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发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a __36__ reason, such as your job or your studies? __37__ perhaps you are interested in the __38___, films or the music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a __39___ of the language.

  Most people learn best using a variety of __40__, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They __41_ an environment where you can practice under the __42__ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead __43__ lives and learning a language takes __44__. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a __45__. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes __46__.

  Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too __47__,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more __48__ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any __49__. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people __50__ about the mistakes they make when __51__. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes __52__ you’re much less likely to make them again.

  Learning a new language is never __53__. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be __54__ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in __55__ own language. Good luck!

  36. A. technical

  B. political

  C. practical

  D. physical

  37. A. After

  B. So

  C. Though

  D. Or

  38. A literature

  B. transport

  C. Agriculture

  D. medicine

  39. A view

  B. knowledge

  C. form

  D. database

  40. A paintings

  B. regulations

  C. methods

  D. computers

  41. A. protect

  B. change

  C. respect

  D. provide

  42. A. control

  B. command

  C. guidance

  D. pressure

  43. A. busy

  B. happy

  C. simple

  D. normal

  44. A. courage

  B. time

  C. energy

  D. place

  45. A. theory

  B. business

  C. routine

  D. project

  46. A. some risks

  B. a lot less

  C. some notes

  D. a lot more

  47. A. old

  B. nervous

  C. weak

  D. tired

  48. A. closely

  B. quickly

  C. privately

  D. quietly

  49. A. age

  B. speed

  C. distance

  D. school

  50. A. worry

  B. hesitate

  C. think

  D. quarrel

  51. A. singing

  B. working

  C. bargaining

  D. learning

  52. A. if

  B. and

  C. but

  D. before

  53. A. tiresome

  B. hard

  C. interesting

  D. easy

  54. A. blamed

  B. amazed

  C. interrupted

  D. informed

  55. A. their

  B. his

  C. our

  D, your



  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  Here is an astonishing and significant fact: Mental work alone can't make us tired. It sounds absurd. But a few years ago, scientists tried to find out how long the human brain could labor without reaching a stage of fatigue(疲劳). To the amazement of these scientists, they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, shows no fatigue at all! If we took a drop of blood from a day laborer, we could find it full of fatigue toxins(霉素) and fatigue products. But if we took blood from the brain of an Albert Einstein, it would show no fatigue toxins at the end of the day.

  So far as the brain is concerned, it can work as well and swiftly at the end of eight or even twelve hours of efforts as at the beginning. The brain is totally tireless. So what makes us tired?

  Some scientists declare that most of our fatigue comes from our mental and emotional(情感的) attitudes. One of England's most outstanding scientists, J. A. Hadfield, says,“The greater part of the fatigue from which we suffer is of mental origin. In fact, fatigue of purely physical origin is rare.” Dr. Brill, a famous American scientist, goes even further. He declares,“One hundred percent of the fatigue of a sitting worker in good health is due to emotional problems.”

  What kinds of emotions make sitting workers tired? Joy? Satisfaction? No! A feeling of being bored, anger, anxiety, tenseness, worry, a feeling of not being appreciated—those are the emotions that tire sitting workers. Hard work by itself seldom causes fatigue. We get tired because our emotions produce nervousness in the body.


  12.What surprised the scientists a few years ago?

  A.Fatigue toxins could hardly be found in a laborer's blood.

  B.Albert Einstein didn't feel worn out after a day's work.

  C.The brain could work for many hours without fatigue.

  D.A mental worker's blood was filled with fatigue toxins.

  答案:C 细节理解题。从第一段的To the amazement of these scientists, they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, shows no fatigue at all!可知答案。

  13.According to the author, which of the following can make sitting workers tired?

  A.Challenging mental work.

  B.Unpleasant emotions.

  C.Endless tasks.

  D.Physical labor.

  答案:B 细节理解题。从第三段的One hundred percent of the fatigue of a sitting worker in good health is due to emotional problems.可知答案。

  14.What's the author's attitude towards the scientists' ideas?

  A.He agrees with them.

  B.He doubts them.

  C.He argues against them.

  D.He hesitates to accept them.

  答案:A 推理判断题。从文章的最后一段的We get tired because our emotions produce nervousness in the body可知,作者同意科学家的观点。

  15.We can infer from the passage that in order to stay energetic, sitting workers need to ________.

  A.have some good food

  B.enjoy their work

  C.exercise regularly

  D.discover fatigue toxins

  答案:B 推理判断题。从文章的最后一段的A feeling of being bored, anger, anxiety, tenseness, worry, a feeling of not being appreciated——those are the emotions that tire sitting workers.可知推知,要想精力充沛,必须去掉这些负面的东西,而去喜欢工作,享受工作。

  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia(蒙古), some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp(打饱嗝儿)after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please”.

  In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.

  What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

  1. In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that __________.

  A . you are impolite

  B . you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host

  C . your meal was not enough

  D . you are friendly with your host

  2. However, in some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “________”

  A . I’m full

  B . I’m sorry

  C . I have had enough

  D . Excuse me, please

  3. In Polynesia, to be polite while eating you should __________.

  A . eat quickly

  B . sit still

  C . turn your back on others

  D . say “Be quick, please”

  4. People in an East African town are being polite by __________.

  A . waiting for a long time before visits

  B . sitting down beside others

  C . seeing a friend quickly

  D . trying not to see you

  5. We have good manners to show that we __________.

  A . are different from other people

  B . don’t want other people to worry us

  C . begin all manners in the same way

  D . want to be friends with other people



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