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发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Susan: I’m so glad to see you, David.


  has been such a long time. How are you?

  David: I’m fine, and you?

  Susan: I’m just wonderful. God, time goes by so quickly! Are you going to the air quality conference in Chicago?

  David: I am. And I’m really glad to see you. Just last night I found your name in the conference materials, but it didn’t come to my


  that we would meet on the plane.

  Susan: I’m afraid I haven’t had time to look at


  conference materials very carefully. I had no idea you were coming, but I am certainly glad to see you. I was feeling very nervous about going there



  David: I can imagine. My English has gotten not so fluent since I returned from the States,


  I’m rather nervous myself. But I saw that you


  (give) the most important talk at the conference.



  (frank) speaking, I’m scared to death about it.

  David: I’m just giving a talk in one of the workshop sections, and I hope I won’t make all of you



  Susan: But your English is much


  (good) than mine.

  David: But you’re now the Director of the Air Quality Institute, so you


  know the technical terms.

  Susan: Maybe. But I still can’t understand totally a lot of technical terms in my field.


  61. It

  62. mind

  63. the

  64. without

  65. so/therefore/thus

  66. would give / were giving

  67. Frankly

  68. disappointed

  69. better

  70. must


  Here You Grow Again“You’re having problems? No problem. ”That’s what I try to tell myself when I begin to feel overwhelmed. And then I 1 myself that the only people I am aware of who don’t have 2 are gathered in peaceful neighborhoods. There is never a 3 , never a moment of stress to ruin a day. All is calm. Most 4 have at least one such worry-free zone. We call them 5 .

  But if you’re still 6 , you have difficulties. It’s the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be 7 for you than you think. Let me explain.

  Maybe you have seen the Great Barrier Reef,  8 some 1, 800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to 9 the reef. On one tour, the guide was asked a question. “I notice that the lagoon(浅水湖)side of the reef looks 10 and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful, ”a traveler observed. “ 11 is this? ”

  The guide gave an interesting answer, “The coral(珊瑚)around the lagoon side is in 12 water, with no challenge for its survival. It 13 early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being 14 by wind, waves, storms—surges of power. It has to fight for 15 every day of its life. As it is challenged and tested it changes and 16 . It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces. ”Then he added this telling note, “That’s the way it is 17 every living organism. ”

  Like coral 18 by the sea, we grow.  19 demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce strength and determination. Spiritual testing can produce 20 of character and faithfulness.

  【文章大意】大堡礁上经常受到海水冲击的珊瑚生命力更加旺盛, 但是那些没有受海水冲击的反而会死得更早。作者从而得出, 在我们的人生中, 经常遇到挫折, 会使我们更加具有能力。

  1. A. warn B. remind

  C. inform

  D. persuade

  【解析】选B。从后面的myself that the only people I am aware of who don’t have are gathered in peaceful neighborhoods可知, 这是作者提醒自己的事情。

  2. A. purposes B. troubles

  C. plans

  D. opinions

  【解析】选B。与本文的第一句话You’re having problems? No problem中的problems呼应, 指那些没有麻烦的人们。

  3. A. wonder B. miracle

  C. care

  D. wish

  【解析】选C。与上文中的problems, troubles和后面的stress等呼应, 指没有任何关心的事情。

  4. A. suburbs B. halls

  C. countries

  D. towns

  【解析】选D。根据后面的We call them 可知是公墓, 因此表明这里指每个城镇。

  5. A. cemeteries B. yardsC. squares

  D. parks

  【解析】选A。与上文提到的Most have at least one such worry-free zone. 每个城镇都有一个人从来不会担忧的地区, 即公墓。

  6. A. worrying B. breathing

  C. thinking

  D. working

  【解析】选B。根据后面的you have difficulties. It’s the way of life可知, 只要你呼吸, 只要你活着, 你就有困难。

  7. A. bigger B. smaller

  C. better

  D. heavier

  【解析】选C。根据空格前面的And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be和后面的for you than you think. 可知, 你的问题要比你想象的要好。

