2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M8 Unit 3《The world of colours and light》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M8 Unit 3《The world of colours and light》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. ______ fire, all exits must be kept clear.

  A. In place of

  B. Instead of

  C. In case of


  In spite of

  2. — What did the police find on the beach?

  — On the sands ______.

  A. lay some dead sharks

  B. did some dead sharks lie

  C. some dead sharks lay

  D. do some dead sharks lie

  3. The house rent is rising all the time, so I can't ______ the rent on my own.

  A. manage

  B. cost

  C. afford

  D. reward

  4. The latest disaster that occurred in the city paralyzed traffic, caused blackouts and ______ water supplies for days.

  A. cut down

  B. cut off

  C. cut up

  D. cut out

  5. It is dark in the office. ______ I turn on the lights?

  A. Will

  B. Shall

  C. Must

  D. Would

  6. With the popularity of the Chinese language, China ______ about 350 Confucius Colleges all over the world since 2004.

  A. opens

  B. opened

  C. has opened

  D. will open

  7. Not only ______ the accident, ______ rescue other victims.

  A. he survived; he also helped

  B. did he survive; did he also help

  C. did he survive; he also helped to

  D. he survived; did he also help

  8. Young children have a keen ______ to learn and succeed.

  A. talent

  B. desire

  C. medium

  D. consensus

  9. ______ the news online that night that blood was badly needed after the bullet train accident, he hurried to the blood center the next morning to donate blood.

  A. Read

  B. Reading

  C. Having read

  D. Having been red

  10. His thick glasses suggest that he ______ poor eyesight.

  A. have

  B. had

  C. has

  D. should have

  11. The ______ gymnast had to turn to stealing after he failed to find jobs after the retirement.

  A. retiring

  B. retire

  C. to retire

  D. retired

  12. — Do you often go to the gym? You look fit.

  — On the contrary, seldom ______ out in my spare time.

  A. did I work

  B. I work

  C. do I work

  D. am I work

  13. She ______ herself to charity, helping the poor and homeless.

  A. taught

  B. adapted

  C. helped

  D. committed

  14. The company provides cheap Internet access. ______, it makes shareware freely available.

  A. In return

  B. In fact

  C. In addition

  D. In general

  15. — Sarah looks much slimmer.

  — ______ and ______.

  A. So she is; so are you

  B. So is she; so you are

  C. So she does; so do you

  D. So des she; so you do



  When a strong tornado(龙卷风)struck their city last May, the residents of Joplin lost a lot. But thanks to the hard work of people like Abi Almandinger, __1__ has been found amidst the rubble(废墟) as the city gets back on its feet. Thanks to Almandinger, tornado survivors have been reunited with thousands of old photographs — __2__ memories that would have otherwise been lost in the storm.

  The __3__ for the project came to her a few days after the tornado hit. Almandinger was __4__ to decide how she could lend a hand in the relief efforts when she heard a woman call in to a local __5__ station. She was calling to say that she had found many photos in the debris but didn't know how to return them to their __6__.

  “I just wanted to help people as much as I could. That was something __7__,” she said. “Photos represent all valuable memories — memories that connect families.”

  Almandinger set up a Facebook_page for the project. She had to __8__ her work for a few months to deal with photos that were __9__. She cleans each photo before uploading them on the Facebook page, which is called Joplin's Found Photos. So far, Almandinger has __10__ almost 5,000 photos and returned more than half of them.

  It's very __11__ to see the photos taken back, said Almandinger. She remembered one man who had cried after finding a single photo of his mother on the page. His mother had died in the tornado and the photo Almandinger had recovered was the only one the man had left to remember her by.

  A year has passed. Almandinger is still returning photos __12__. She says she will keep doing it until all of them are returned.

