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发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I had traveled halfway around the world to see him—my father. I was 7 years old when I last saw him. Nearly 15 years later, I 1 in the courtyard of his home in Armenia. My brother remembered 2 our father lived. It was the 3 gray, decaying building my parents lived in after they 4 . You could say that I had come home. But that wasn’t how I 5 .

  I have few 6 of my father. I remember us dancing together and him giving me my first doll. I also remember him 7 and he liked to leave. Sometimes he would be 8 for months at a time, and then unexpectedly he would be back.

  Until, one day, it was our 9 to leave. My mother woke me up and told me to 10 my belongings. I remember her grasping my hand as we made our 11 to the airport in Moscow. She said we were going on a trip. The next day, we 12 at our new home, California. We 13 ever spoke of my father. I had no 14 of him, and over time forgot what he looked like. When I asked my mother about him, she would look at me,  15 : “Forget him. He’s gone, ”she’d say.

  I felt robbed of a relationship with a 16 , and somehow I wanted to 17 the lost years. For nearly a year, I lived with him. Often, my father sat across the table from me,  18 me stories as if we were old friends.

  Now slowly I am piecing together a picture of a 19 stranger. In some ways, he is no less absent to me than when I was a 20 . But now I have a glimpse of a man who should have been my father.

  【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。小时候父亲经常离家出走, 作者七岁时最终和母亲一起离开了父亲, 直到15年后才再次见到他并和他在一起待了将近一年, 但父亲在作者心目中的印象仍然是熟悉的陌生人。

  1. A. debatedB. stoodC. answeredD. awoke

  【解析】选B。前后照应题。根据上下文可知, 作者多年后回到原来的家。将近十五年后, 我又站在了父亲的院子里。

  2. A. why B. how

  C. where

  D. when

  【解析】选C。前后照应题。根据后面的句子可知, 我哥哥还记得父亲住的地方。

  3. A. same B. official

  C. legal

  D. different

  【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据语境可知, 父亲还住在原来的房子里。依然是那栋灰色破旧的建筑。

  4. A. separated B. married

  C. changed

  D. quarreled


  5. A. tasted B. smelt

  C. sounded

  D. felt

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据You could say that I had come home. 及But可判断出, 作者并没有这种感觉。你可以说我回家了, 但我却没有这种感觉。

  6. A. memories B. decisions

  C. doubts

  D. honors

  【解析】选A。前后照应题。根据后面的内容可知这是本段的主题句, 我对父亲的记忆不多。

  7. A. joking B. singing

  C. painting

  D. leaving

  【解析】选D。前后照应题。根据后面的and he liked to leave及下文的描述可知, 我还记得他离开家时的情形, 他喜欢离家出走。

  8. A. determined B. concerned

  C. gone

  D. devoted

  【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。有时候他会一走就是几个月, 然后不期而归。

  9. A. duty B. business

  C. honor

  D. turn

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。父亲经常离开家, 直到有一天, 轮到我们离开了。

  10. A. buy B. pack

  C. transport

  D. view

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。因为我们要离开了, 所以要收拾行李打包。

  11. A. way B. life

  C. day

  D. mind

  【解析】选A。固定搭配题。根据后面的to the airport可知, 要用make one’s way to前往。我记得在去莫斯科机场的路上, 妈妈紧紧地握着我的手。

  12. A. pointed B. stared

  C. aimed

  D. arrived

  【解析】选D。固定搭配题。根据后面的our new home可知要用arrive at到达。第二天, 我们来到了在加利福尼亚州的新家。

  13. A. hardly B. fortunately

  C. curiously

  D. generally

  【解析】选A。前后照应题。根据后面作者问及父亲时母亲的态度可知, 我们几乎从没谈起过我父亲。

  14. A. photos B. clothes

  C. demands

  D. books

  【解析】选A。前后照应题。根据后面and over time forgot what he looked like可知, 导致我忘记了他长什么样的原因应该是我没有他的照片。

  15. A. excited B. disappointed

  C. advanced

  D. pleased

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据Forget him. He’s gone可知, 当问及父亲的情况时, 母亲的反应是非常失望。每当我想问问母亲有关父亲的情况时,她都会看着我, 失望地说: “忘了他吧! 他走了。”