  8. A. covering B. running

  C. reaching

  D. stretching

  【解析】选D。从后面的some 1, 800 miles from New Guinea to Australia可知这里指大堡礁绵延1 800英里。

  9. A. view B. dig

  C. protect

  D. find

  【解析】选A。根据前面的Tour guides regularly take visitors可知导游带着游客们去欣赏这里的风景。

  10. A. healthy B. pale

  C. strong

  D. colorful

  【解析】选B。与后面的and lifeless呼应, 指这里的珊瑚是无生命的, 并且颜色是苍白的。

  11. A. how B. when

  C. why

  D. what

  【解析】选C。根据前面的“I notice that the lagoon side of the reef looks and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful, ”a traveler observed. 可知, 这个游客看见这种情景之后, 问为什么。

  12. A. dirty B. cold

  C. deep

  D. still

  【解析】选D。根据前面的浅水背景和后面的with no challenge for its survival可知, 这些珊瑚生长在平静的水中。

  13. A. grows B. dies

  C. rests

  D. settles

  【解析】选B。从前面的with no challenge for its survival没有生存的挑战性, 可知它们死得早。

  14. A. tested B. washed

  C. cleaned

  D. killed

  【解析】选A。根据空格前面的The coral on the ocean side is constantly being和后面的by wind, waves, storms—surges of power可知这些珊瑚经常遭到风、海浪和暴风雨的考验。

  15. A. nutriment B. development

  C. survival

  D. energy

  【解析】选C。上文已经提到了The coral around the lagoon side is inwater, with no challenge for its survival其中有survival, 因此选C。

  16. A. enlarges B. breaks

  C. disappears

  D. adapts

  【解析】选D。从后面的It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces可知, 这些珊瑚已经适应了环境, 因此选D。

  17. A. for B. with

  C. on

  D. in

  【解析】选B。根据空格前面的That’s the way it is和后面的every living organism可知with指的是这些情况适用于每一个活着的生物。

  18. A. struck B. flooded

  C. swallowed

  D. supported

  【解析】选A。从后面的by the sea, we grow可知这里指我们像珊瑚一样, 经常接受海水的撞击, 从而我们能够成长。

  19. A. Social B. Emotional

  C. Spiritual

  D. Physical

  【解析】选D。与后面的Mental and emotional stress精神的和情感的对比, 指身体上的。

  20. A. feature B. result

  C. strength

  D. influence

  【解析】选C。上文已经提到了Mental and emotional stress can produce strength and determination因此选C。

  One of the most interesting of all studies is the study of words and word origins.Each language is __1__ of several earlier languages and the words of a language can sometimes be traced __22__ through two or three different languages to their __23__.Again a word from one language may pass into other languages and __24__ a new meaning.The word “etiquette,” which is __5__ French origin and originally meant a label (标志), __6__ a sign, passed into Spanish and kept its original meaning.So in Spanish the word “etiquette” today is used to __7__ the small tags (标签) which a store __8__ to a suit, a dress or a bottle.The word “etiquette” in French, __9__, gradually developed a different meaning.It __0__ became the custom to write directions on small cards, or “etiquette”, as to how visitors should dress themselves and __31__ during an important ceremony at the royal court.__2__ the word “etiquette” began to indicate a system of correct manners for people to follow.__3__ this meaning, the word passed into English.Consider the word “breakfast”.“To fast” is to go for some period of time without __4__.Thus in the morning after many hours __5__ the night without food, one __36__ one’s fast.Consider the everyday English __37__ “Good-bye”.Many

  years ago, people would say to each __38__ on parting “God be with you.” As this was __9__ over and over millions of times, it gradually became __40__ to “Good-bye”.1.A.collected B.made


  D.contained2.A.to B.on







  C.change D.choose5.A.of B.with








  C.binds D.gives9.A.however

  B.moreover C.therefore

  D.furthermore0.A.late B.lately






  B.Also C.Yet D.Nevertheless3.A.After B.With



  B.working C.eating





  B.continues C.remembers






  C.one D.member9.A.reproduced

  B.revised C.reviewed

  D.0.A.combined B.accepted C.reformed

  D.shortened(2017·江南十校考前热身) A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

  An international business specialist group has announced that the move towards a green economy is becoming more urgent for emerging economies(新兴经济体),especially South Africa.

