________making himself understood in English.

  10. We were________ halfway up the mountain.

  答案:1. sitting around 2. meet with 3. at a time 4. bumped into  5. in comfort 6. adapting to 7. in other words 8. in particular 9. having trouble 10. out of breath


  1. It is bad manners for you to make

  fun________the disabled; you should know they are ________ great need of our understanding.


  解析:句意:你取笑残疾人是很不礼貌的,你应该知道他们非常需要我们的理解。make fun of “取笑”;in (great) need of “(非常)需要”。

  2. Tong Hua's novel “Bu Bu Jing Xin” ______ ______ ______(adapt) for both television and computer games.

  答案:has been adapted


  3. The world will be different from what it is now, and we will have to be prepared to adapt________

  the change.


  解析:考查动词词义。句意:这个世界将会与现在不同,我们必须准备好适应改变。adapt to“适合;适应”,符合句意。

  4. When he hurried to the railway station, tired and________ ________ ________(breath), Mike found the train had just left.

  答案:out of breath

  解析:考查短语意义。句意:当迈克累得上气不接下气地赶到火车站时,他发现火车刚开走。out of breath “上气不接下气”,与句意相符。

  5.Some groups still have difficulty gaining access ________ social services.


  解析:考查介词搭配。句意:一些群体仍然很难得到享受社会服务的权利。access to sth.“(使用或见到……的)机会;权利”。

  6.I was very________(annoy) to find that the cinema was not

  accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs.



  7.-It's really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan.

  -Of course he doesn't, for the plan was made in his________(absent).



  8. —Can I help you?

  —It's too difficult a question for me________ ________(answer).

  答案:to answer

  解析:too... to...表示“太……而不能……”;在本句式中应使用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。

  9.You________ ________

  ________ careful to make the decision as it was

  such a critical case.

  答案:can't be too

  解析:句意:在这样紧要的关头,你作决定时再小心也不为过。can't be too...to...表示“无论如何……也不过分”。

  10.PE will be part of the high school graduation examinations.________ ________ ________(word). you will have to be strong

  and healthy to graduate.

  答案:In other words

  解析:in other words意为“换言之”,符合句意。句意:体育课将成为高中毕业考试的一部分。换言之,只有身体强壮、健康,你才能毕业。




  A Leap(跳跃)to Honor

  Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13­year­old gymnast,

  is an expert at it.

  To perfect her skills,

  Lola___1__for four hours a day,

  five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.

  That's especially impressive,___2__ she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift(移动) constantly. She often sees double and can't___3__how far away things are.

  When she was little, her mom___4__

  that even though she couldn't see__5__, she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the___6__right away and gymnastics became her favorite.

  Though learning gymnastics has been more___7__for her than for some of her teammates, she has never quit. She doesn't let her__8__stop her from doing anything that she wants to.

  She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest __9__ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to___10__ your mind that it'll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.

  To be a top­level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most __11__for anyone because it's four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn't fall__12__ the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10-her highest score yet.

  Lola doesn't want to be__13__ differently from the other girls on her team. At competitions, the judges don't know about her vision __14__. She doesn't tell them,

  because she doesn't think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her__15__


  Lola never thinks about___16__. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her__17__ is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she's learned to other kids__18__she grows up.

  Lola is___19__ of all her hard work and success. She says it's helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics too. Her___20__for others is“just believe in yourself.”

