2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M10 Unit 1~Unit 2(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M10 Unit 1~Unit 2(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 10


  1. The government needs to ______ the problem of unemployment.

  A. deal

  B. address

  C. promote

  D. practice

  2. Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

  A. relate to

  B. tend to

  C. devote to

  D. contribute to

  3. ______ is no doubt that he will pass the examination because he has prepared for it for a long time.

  A. It

  B. There

  C. What

  D. As

  4. Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn't it rather risky, ______?

  A. though

  B. also

  C. either

  D. yet

  5. They also developed their own language, ______ there are now approximately sixty varieties.

  A. of which

  B. in which

  C. for which

  D. with which

  6. ______ there is little we can do to change the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.

  A. Since

  B. When

  C. While

  D. Unless

  7. The witnesses ______ by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.

  A. questioned

  B. being questioned

  C. to be questioned

  D. questioning

  8. When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

  A. introducing

  B. introduced

  C. introduce

  D. being introduced

  9. This is a simple idea, but ______ that is hard to put into practice.

  A. one

  B. it

  C. that

  D. the one

  10. “You can't judge a book by its cover,” ______.

  A. as the saying goes old

  B. goes as the old saying

  C. as the old saying goes

  D. goes as old the saying



  Long time ago in ancient Greece, there lived a man named Socrates. He was highly knowledgeable and a deeply __1__ philosopher. One fine day, a fellow approached him. That person told Socrates that he has some information to tell him about his __2__. Before he could even start talking about his friend, Socrates told him to take a test __3__ as the “Tripe Filter(过滤)Test”.

  The first test of the “Triple Filter Test” was the filter of __4__. Socrates asked him if the information he had was the truth. The person said that he had just __5__ it on the way and was not sure if it was the __6__ truth. The second filter was that of goodness. He asked if the information was regarding anything good about his friend. The man said it was __7__ the opposite. The third filter was that of usefulness. Socrates asked if the information was useful to him in any way. The man replied in the __8__.

  Socrates then replied that when the information regarding a friend is not true, good or __9__, then why it should be announced at all. The moral of the story is that you may always participate in loose gossip, but when it comes to your friends, it is just not worth it. You __10__ your friends better than others. Therefore, at any time you must avoid taking behind the back of your dearest friends. It only __11__ strained relations and shows that you are not __12__ or trustworthy.

  1. A. respected

  B. hated

  C. scolded

  D. blamed

  2. A. neighbor

  B. friend

  C. teacher

  D. student3. A. explained

  B. known

  C. considered

  D. recognized

  4. A. truth

  B. honesty

  C. friendship

  D. justice

  5. A. made

  B. heard

  C. received

  D. gathered

  6. A. close

  B. total

  C. absolute

  D. full

  7. A. naturally

  B. actually

  C. certainly

  D. hopefully

  8. A. negative

  B. positive

  C. subjective

  D. objective

  9. A. interesting

  B. useful

  C. meaningful

  D. instructive

  10. A. like

  B. love

  C. know

  D. understand

  11. A. aims to

  B. devotes to

  C. caters to

  D. leads to

  12. A. knowledgeable

  B. reliable

  C. optimistic

  D. generous


  Smoking cigarettes is more 1.__________ than you may think! Cigarettes contain about 400 chemicals, and smokers have many health problems. Smokers often cough and cannot breathe well. They can get cancer, especially of the lung 2.__________ the mouth. They can 3.__________ get heart disease. 4.__________, smokers are not the only ones in danger. For example, children of smokers have more colds and sometimes have trouble learning 5.__________ to read and do maths. It is also bad for pregnant women to smoke. They may give birth too early, and their babies may weight 6.__________ than other babies. 7.__________ that information is not enough to convince you that smoking is dangerous, perhaps the following numbers will. Every year, 5 million people around the world died 8.__________ smoking and the good effects of quitting start just 8 hours after quitting. After one year, the risk of heart disease is reduced by half.


  Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need. We are dealing with the results of that over­consumption in the greenest way possible, but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place.

  The total amount of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a typical household's waste in the UK. In many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

  Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment. The UK, for example, is running out of it for carrying this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect. Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The solution is not to produce such items in the first place. Food waste is a serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example.

  But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to associate packaging with quality. We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. This is especially true of food. But is also applies to a wide range of consumer products, which often have far more packaging than necessary.

  There are signs of hope. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary material we are collecting. We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.

  1. What does the underlined phrase “over­consumption” refer to?

  A. Using too much packaging.

  B. Recycling too many wastes.

  C. Making more products than necessary.

  D. Having more material than is needed.

  2. The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show ______.

  A. the tendency of cutting household waste

  B. the increase of packaging recycling

  C. the rapid growth of supermarkets

  D. the fact of packaging overuse

  3. According to the text, recycling ______.

  A. helps control the greenhouse effect

  B. means burning packaging for energy

  C. is the solution to gas shortage

  D. leads to a waste of land4. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

  A. Unpackaged products are of bad quality.

  B. Supermarkets care more about packaging.

  C. It is improper to judge quality by packaging.

  D. Other products are better packaged than food.

  5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A. Fighting wastefulness is difficult.

