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发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.

  I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for appointment (约会)at 9:30.

  The nurse had him take a

  in the waiting area, 2

  him it would be

  at least 40 minutes


  someone would

  be able to

  see him .I saw him 4

  his watch

  and decided, since I was 5

  buy-my patient

  didn’t 6

  at the appointed

  hour ,I would examine his wound, While taking care

  of his wound ,I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment.

  The gentleman said no and told me that he 7

  to go to the nursing home on eat breakfast with his 8

  .He told me that she had been 9

  for a while and

  that she had a special disease, I asked if she would be 10

  if he was a bit late. He replied that she 11

  knew who he

  was ,that she had not been able to 12

  him for five years now. I was 13

  and asked him,” And you 14

  go every morning, even though she

  doesn’t know who you are?”

  He smiled and said .”She doesn’t know me, but I

  know who she is” I had to hold back 15

  as he left.

  Now I 16

  that in marriages, true love is 17

  of all that, The happiest people don’t 18

  have the best of everything; they just 19

  the best of everything they have.20

  isn’t about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


  ) 1.A.breath

  B. test

  C. seat

  D. break


  ) 2.A.persuading

  B. promising

  C. understanding

  D. telling


  ) 3. A. if

  B. before

  C. since

  D. after


  ) 4. A. taking off

  B. fixing

  C. looking at

  D. winding


  ) 5. A. very

  B. also

  C. seldom

  D. not


  ) 6. A. turn up

  B. show off

  C. come on

  D. go away


  ) 7. A. needed

  B. forgot

  C . agreed

  D. happened


  ) 8. A. daughter

  B. wife

  C. mother

  D. sister


  ) 9. A late

  B. well

  C. around

  D. there


  ) 10. A. lonely

  B. worried

  C. doubtful

  D. hungry


  ) 11. A. so far

  B. neither

  C. no longer

  D. already


  ) 12. A. recognize

  B. answer

  C. believe

  D. expect


  ) 13.A. moved

  B. disappointed

  C. surprised

  D .satisfied


  ) 14.A. only

  B. then

  C. thus

  D. still


  ) 15.A. curiosity

  B. tears

  C. words

  D. judgment


  ) 16. A. realize

  B. suggest

  C. hope

  D. prove


  ) 17. A. agreement

  B. expression

  C. acceptance

  D. exhibition


  ) 18. A. necessarily

  B. completely

  C. naturally

  D. frequently


  ) 19. A. learn

  B. make

  C. favor

  D. try


  ) 20. A. Adventure

  B. Beauty

  C. Trust

  D .Life










  1. C seat

  解析:关键名词就在后面waiting room。这个词break有可能选,但是break之前一定要很紧张才行,这里老汉没有紧张。

  高考资源€网. D telling

  解析:护士对一个老汉能做的动作,最符合逻辑的是telling,告诉。 promising 表示许诺,有可能选,再看宾语就可以排除,at least 40 minutes 没有一个承诺是这样子的,我保证你至少要等四十分钟,不是承诺这是诅咒。

  3. B before


  . C look at

  解析:看动作的发出者,一个焦急的老汉会做的动作,肯定是look at 看手表这个选项。 . D not


  6. A turn up

  解析:词组,表示“出现”的意思。这里要注意破折号表示解释说明,我不是很忙,因为我的病人在appointed hour 里面没有出现。appoint 这个词除了任命的意思,还有约时间的意思。B. show off 是“炫耀”的意思。. A needed

  解析:考察动词搭配,用排除法。B forget是“忘记”,他忘记了回去吃饭这样的事情,不算一个appointment。C agree to do是“同意做某件事情”,在文中没人提要求,所以不存在同意不同意。D happen to do“碰巧做某事”。 . B wife高考资源€网解析:名词找重复,这里重复再后面,刚做的时候放一放,第五段的第一句出现了marriage,表示他们俩曾经有一段,那么选老婆这个选项。. D there

  解析:she had been there 表示的是她已经在那个nursing home 里面有一段时间了,有难度,其他几个选项的中文意思比较模棱两可, A. late 要迟到的是老头子,不是他老婆。 B. well 她老婆身体很健康。 C.老婆曾经在他身边。. B worried

