2017届高考英语一轮复习检测:Unit5 Music (人教版必修2)Word版含答案-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习检测:Unit5 Music (人教版必修2)Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.—We should believe in ourselves.

  —________Self­confidence is the first secret of success.

  A.I'm with you on that. B.Thank goodness!

  C.Let's get going.

  D.It's up to you.

  2.(2017·福建七所名校第二次联考)________, a Chinese court sentenced the drug lord and three of his followers to death for the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong River last year.

  A.In amazement

  B.In addition

  C.In brief

  D.In general

  3.(2017·邯郸模拟)I don't think it right to ________ jokes on the disabled, especially when they are in trouble.





  4.(2017·马鞍山高三模拟)The basic design of the car is very similar to ________ of the earlier model.





  5.It is ________ tradition for people in this country to pay in ________ cash when buying things.

  A.the; 不填

  B.a; 不填

  C.不填; the

  D.a; the

  6.(2017·黑龙江哈九中模拟)Make sure that your speech is ________ and to the point, so that the audience will not get bored just because they have to listen to you talking for a long time.





  7.(2017·衡水中学模拟)On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying“We love you so much.”


  B.to which

  C.in which


  8.(2017·青岛二中模拟)She is very ________ about this topic, so we'd better not discuss it in front of her.





  9.(2017·淮南高三二模)Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he won't tell anyone even though ________.

  A.asking to

  B.to be asked

  C.to ask

  D.asked to

  10.(2017·福建师大附中高三质检)—I am sorry I didn't finish the task.

  —Never mind. ________, you have tried your best.

  A.Above all

  B.In all

  C.At all

  D.After all

  11.(2017·南阳高三质检)After arriving in New York, the Chinese college student found it rather hard to ________ living on his own.

  A.rely on

  B.bring up

  C.depend on

  D.adjust to

  12.(2017·山东胶东示范校高三二模)If you are going to do some house cleaning or cooking, wearing sleeves is a(n) ________ idea.





  13.(2017·海南文昌中学月考)Being so busy with his experiment, how he dreams of ________ enough time for relaxation!

  A.to have

  B.there is

  C.there being


  14.(2017·辽宁六校联考)—Amazingly, Zhuo Jun got first place for the “China's Got Talent”(中国达人秀)last night.

  —So wonderfully ________ in the show that he deserved it.

  A.did he perform

  B.had he performed

  C.he performed

  D.he had performed

  15.—I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ________.

  —So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

  A.broken up

  B.finished up

  C.divided up

  D.closed up



  (2017·皖南八校第一次联考)Recent research shows young children who take music lessons have better memories than their nonmusical peers.

  The research,

  published in the online edition of the journal Brain, showed that after one year of musical training, children did better in a memory test than those who did not take music classes.

  “The research tells us that if you take music lessons your brain is getting wired up differently,” Laurel Trainor, professor of psychology at McMaster University, said.

  “This is the first study to show that brain responses in young,






  change differently over the course of a year,” said Trainor.

  Over a year they took four measurements in two groups of children aged between four and six — those taking music lessons and those taking no musical training outside school — and found developmental changes over periods as short as four months.

  The children completed a music test in which they were asked






  and melodies (旋律), and a memory test in which they had to listen to a series of numbers, remember them and repeat them back.

  Trainor said while previous studies have shown that older children given drama (戏剧) and painting lessons had greater improvements in IQ scores than children who didn't; children given music lessons did better than those given drama.This is the








  brain­based measurements in young children.

  She said it was not that surprising that children studying music improved in musical listening skills more than children not studying music.

  “On the other hand, it is very interesting that the children taking music lessons improved more on general memory skills that are correlated with nonmusical abilities such as literacy, verbal memory, visiospatial processing, mathematics and IQ,” she said.

  1.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.The study is the first one to show what influences children's IQ. 

  B.The researcher studied four groups of children aged between four and six.

  C.The study lasted for less than a year.

  D.The study shows that taking music lessons can improve more skills.

  2.What does the underlined word “discriminate” in Para.6 most probably mean?

  A.Say something again.

  B.Say something from memory.

  C.Find out the difference.

  D.Find out something in common.

  3.According to the previous studies, which group of children improved greater in IQ scores?

  A.Children who studied music.

  B.Children who studied drama.

  C.Children who didn't study music.

  D.Children who studied painting.

  4.What could be the best title for the passage?

  A.Music can develop kids' interest

  B.Taking music lessons improves more skills

  C.Music should be taught at school

  D.Learning music improves kids' memory


  (2017·皖北协作区第一次联考)What is so different about Moisture Surge?

  These hydrating formulas (保湿配方) rapidly make thirsty skin smooth and soft. Oil­free and fit for all skin types, they help:

  Quickly increase skin's moisture level with hydrating relief in a high­speed delivery system; Restore skin's moisture balance; Make up dry lines.

  Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief

  Rapid, long­lasting hydration in a refreshing oil­free gel (胶). Fast­absorbing formula locks in moisture all day and helps skin better resist dry despite great shifts in humidity. Use whenever, wherever needed, under or over makeup, or as a 5­minute moisture mask (面膜).

  Moisture Surge Face Water Thirsty Skin Relief

  Refreshing facial water. Great for use anytime, anywhere, under or over makeup.

  Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel*

  Cool and comfortable eye gel. Doctor­tested. Use whenever needed, under or over makeup.

  Moisture Surge Facial Sheet Mask*

  Refreshing, pre­moistened full­face sheet mask. Apply 1­2 times a week for a quick moisturizing. To use: unfold and apply to clean skin. Rest for 10 minutes, and then remove the mask.