  1. A. runs B. teaches

  C. trains

  D. dances

  2. A. since

  B. unless

  C. after

  D. though

  3. A. tell

  B. guess

  C. assume

  D. predict

  4. A. suspected

  B. remembered

  C. imagined

  D. noticed

  5. A. deeply

  B. well

  C. ahead

  D. closely

  6. A. task

  B. sport

  C. event

  D. show

  7. A. boring

  B. enjoyable

  C. difficult

  D. satisfactory

  8. A. talent

  B. quality

  C. nature

  D. condition

  9. A. doubt

  B. advantage

  C. challenge

  D. progress

  10. A. examine

  B. express

  C. open

  D. trust

  11. A. fearful

  B. harmful

  C. unfair

  D. inconvenient

  12. A. to

  B. on

  C. off

  D. against

  13. A. greeted

  B. treated

  C. served

  D. paid

  14. A. pains

  B. stresses

  C. injuries

  D. problems




  B. friendly

  C. flexible



  16. A. defending

  B. quitting

  C. winning

  D. bargaining

  17. A. standard

  B. range

  C. view

  D. goal

  18. A. until

  B. as

  C. when

  D. before

  19. A. proud

  B. tired

  C. ashamed

  D. confident

  20. A. plan

  B. advice

  C. reward

  D. responsibility



  2.A。根据句意可知空格后的句子是空格前That's especially impressive的原因,since因为,引导原因状语从句,符合语境。



  5.B。根据前文中提到的“She often sees double and can't tell how far away things are.”可知Lola视力不好。

  6.B。根据空格后出现的“gymnastics became her favorite”可知她喜欢上了这项运动,故选择B项。












  18.C。 Lola说当她长大后想当体操教练,根据句意此题应选择C项when当……的时候。



  Ⅳ. 阅读理解


  Research suggests that if a woman runs her household without any help, she has less interest in scaling the career ladder.

  But the reason for this is not quite what you might expect, such as being too tired. According to experts, the satisfaction of being in charge of day­to­day domestic tasks leaves mothers with less of a thirst for success at work. If she were indeed to “have it all”—a family life, a love life and a career —she would need to be prepared to carve up some of the home decisions with her spouse, a study suggests.

  The study asked 136 men and women aged 18 to 30 whether being in control of household decisions is something they desire. Both sexes agreed that being in charge is an advantage. Then, 150 women were asked to imagine being a married mother and either making most of the household decisions or making them jointly with her husband. Those who had imagined being in control at home placed less value on things such as earning a high salary than those who had imagined sharing the running of the household.

  Then, almost 650 men and women were asked to imagine one of the same two scenes but with division of household chores. The men's interest in work was not affected by thoughts of being in charge at home. And if a woman imagined having to do all the chores, without making the decisions at home, she was still hungry for power in the workplace.

  Researcher Professor Serena Chen said,“This suggests it is the power aspect of household control that reduces women's interest in power outside of the home. To realise true gender equality in both private and public fields, our results suggest women may need to at least partially give up the role of household directors and men must share such decision­making.”

  1.What could be learned from the text?

  A. Women are fond of doing household tasks.

  B. Women have no interest in the office work.


  Women can do well at home or beyond if they share household decisions with men.

  D. Women can do well at home as well as in the workplace.

  2.What leaves women with less of a thirst for a successful career?

  A. Pressure from household tasks.

  B. Lack of working experience.

  C. Poor physical and mental state.

  D. Satisfaction of being in charge of household tasks.

  3.Professor Serena Chen suggested that ________.

  A. it was hard to realize true gender equality

  B. men must work as household directors

  C. men and women should share household decisions

  D. women should be as wise as men

  4.Who would be most interested in the text?

  A. Researchers. B. Breadwinners.

  C. Employers.

  D. Working mothers.

  [文章大意] 女性如果想在事业上有所建树,她们就得把管理家庭事务的权力放一放。


  2.D。考查细节理解。从第二段中信息“the satisfaction of being in charge of day­to­day domestic tasks leaves mothers with less of a thirst for success at work”可知,女性从掌管家庭事务中获得的满足感导致她们对成功事业的渴望减少。

  3.C。考查细节理解。从最后一段中的“To realise true gender equality in both private and public fields, our results suggest women may need to at least partially give up the role of household directors and men must share such decision­making.”可知,Professor Serena Chen 认为夫妻应当分享家庭决策权。


  Ⅴ. 书面表达









  参考词汇:电源插座 power socket

  July 14th, 2017 Sunday Sunny





  One possible version:

  July_14th,_2017_Sunday Sunny

  Today a humorous lecture was held at three o'clock in the afternoon in our school. A fireman was invited to give us a lecture on fire safety, which left a deep impression on us. We were also shocked at the fire accidents in the video, which told us the necessity of fire preventing.

  After the fireman asked us some questions on what might cause a fire, few could answer them. So how to prevent the fire became what we cared about most. He suggested we change the aged gas pipe, install the fire alarm, and use safe power sockets.

  Today's lecture does really help, which has aroused my safety awareness. I should do as the fireman told us in the future.


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