  解析:根据词义辨析。lonely“孤独的”,worried 是“焦虑的,担心的”的意思,doubtful“怀疑的”,hungry“饥饿的”。

  . C no longer

  解析:结合后文,49空那句话给出了很好的对应。neither 表示否定2者。. A recognize

  解析:之前见过,现在认不出来。. C surprised

  解析:表示惊讶。选项moved干扰度比较大,需要对全文的态度进行把握,文中进行到这里并没有很明显的作者的正面态度出现,证据就在于他的那个问句:你知道她不认识你,还是每天早上要去陪她?这句话显然不是一个正面态度的体现,而真正的态度转正的地方在倒数第二段,他忍住泪水,所以这里不能选moved这个表示正面态度的词语。. D still

  解析:表示状态的持续,B. then 表示时间先后,C. thus 表示因果。

  高考资源€网. B tear

  解析:关键在前面的动词hold back忍住,忍回去。忍回去的只有泪水。

  . A realize


  . C acceptance


  . A necessarily


  . B make

  解析:考查动词和名词的搭配, make the best of充分利用,就是说他们可以没有最好的东西,但是他们充分利用了他们所拥有的东西。C选项favor 不能选,因为表示的意思是偏好,在这里没有比较爱人认得你还是不认得你,所以不选。

  . D Life


  , 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  If a diver surfaces too quickly, he may suffer the bends. Nitrogen(氮) dissolved (溶解)in his blood is suddenly liberated by the reduction of pressure. The consequence, if the bubbles (气泡)accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name. If the bubbles form in his lungs or his brain, the consequence can be death.

  Other airbreathing animals also suffer this decompression(减压)sickness if they surface too fast: whales, for example. And so, long ago, did ichthy osaurs (鱿). That these ancient sea animals got the bends can be seen from their bones. If bubbles of nitrogen form inside the bone they can cut off its blood supply. This kills the cells in the bone, and consequently weakens it, sometimes to the point of collapse. Fossil(化石)bones that have caved in on themselves are thus a sign that the animal once had the bends.

  Bruce Rothschild of the University of Kansas knew all this when he began a study of ichthyosaur bones to find out how widespread the problem was in the past. What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs adapted to the problem of decompression over the 150 million years. To this end, he and his colleagues traveled the world's naturalhistory museums, looking at hundreds of ichthyosaurs from the Triassic period and from the later Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

  When he started, he assumed that signs of the bends would be rarer in younger fossils, reflecting their gradual evolution of measures to deal with decompression. Instead, he was astonished to discover the opposite. More than 15% of Jurassic and Cretaceous ichthyosayurs had suffered the bends before they died, but not a single Triassic specimen(标本)showed evidence of that sort of injury.

  If ichthyosaurs did evolve an antidecompression means, they clearly did so quickly—and, most strangely, they lost it afterwards. But that is not what Dr Rothschild thinks happened. He suspects it was evolution in other animals that caused the change.

  Whales that suffer the bends often do so because they have surfaced to escape a predator (捕食动物)such as a large shark. One of the features of Jurassic oceans was an abundance of large sharks and crocodiles, both of which were fond of ichthyosaur lunches. Triassic oceans, by contrast, were mercifully sharkand crocodilefree. In the Triassic, then, ichthyosaurs were top of the food chain. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, they were prey(猎物)as well as predator—and often had to make a speedy exit as a result.

  文章大意:当下潜者突然浮出水面,血液中的氮气会突然释放出来,引起剧烈的疼痛和身体的弯曲。Bruce Rothschild研究为什么普遍存在的这种现象在早期鱼龙身上不存在,晚期的鱼龙身上就出现了。

  5.Which of the following is a typical symptom of the bends?

  A.A twisted body.

  B.A gradual decrease in blood supply.

  C.A sudden release of nitrogen in blood.

  D.A drop in blood pressure.