  1. A. depression

  B. destination

  C. possession

  D. hope

  2. A. priceless

  B. fresh

  C. painful

  D. distant

  3. A. aim

  B. manager

  C. idea

  D. advantage

  4. A. rushing

  B. struggling

  C. moving

  D. pretending

  5. A. gas

  B. police

  C. bus

  D. radio

  6. A. photographers

  B. owners

  C. losers

  D. listeners

  7. A. meaningful

  B. cheerful

  C. successful

  D. hopeful

  8. A. put away

  B. put down

  C. put off

  D. put aside

  9. A. checking in

  B. pouring in

  C. dropping in

  D. taking in

  10. A. collected

  B. took

  C. repaired

  D. delivered

  11. A. annoying

  B. puzzling

  C. relieving

  D. disappointing

  12. A. eventually

  B. properly

  C. gradually

  D. regularly B

  Australia has listed the koala as a threatened species in parts of the country due to its decreasing population. Koalas in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, 1.__________ their numbers have fallen by as much as 40% since 1990, are now considered “endangered species”. The current size of the koala population is unclear, with estimates varying 2.__________ several hundred thousand to as few as 43,000. Habitat loss, urban expansion, vehicle strikes, dog attacks and disease have contributed 3.__________ their decreasing numbers.

  Contrary to popular belief, koalas, which are native to Australia, are marsupials(有袋动物)and 4.__________ bears. The koala loves to eat. What is special about its diet is that it eats 5.__________ but the leaves of the eucalyptus(桉树)tree. They live in woodlands due to their appetite for the eucalyptus leaves. Koala bears tend to be very lazy, sleeping for up to 20 hours a day. The koala is 6.__________ friendly and cute that it becomes 7.__________ important tourist icon(图标)and symbol to Australia.

  8.__________ not all parts of Australia will be affected by the listing. Koalas are thriving in the states of Victoria and South Australia.


  For over 50 years, Charles Townsend was a well­known photographer for the Danville Register & Bee, taking photographs that ranged from heartbreaking scenes from disasters to touching photos of everyday life in the Dan River Region.

  Townsend actually began working for the newspaper in 1934, when he was only 13 years old, delivering The Danville Register in the morning and The Bee in the afternoon.

  “The first chance I had to take a photograph for the newspaper occurred after a robbery in 1940,” Townsend said. “I was so excited to get my first photo printed in the paper. Editor Marion Saunders told me to carry my camera with me from then on. That experience changed my life.”

  By the time he was 25, he had become the head photographer for the two newspapers, and finally for the Danville Register & Bee when the two papers merged(合并) in 1989.

  Bonnie Ross Cooper remembers Townsend well, especially his ability to discover a good story. “As an editor, I'd call and talk to him in the morning to give Townsend photo tasks,” Cooper said. “He always knew more than the people already at work. His photos really captured the moment and touched many readers.”

  The newspaper often assigned new reporters to work with Townsend because of his vast circle of contacts and knowledge of the region. He was always willing to help the new hand. Editor Arnold Hendrix said he will never forget Townsend, who helped his budding(开始萌芽的) journalism career. “When I began my work, he was a great help to me. He showed me everything, introduced me to everyone and gave me background on everything,” Hendrix said. “I can never thank him enough. I wish he could live to this day”.

  Baker, his former colleague, talked about Townsend's humor and popularity. “His jokes often made us laugh. He was such a humorous person that everybody loved him.” Baker said. “Townsend knew everyone in the community and got on well with them. To many folks in the community, when you talked about the Danville Register & Bee, you talked about Townsend. He was the face of the newspaper.”

  1. When Townsend was 13 years old, he ______.

  A. sent newspapers

  B. became a photographer

  C. published his first photo in the paper

  D. dropped out of school

  2. Which of the following words can't be used to describe Charles Townsend?

  A. Talented.

  B. Humorous.

  C. Easy­going.

  D. Selfish.

  3. What impresses Bonnie Ross Cooper most when he remembers Townsend?

  A. His devotion to his career.

  B. His ability to discover a good story.

  C. His vast circle of contacts.

  D. His good knowledge of photography.

  4. What do you know about Townsend?

  A. He had a happy childhood.

  B. He founded the paper The Bee.

  C. He has now passed away.

  D. He helped Baker a great deal.

  5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A. Townsend's former colleagues.