  16. A. mother B. brother

  C. sister

  D. father

  【解析】选D。词汇复现题。根据语境可知, 母亲的行为让我感觉好像被人剥夺了与父亲的关系。

  17. A. make up for B. make away with

  C. make use of

  D. make out of

  【解析】选A。短语辨析题。因此我想用某种方式来弥补这些年失去的时光。make up for补偿, 弥补; make away with带走, 拿走, 偷走; make use of使用, 利用; make out of用……制造出……。

  18. A. teaching B. telling

  C. supplying

  D. writing

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。父亲和我隔桌而坐, 像老朋友那样给我讲故事。

  19. A. familiar B. complete

  C. real

  D. passing

  【解析】选A。前后照应题。根据上文可知, 对于作者来说父亲的形象在自己的心目中既熟悉又陌生。此刻渐渐地, 我拼凑起了一张熟悉的陌生人的画像。

  20. A. student B. child

  C. parent

  D. writer

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据语境可知, 作者自小和父亲在一起的时间很有限。在某种程度上, 他依然像我在孩童时和我那么疏远。



  While attending a conference, I returned to my hotel room late one rainy evening.The overhead light outside my door was


  and I had difficulty finding the keyhole.When I finally


  to open the door, I


  around the wall for a light switch.I found a


  where a switch was once installed… but no switch.

  No discouraged easily, I remembered seeing a


  by the bed when I put away my luggage


  in the day.I found the bed in the dark and felt around until I found the lamp, but when I switched it on,


  happened! Now what?

  Though I knew that it was dark outside my window


  the outdoor light was burned out, I thought that


  if I opened the curtains I might be able to use the light from the


  to find another lamp.So I


  my way slowly across the room to the curtains and… no draw-string!

  I finally stumbled(跌跌撞撞) around until I found a desk lamp that actually


  ! That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world can be and how necessary



  But even more necessary than


  light is the light that shines from people — the light of love, sympathy and


  .Because, for many people, the world is a dark and



  It is the shining that is important, for someone today just may be stumbling in discouragement or fear and in


  of some light.

  So let your light shine.Whatever light you


  may be a beacon(灯塔)of hope and encouragement in someone’s darkness.And if you feel that your light is


  a candle in a forest, remember this — there isn’t enough darkness in the world to


  the light of one small candle.




  37.A.managedB.attempteC.succeeded D.meant

  38.A.touchedB.turned C.felt


  39.A.light B.plate

  C.lamp D.signal

  40.A.lampB.switch C.desk D.window

  41.A.laterB.earlier C.sooner D.first

  42.A.somethingB.everything C.nothing D.anything

  43.A.whenB.unless C.since D.although


  B.surely C.absolutely D.perhaps

  45.A.starB.street C.room D.shop


  C.made D.pushed

  47.A.workedB.failed C.did D.closed


  B.thinking C.dream D.light

  49.A.spiritualB.physical C.mental D.inner

  50.A.faithB.soul C.help D.attention

  51.A.mixedB.fancy C.lonely D.complicated

  52.A.lackB.need C.favor D.face

  53.A.devoteB.receive C.offer D.throw

  54.A.onlyB.even C.ever D.much

  55.A.give outB.leave out C.take out D.put out36-40BACBA

  41-45 BCCDB



  完型填空Last Christmas was a very difficult time for me. My family were all back home in Florida, leaving me


  in a rather cold California. I was working at the Southwest Airlines ticket counter. It was about 9:00 P.M. on Christmas Eve, and there were a few of us


  and very few customers waiting to be


  . When the next person came to the counter, I


  to see a very old man, whose leg was wrapped in a bandage(绷带) ,standing with a stick. He walked very


  over and in a low


  told me that he had to go to New Orleans. I tried to explain to him there were no more


  that night and that he would have to wait till the



  Later, I


  this old man was Mr. MacDonald and that his relative


  him off at the sidewalk on Christmas Eve and told him to go to New Orleans, where he had his family. He was given some


  and told just to go inside and buy a ticket. When


  if he could come back tomorrow, he said that he had no place to


  here and he would wait at the airport until tomorrow. I felt a little ashamed. The poor old man now


  me of what being alone really meant.

  I never really had a


  like this, and I was feeling really miserable inside. I went back and told my supervisor(主管) about it, who promised to


  everything. To my great


  , the next morning we


  to get him a ticket and took him to wait for the plane. As he left he said, “Thank you”; then he


  his head and started to cry. Seeing this, my homesickness began to disappear.[

  From the experience I learned a


  : He who helps others gets helped himself.