  Moisture Surge Refreshing Eye Mask *

  Refreshing pre­moistened eye pads (垫). Apply 1­2 times a week to reduce under­eye puffiness (肿) and skin with quick hydration. To use: remove pads from packets and separate. Apply to clean under­eye skin. Rest for 10 minutes, and then remove pads.

  Moisture Sheer Tint SPF 15]

  Refreshing, wash of color that hydrates and makes skin bright with special materials and SPF 15 sunscreen. Three skin­friendly shades wear beautifully alone or under makeup.

  WARNING: keep out of eyes.

  Stop use if any pain occurs. Keep out of reach of children.

  Please pay attention to: * stands for “Not available in all countries.”

  5.According to the passage, Moisture Surge is the name of ________.

  A.a product of eyes

  B.an oil­free formula

  C.a sun­blocking cream

  D.a series of skin care products

  6.What do we know about Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel *

  and Moisture Surge Refreshing Eye Mask* ?

  A.They can be used at any time.

  B.They may be good for eyes.

  C.They are a kind of gel.

  D.They have been tested on doctors.

  7.Which of the following products can NOT be used over makeup?

  A.Moisture Surge Face Water Thirsty Skin Relief.

  B.Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel.

  C.Moisture Surge Extended Thirty Relief.

  D.Moisture Sheer Tint SPF 15.

  8.This text is most probably taken from a ________.


  B.Doctor's notebook


  D.bottle of medicine



  Ⅰ.1.选A 根据答语第二句“自信是成功的第一秘诀”可知,应选A项。be with sb.(on sth.)意为“支持,同意……说的话”。I'm with you on that意为“在这点上我同意你说的”。

  2.选C 句意:简言之,中国法庭判决这个大毒枭和他的三个手下死刑,因为他们去年在湄公河杀害了十三名中国船员。in amazement“惊讶地”;in addition“而且”;in brief“简言之”;in general“通常;大体上”。根据句意可知C项正确。

  3.选D 句意:我认为拿残疾人开玩笑是不对的,尤其是当他们遇到困难时。play a joke/jokes on sb.“开某人的玩笑”。

  4.选A 句意:这款车的基本设计与之前车型的设计非常相似。此处用that指代前面提到的the basic design。

  5.选B 根据前半部分句意“用现金付钱对这个国家的人来说是一个传统”可知,第一个空是泛指“传统”;in cash“用现金”,为固定短语。

  6.选B 句意:务必使你的演讲有吸引力,切中要点,这样听众才不会厌烦,因为他们要听好长时间。attractive“有吸引力的”,符合句意。complex“复杂的”;fancy“奇特的”;powerful“强有力的”。

  7.选B attach与介词to搭配,意为“附上;附加”,故定语从句用to which引导。

  8.选C 句意:她对这个话题很敏感,所以我们最好别在她面前谈论这件事。be sensitive about sth.“易生气的;神经过敏的”,符合句意。be crazy about “对……着迷”;confident“自信的”;humorous“有幽默感的”。

  9.选D 句意:Jerry答应保守秘密,因此他不会告诉任何人,即使别人问也不会。考查省略句,补全应为even though (he was) asked to (tell the secret)。

  10.选D 答句句意:不要紧,毕竟,你已经尽了最大努力。after all“毕竟;终究”,符合句意。

  11.选D 句意:到达纽约后,这位中国大学生发现很难适应独自一个人生活。adjust to“适应”,符合句意。rely on“依靠;依赖”;bring up“教育”;depend on“依赖;信赖”。

  12.选B 句意:如果你准备打扫房间或是做饭的话,戴上袖套是明智的选择。sensible“合理的;明智的”,符合句意。available“可得到的”;original“独创的;原来的”;sensitive“敏感的”。

  13.选C 根据句意,此处dream of 可以后接having, there being或者being given这三种表达方式。

  14.选A so位于句首时句子要部分倒装,由于对话双方都是在谈论过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,将助动词did提前。

  15.选A 上句句意:听到Sue和Paul分手了,我很惊讶。break up“拆散;分开;(婚姻关系)破裂”,符合句意。finish up“完成;吃光;杀死;毁掉”;divide up“瓜分;分配”;close up“靠近;愈合;关闭”。

  Ⅱ.1.选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,D项正确。根据第五段可知B、C项错误;根据倒数第三段可知A项错误。

  2.选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“between harmonies, rhythms and melodies (旋律)”推测,此处应表示“区分和声、节奏和旋律”,所以选C。

  3.选A 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“older children given drama (戏剧) and painting lessons had greater improvements in IQ scores than children who didn't; children given music lessons did better than those given drama”可知,学习音乐课程孩子的智商提高得更多。

  4.选D 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第一段内容可知,本文主要介绍了一项新的发现,即上过音乐课的儿童比没有上过音乐课的儿童记忆力更好,因此D项“学音乐提高儿童的记忆力”最能概括本文主旨。

  5.选D 推理判断题。根据文章黑体字的标题可知,后面几个均是Moisture Surge品牌的具体护肤产品名称。由此可推知,Moisture Surge是一个系列护肤品的品牌名称。故答案选D。

  6.选B 细节理解题。根据Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye GEL*和Moisture Surge Refreshing Eye Mask*部分有关产品的描述可知,它们对眼睛的保养有好处。故答案选B。

  7.选D 细节理解题。根据Moisture Sheer Tint SPF 15*部分的最后一句“Three skinfriendly shades wear beautifully alone or under makeup.”可知,它不能带妆使用。本题也可使用排除法,另外三款产品中都提到了“under or over makeup”。故答案选D。

  8.选C 文章出处题。通读全文不难得知本文为一则广告。因此,绝不可能出现在A“教科书”、B“医生的笔记”和D“药瓶”上。故答案选C,只有可能出现在杂志上。


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