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句话“The consequence, if the bubbles accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name”当血液中的氮气释放,聚集在关节处,结果就是剧烈的疼痛和身体的弯曲——这就是bends这个名字的由来。由此可知,bends的典型症状就是弯曲的身体。

  6.The purpose of Rothschild's study is to see


  A.how often ichthyosaurs caught the bends

  B.how ichthyosaurs adapted to decompression

  C.why ichthyosaurs bent their bodies

  D.when ichthyosaurs broke their bones

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句话“What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs adapted to the problem of decompression over the 150 million years.”可得出答案。

  7.Rothschild's finding stated in Paragraph 4


  A.confirmed his assumption

  B.speeded up his research process

  C.disagreed with his assumption

  D.changed his research objectives

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据根据第四段第二句话“Instead,he was astonished to discover the opposite.”说明他的发现和他的假设是相反的。

  8.Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs


  A.failed to evolve an antidecompression means

  B.gradually developed measures against the bends

  C.died out because of large sharks and crocodiles

  D.evolved an antidecompression means but soon lost it

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据最后一段,最初鱼龙处于食物链的顶端,没有动物捕杀它们,所以它们无需急剧浮出水面,因此无bends现象,但是到了鱼龙成为了猎物,所以有了bends现象,而它们没有跟着进化。


  For five days,Edmonton's Downtown Park is transformed into one huge stage where artists are able to share their talents,and where people are able to celebrate and enjoy themselves.Since its beginning in 1980,the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has been commemorating (纪念) the true feeling of what folk music is all about and that's the traditional togetherness(友爱)that is felt when people gather to share stories and feelings through song.

  This year will be the sixth year when volunteer Riedel will be offering up her time to the festival.“People coming off a busy spring and summer have a moment of relaxation.”Riedel said.“It's really easy to relax,and it's great seeing family and friends have fun together.”These families and friends come from all different kinds of musical tastes.People who take pleasure in Blues are there,so are people who love Bluegrass.This festival does its best to develop everyone's musical interests.

  With so many years of experience,the festival has become a well­oiled machine,and does whatever it can to make attendees feel as comfortable as possible.There are free water stations throughout the venue (举办地) for people to fill up their travel cups.When people buy food,reusable dishes are given a $2 plate fee,but that is returned when the plate is brought back.

  The festival has completely sold out of tickets, and in record time.But with big names such as Van Morrison and Jakob Dylan, it's easy to see how that was going to happen.There is no parking area during the festival, so using the Park & Ride system or Edmonton Transit is highly recommended.A bike lock­up area is provided and will be available Thursday until Sunday one hour before the gates open until 45 minutes after the gates close.

  The Edmonton Folk Music Festival begins on Wednesday, Aug.4 with Van Morrison playing the special donation fund (基金)concert, and will finish up on Sunday, Aug.8.

  本文主要讲述为了让人们了解民间音乐的真正意义而举办的一个节日——the Edmonton Folk Music Festival。

  1.The Edmonton Folk Music Festival is held mainly to______.

  A.gather people with different musical tastes

  B.remind people of the real sense of folk music

  C.exhibit the good voices of great talents in folk music

  D.collect old stories of folk music

  答案:B。细节理解题。由本文的第一段信息“...the Edmonton Music Festival has been commemorating the true feeling of what folk music is all about...”可知B项正确。

  2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Riedel has volunteered for the festival for at least 5 years.

  B.It's hard for people to appreciate Blues.

  C.It costs people a little to fill up their cups from water stations.

  D.People have to pay ﹩2 for a plate of food.

  答案:A。推理判断题。由第二段第一句话“This year will be the sixth year when volunteer Riedel will be offering up her time to the festival”.可推知Riedel至少做志愿者五年了,故A项正确。

  3.We can learn from the passage that______.

  A.people can get tickets easily for the festival

  B.the Edmonton Folk Music Festival is well organized

  C.driving one's own car to the festival is highly recommended

  D.bikes are available at the festival from Wednesday to Sunday

  答案:B。推理判断题。由第三段“With so many years of experience,the festival has become a well­oiled machine...”可知该节日组织得井井有条,故B项正确。

  4.What would be the best title for this passage?

  A.Folk Music of Blues B.One Festival for All

  C.Festival for Family GatheringD.Edmonton's Downtown Park

  答案:B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知。文章主要讲述the Edmonton Folk Music Festival这一个节日,故B项最佳。


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