  B. Townsend's humor and popularity.

  C. Townsend's popularity with the folks.

  D. Townsend's contributions to the newspapers.Ⅳ.阅读填空(每空不超过三个单词)

  The X­Factor(英国偶像), Britain's Got Talent(英国达人), American Idol(美国偶像) and Supergirl, TV talent shows are popular all over the world.

  There are many reasons for that. To start with, the show can make the contestant(选手) famous overnight. Susan Boyle was an ordinary English woman before she appeared on Britain's Got Talent, in which she sang “I Dreamed a Dream”. The video clip(片段) of her performance was viewed more than 50 million times within a few weeks. Second, the show offers a good opportunity to display one's talents. Third, everybody has a fair chance to be involved in the show regardless of the age and background. Even if you can't perform in the show, you can vote for your favorite contestant through cellphones and the Internet. Fourth, the fun and humorous style also appeals to young people. Last but not least, the modern media such as TV and the Internet contribute greatly to its rapid popularity.

  However, many people express concerns about TV talent shows. They argue that the TV talent show misleads the young people and makes them believe that they can become famous overnight. Some think the show only creates entertainers rather than artists, because many winners have little idea about real music and acting. What's worse, some judges even humiliate(羞辱) and laugh at contestants. One contestant from American Idol committed suicide because she couldn't stand the rejection and humiliation. Even the winners suffer. Susan Boyle suffered a nervous breakdown soon after the show, because she was unable to deal with the pressure.

  Many countries have realized the problems and taken some steps to regulate the show. The UK requires that contestants younger than 16 not be allowed to participate. China bans TV talent shows to be broadcasted during the prime time. In the USA, some insulting judges are punished.

  We hope the TV talent show can become healthier and better regulated.









  2.参考词汇:打耳光 slap


  Xiao Fang and Xiao Yong are in the same class. Now they are walking home from the school.














  Unit 3

  Ⅰ.1. C 考查介词短语辨析。in case of意为“万一”。 in place of 代替; instead of 代替; in spite of 尽管。句意:万一发生火灾,所有出口必须保持畅通无阻。