  B. Needless material is mostly recycled.

  C. People like collecting recyclable waste.

  D. The author is proud of their consumer culture.


  Toms Shoes is a shoe company run by a former reality television competitor. It uses social media far more than traditional advertising, and it takes advantage of socially recognized ideas to build a for­profit(营利的) business.

  Founder Black Mycoskie, an entrepreneur(企业家) who once appeared on the show The Amazing Race got the idea to start the company during a trip to Argentina after noticing that many children didn't have shoes. He created a company with the condition that for every pair of the shoes a person purchases, the company will donate another pair to a needy child.

  Mycoskie recently visited the offices of msnbc.com, where he told us that there was no way Toms would have survived 10 years ago. He also said he didn't think the company would have been nearly as successful if it hadn't hit on the idea of combining charity with the for­profit business.

  In keeping with both the company's amazing marketing efforts and its charity focus, Toms is hoping to persuade people from all walks of life to take off their shoes this April 5. The One Day Without Shoes event comes as Toms has gotten ready to put another product on the market later this year. The company will again donate one item for each item that will be bought, but Mycoskie would yet reveal what the new product will be. With the new product, however, Mycoskie said he hoped to change the company into less of a shoe company and more of a “one for one” company.

  1. What does Toms Shoes use to build its business? (No more than 5 words)


  2. What will happen if a pair of shoes is sold by the company? (No more than 14 words)


  3. When did Black Mycoskie get the idea of starting Toms Shoes? (No more than 14 words)


  4. Why has the company been so successful? (No more than 10 words)


  Unit 10

  Unit 1 & Unit 2

  Ⅰ.1. B address 解决。

  2. D contribute to 促成,是……的原因之一。

  3. B There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问。

  4. A though 用作 副词,用于句中,或者句尾,意为“但是”。

  5. A 介词+关系代词 of which=of their language

  意为“在他们的语言当中”,如 some of whom/ all of which 等等。

  6. C while 表示尽管。

  7. A questioned 这里是过去分词作后置定语,意为 “被问的目击者”,由just now 可看出 B、C、D不合适。

  8. B when first introduced to the market=when these products were first introduced to the market 当状语从句的主语和从句的主语一致或者从句主语为it, 且状语从句中含有be 动词,常常可以省略从句中“主语+be动词”。

  9. A one=an idea。

  10. C 正如谚语所说

  as the old saying goes。

  Ⅱ.A 1. A 由highly knowledgeable 可以推出空格填 “受人尊敬的” respected。

  2. B 由下文可以看出这里应该是说 friend。

  3. B 作为“Tripe Filter(过滤)Test”而闻名,此处为过去分词作后置定语。explained 解释; known as 作为……闻名; considered as 被认作为; recognized as 被认可为。

  4. A 由下文可以推断出为truth。

  5. B 根据 on the way 及文中的意思应该是 “听到”。

  6. C 由 was not sure 可以推出空格表示 “绝对的”,因此应填 absolute。

  7. B 由上文He asked if…与the opposite 之间的逻辑关系可以推出空格表示 “实际上”,因此此空填 actually。

  8. A 这个人做出了否定的回答。negative 消极的; positive 积极的; subjective 主观的; objective 客观的。

  9. B 由下文中的usefulness可以推出该空填useful。

  10. C 你比别人对朋友更了解。

  11. D

  12. B 传递关于朋友的不真实,不好,没用的信息会让人认为你不可靠, 因此填reliable。knowledgeable

  博学的,有见识的; reliable 可靠的; optimistic 乐观的; generous 慷慨的,大方的。

  B 1. dangerous 2. and 3. also 4. However 5. how 6. less 7. If 8. of

  Ⅲ.1. D 根据文章第一段最后一句 but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place. ( 如果我们不往家里带如此多东西的话,情况就会好得多。)可知词义为“过度消费”,故答案选D。

  2. D 本段中通过 12% between 1999 and 2005 及 a third 说明“过度使用的包装”这一问题,故答案选D。

  3. A 根据文章第三段第四句 Recycling helps 可知 “回收利用对控制温室效应有所帮助”,故答案选A。

  4. C 第四段中叙述“人们通常把产品的质量与包装联系起来,甚至以产品或事物包装好坏论质量的高低”,但最后指出“很多包装是不必要的”,故答案选C。

  5. A 根据最后一句…but we have a mountain to climb. (但是我们有一座山要爬。)可知“与浪费作斗争不容易。”

  Ⅳ.1. Social media. / Socially recognized ideas. 根据第一段 It uses social media far more than traditional advertising, and it takes advantage of socially recognized ideas to build a for­profit(营利的) business. 可得出答案。

  2. Another pair of shoes will be donated to a poor kid by the company./ The company will donate another pair to a needy child. 根据第二段最后一句话可以得出答案。

  3. After noticing that many children didn't have shoes during his trip to Argentina. 根据第二段第一句话可以得出答案。

  4. Because it has combined charity with the for­profit business. 根据第三段的最后一句可知答案。


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