  On Monday,Innovation Group announced that green economic policies were becoming increasingly important on the global landscape and for emerging economies.

  According to Pule Mokoena,from Innovation Group,experts believe the adoption of these green policies will assist with“ailing(不景气的)economies”.“The move to a green economy,such as the adoption of alternative energy solutions,should be adopted by economies and countries.”

  Mokoena's comments came as Greenpeace Africa called on the South African government to review its decision to include nuclear energy into the country's energy plan.

  In order to avoid all energy crisis in the country,the_energy_mix_had_to_be_diversified,including broadening energy carriers to include gas,nuclear,biomass,renewable(wind,solar and hydro),as well as the efficient use of the existing resources,such as coal.

  For this reason,nuclear energy will account for 23 percent of South Africa's energy needs,followed by coal at 15 percent,hydro at six percent,gas six percent,turbines six percent and renewable energy 42 percent.

  However,Pule said there are other options for South Africa's energy needs.

  “Too many companies are focusing on the costs of green policies,rather than focusing on the long-term benefits,”explained Mokoena.

  Nobel economics winner Joseph Stiglitz and the former World Bank chief economist agree with Mokoena and believe that the need to switch to green technology should be seen as an opportunity and not as a burden.

  When in South Africa earlier this year,Stiglitz said a switch to green technology would stimulate demand for a range of goods and services,which would have a beneficial impact on the aftermath of the global recession.

  He urged policymakers not to be held back by short-term perspectives.

  Innovation Group has already developed a reliable alternate energy solution,which the company believes will change the landscape of this emerging market and other companies will follow suite and offer renewable energy solutions for emerging economies.

  “We are quickly becoming an industry leader in this space thanks to our in-house expert knowledge on the various SWH technologies available and the application of our Business Process Outsourcing Solutions,which allow for the mass roll-out of these technologies on a national scale.We are proud to be an active part of the solution to the current energy crisis and plan to become a major force in the drive towards sustainability and good environmental practice,”Pule said.

  【语篇解读】 像南非这样的新兴经济体经历了经济的快速发展之后会面临能源危机,而走绿色发展道路是唯一的出路。

  .Which of the following is the best title for this text?

  A.Advantages of Green Energy

  B.Green Policies Vital for Emerging Economies

  C.Potential Energy Crisis for Emerging Economies

  D.How to Develop Green Energy

  解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是像南非这样的新兴经济体会在发展中遇到能源危机,因此走绿色发展道路显得很重要,政府应在这方面出台相应的政策。故B项作为本文的标题最合适。

  答案 B

  .The underlined part “the energy mix had to be diversified”in Paragraph 5 implies ________.

  A.energy had to be classified

  B.different kinds of energy had to be mixed

  C.a variety of energy had to be developed and used

  D.a mixture of various energy was essential

  解析 句意理解题。根据下文的“including broadening energy carriers to include gas,nuclear,biomass,renewable energy(wind,solar and hydro),as well as the efficient use of the existing resources,such as coal”可判断,画线部分的含义为“要开发和利用不同种类的能源”。

  答案 C

  .According to Pule Mokoena,________.

  A.nuclear energy shouldn't be included into energy plans

  B.focusing too much on the costs of green policies is shortsighted

  C.green policies alone can solve the economic problems faced by South Africa

  D.green polices have nothing to do with the use of the existing resources like coal

  解析 推理判断题。根据第八段中的“Too many companies are focusing on the costs of green policies,rather than focusing on the long-term benefits”可推断选B项。

  答案 B

  .According to the text,the main reason for the adoption of green policies is that ________.

  A.the existing resources are not efficiently used

  B.green energy costs less to develop

  C.green policies can solve the current energy crisis

  D.green technology will stimulate demand for a range of goods and services

  解析 细节理解题。根据全文尤其是最后一段,为了解决目前的能源危机,为了保持可持续发展,政府必须采取这一政策。

  答案 C


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