  )44.A. unbearablB. hopeless C. lively D. alone


  )45.A. workingB. chatting C. leaving D. moving


  )46.A. invitedB. helped C. greeted D. passed


  )47.A. pulled uB. turned up C. looked up D. woke up


  )48.A. swiftlyB. slowly C. unwillingly D. wildly


  )49.A. positionB. manner C. voice D. degree


  )50.A. flights B. hotels C. buses D. passengers


  )51.A. morninB. afternoon C. evening D. dusk


  )52.A. suspectedB. insisted C. agreed D. learned


  )53.A. turned B. pulled C. carried D. dropped


  )54.A. cash B. freedom C. reasons D. chances


  )55.A. asked B. doubted C. ordered D. decided


  )56.A. hide B. stay C. visit D. relax


  )57.A. informedB. persuaded C. reminded D. warned


  )58.A. demandB. concern C. challenge D. situation


  )59.A. try B. arrange C. give D. inspect


  )60.A. relief B. embarrassmenC. disappointment D. regret


  )61.A. intendedB. planned C. desired D. managed


  )62.A. kept B. bent C. shook D. lost


  )63.A. sentenceB. story C. lesson D. text


  44--48: DABCB

  49--53: CAADD

  54--58: AABCD

  59--63: BADBC



  Growing trees in the concrete jungle of Los Angels brings neighbors benefits beyond beauty.

  As the


  of TreePeople, a nonprofit organization he founded in 1973, Andy, now 54, has inspired hundreds of thousands of volunteers to


  plant more than two million trees throughout Southern California.

  TreePeople 38 tools, blueprints, planting demonstrations, and tree-care supervisors free to all the participants,


  me. “You will need their support,” Andy said, referring to my neighbors. “ 40

  the community behind you, the trees you plant will die in five years.” So I started knocking on doors, hoping to share


  I’d learnt in TreePeople’s seminar(培训班) about the critical role of trees in removing smog from the


  , cooling our homes and preventing water runoff.



  it may seem, some people are afraid of trees. “The roots destroy sidewalks,” one neighbor said, “


  will ruin my pipes. And I don’t want leaves.”


  told me.

  When I called Andy about the


  I was getting from my neighbors, he encouraged me to keep trying. So my son and my wife delivered cookies while I went door to door. It


  us half a year to sign permission forms from 16 neighbors for 21 trees.

  When the big day arrived, I was excited and


  . What if I threw a planting tree and


  else came? But as I set out shovels(铁铲), my son and wife made cakes and doughnuts,


  started to gather. Friends brought friends. Neighbors came with cousins and grandchildren. A local middle school even


  with half the seventh grade. More than 300 people joined us.

  Then Andy led us in a


  : welcoming each tree into the world and


  it name. After the ceremony, as I shook hands with volunteers and my neighbors, I

  54 help but feel we’d accomplished


  great. After all, trees need people, and people need trees.

  36. A. friend

  B. interviewer

  C. president

  D. volunteer

  37. A. bravely

  B. actively

  C. anxiously

  D. generously

  38. A. supports

  B. affords

  C. shows

  D. provides

  39. A. including

  B. considering

  C. containing

  D. reminding

  40. A. For

  B. Without

  C. With

  D. Except

  41. A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  42. A. cloud

  B. wind

  C. sky

  D. air

  43. A. while

  B. if

  C. however

  D. as

  44. A. You

  B. I

  C. They

  D. It

  45. A. The other

  B. Another

  C. Other

  D. Others

  46. A. resistance

  B. acceptance

  C. agreement

  D. praise

  47. A. spent

  B. paid

  C. took

  D. covered

  48. A. moved

  B. disappointed

  C. surprised

  D. nervous

  49. A. everybody

  B. nobody

  C. somebody

  D. anybody

  50. A. volunteers

  B. journalists

  C. friends

  D. neighbors

  51. A. made up

  B. took up

  C. showed up

  D. cheered up

  52. A. ceremony

  B. march

  C. activity

  D. celebration

  53. A. calling

  B. leaving

  C. making

  D. giving

  54. A. wouldn’t

  B. shouldn’t

  C. couldn’t

  D. needn’t

  55. A. anything

  B. something

  C. nothing

  D. everything







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