2017届高三英语二轮复习 句型6-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语二轮复习 句型6

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  中考二轮复习九年级英语练习8B (Unit4-------6 )

  Class ____________ Name __________Mark____________


  1 Nanjing topped the list of the happiest cities for _______( 教育)in China in 2009

  2 Do you know the song “Love in Beijing” ? –Sure . It is _________(演唱)by SuNan .

  3 Do you know that famous singer ? Let me _________( 介绍)him to you

  4 The secret of my ____________(成功) is to work hard

  5 When the students heard the news , they shouted______________(兴奋)

  6 One of the o__________ in China is to help girls return to school

  7 Many people gathered at Tai Miao to ________(庆祝)the 100-day countdown(倒计时)to the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of April 30

  8 The apartment(公寓) is so expensive that Mr Green can’t a_____________ it

  9 It’s our duty to help b_________ people because they aren’t able to see

  10 The children drink this soup to ___________(预防) the illness

  11 They’re all nurses , m________ from the poor countries


  Bad weather sometimes a_________ our feelings

  13 As Zhenjiang citizens , we are all ___________(骄傲) of Xijin Ferry(西津古渡)

  14 The camera was one of the greatest ___________(发明) in the 19th century

  15 It is ____________(不可能的) for us to finish the work in such a short time

  16 It is said it will rain this afternoon . you’d better take an _________with you

  17 He can’t hear anything . He is a d_______ person

  18 With the d_______ of science and

  technology , our country is becoming stronger and stronger


  19 We should be polite to the


  20 It’s a t_________ walk but I’m really interested in it

  21 Mr Liu is a teacher full of ____________(经验)


  group …into

  what for

  look down on

  be known as

  take place

  try one’s best

  get lost

  on the way

  for further information

  provide …with

  1 This street ________the dirtiest part of the city years ago

  2 It’s wrong of you _________the disabled people

  3 The centre _________the people in the town ______fresh milk every day

  4 He never ___________. That was why he failed again

  5 You say you need to see a doctor ? ____________? -------My head hurts badly

  6 Now let’s __________ourselves _________ a team of four and play games

  7 Take a map with you so that you will not ___________in a new place .

  8 _____________, you can contact Mr Zhang on this telephone number .

  9 The film festival _________________ in October every year

  10 He is searching the Internet ____________________________________

  do a lot of research on

  care about

  be used to

  provide …..for

  treat with kindness

  carry on with



  be grateful to


  be used as ….

  1All we need

  is enough money _________________________ our work

  2 She _____________working on a plane and is not afraid of flying any more

  3 We must ___________________ our teachers for their help

  4 Many countries

  ____________their objects and money _________Japan after the big earthquake and tsunami

  5 The government building ______________________ a teaching centre

  6 3 It’s selfish of you _____________________ only yourself

  7 We _________________________ how to deal with the teenage


  8 The elderly should ___________________________

  9 He ________________to be able to so many people

  10 Many of our patients are ________poor ________they can’t afford to travel to hospital

  三、 用所给单词的正确形式填空:

  1 Sandy kept _______(take) the photos because of the beautiful view

  2 The audience shouted ________(exciting) because they performed very ________(well)

  3 This question is a bit _________(difficult) than that one

  4 He ___________(choose) to be the host of the show

  5 The stamp ________(show) to the girl as soon as she __________(arrive)

  6 I ______(ask) _______(show) a fashion show

  last month

  7 The dog __________(see) __________(run) along the street

  8 Cindy __________(make) _______(stay) at home because her mother was ill

  四、 完成句子:A


  1 我将邀请去做一次报告

  I’ll ____________ to give a report

  2 他的自行车坏了,因此他不得不步行上班

  His bike __________________

  , so he _____________go to work

  3 I hope our charity show _________________________( 将取得成功)

  4 我实在太累了不能再往前走了

  I ____________tired _____________________

  B : 同义句 :

  1 The box is so heavy that we can’t move it


  2 The ice is so thick that we can walk on it


  3 The environment can not provide the wildlife with enough food

  The environment can not____________________________________________________

  4 The students organize the charity walk to raise money

  The charity walk ________________ to raise money

  ]5 It is useful that support teams can bring you food and drinks

  It’s _____________________________________________________________________


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