  2. A 考查倒装句式。介词短语作状语提到句首要采用全部倒装形式。

  3. C 考查动词辨析。afford是“付得起”之意,符合句意。manage 管理,想方设法; cost 花费; reward 回报,酬谢,奖赏,报答。

  4. B 考查动词短语辨析。cut off在此意为“切断”,符合句意。cut down 砍倒,裁减; cut up 切碎; cut out 裁剪;剪下。句意:最近发生在那个城市的灾难使交通瘫痪,停水数天。

  5. B 考查情态动词。shall用于第一、第三人称,且用在问句中表示征求对方意见,意为“……好吗?要不要……?”。句意:办公室已暗了,我可以把灯打开吗?

  6. C 考查时态。根据时间状语since 2004可知此处用现在完成时。句意:因为汉语在世界各地受到欢迎,自2004年以来中国已在全球建立了约350所孔子学院。

  7. C 考查倒装句型。not only引导一个分句,并放在句首,前一个分句应采用倒装句式,后一个分句用陈述句句式。

  8. B 考查名词辨析。desire是“欲望”之意,符合句意。talent 才华,才能; medium 媒介; consensus 共识,一致同意。

  9. C 考查非谓语动词。read的动作先于谓语动词hurry的动作,故应用现在分词的完成形式。句意:那天晚上他在网上读到动车追尾事故后急需用血的消息后,第二天一早他就急忙赶到血站去献血。

  10. C 考查时态。suggest在此意为“表示,说明”, 后面的宾语从句谓语动词用陈述语气。根据语境,此处应用一般现在时态。句意:他戴着厚厚的眼镜,表明他视力不好。

  11. D 考查非谓语动词。过去分词作定语,强调动作的完成。句意:这个退役的体操运动员在退役后找不到工作不得不去偷盗。

  12. C 考查倒装句型。seldom放在句首,句子应采用部分倒装的形式。

  13. D 考查动词辨析。commit在此意为“全身心投入”,符合句意。句意:她全身心投入到慈善事业,帮助那些穷人和无家可归的人。

  14. C 考查插入语的辨析。in addition意为“而且”,表示递进关系。in return 作为回报; in fact 事实上; in general一般说来,大体上。

  15. C 考查so用于倒装和强调时的区别。So she does表示确认前面的事实。so do you表示“情况与前面的一样”。句意:——Sarah看上去苗条多了。——确实如此,你也一样。

  .A 1. D 由于有Abi Almandinger 这样的爱心人士的努力,人们在废墟中找回了希望。

  2. A 此处强调这些旧照片的珍贵,后面Photos represent all valuable memories也有暗示。priceless意为“无价的,珍贵的”,符合句意。fresh 新鲜的; painful 痛苦的; distant 遥远的。

  3. C 在龙卷风袭击几天之后,她就有了创办这个项目的想法。

  4. B struggle意为“努力,挣扎”,符合句意。

  5. D 她正在努力思考着怎样才能在救灾工作中助一臂之力的时候,她听到一个妇女把电话打进了当地的一家电台。

  6. B 这位妇女说在灾后的废墟中她发现了很多照片,但她不知道该如何把这些照片归还给主人。owner“主人”之意,符合句意。photographer 摄影师; loser 失败者; listener 听众。

  7. A meaningful意为“有意义的”,符合句意。

  8. D put aside意为“把……放在一边;撇开”,符合句意。put away 收起来,收藏; put down 记下,镇压;put off 推迟。

  9. B pour in 意为“蜂拥而至”,符合句意。check in 报到,登记; drop in 顺便走访(某人); take in 吸收。

  10. A collect“收集”之意,符合句意。

  11. C 看到这些照片被主人拿回去真是令人欣慰。relieving意为“令人欣慰的”,符合句意。annoying 令人恼怒的; puzzling 迷惑的; disappointing 令人失望的。

  12. D regularly意为“定期地”,符合句意。eventually 最终; properly 适当地; gradually 逐渐地。

  B 1. where 考查关系副词。where引导一个非限制性定语从句,先行词Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory在从句中作状语。

  2. from 考查固定短语。vary from…to…意为“从……到……不等”。

  3. to 考查动词词组。contribute to意为“导致,引起”。

  4. not 考查语境理解。前面Contrary to popular belief有提示。与大家的想法相反,考拉熊并不是熊,而是有袋动物。

  5. nothing 考查代词。nothing but相当于only。考拉熊除了吃桉树叶子外什么也不吃。

  6. so 考查常见句型。so…that…意为“如此……以至于”。

  7. an 考查冠词。不定冠词an在此表泛指。

  8. But 考查逻辑关系。此处意义发生转变,故用转折连词but。

  .1. A 细节理解题。根据第二段可知Townsend actually began working for the newspaper in 1934, when he was only 13 years old, delivering The Danville Register in the morning and The Bee in the afternoon. 当Townsend只有13岁的时候,他就开始了他的送报生涯。

  2. D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句His photos really captured the moment and touched many readers.可知Townsend“有才能”;根据最后一段第三句He was such a humorous person that everybody loved him.可知Townsend “很幽默”;根据最后一段第四句Townsend knew everyone in the community and got on well with them.可知Townsend“很随和”。D项没有相关信息支持。

  3. B 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句Bonnie Ross Cooper remembers Townsend well, especially his ability to discover a good story.可知Townsend能够发现好的资讯故事的能力给Bonnie Ross Cooper留下了深刻的印象。

  4. C 推理判断题。第六段最后一句I wish he could live to this day.实际上是个虚拟语气,据此可以判断Townsend现在已过世。

  5. B 主旨大意题。根据最后一段的主题句Baker, his former colleague, talked about Townsend's humor and popularity.可知本段主要讲Townsend的幽默和广受欢迎。

  .1. TV Talent Shows 概括信息题。根据第一段和最后一段可知本文主要讲电视选秀节目。

  2. Examples 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知,此处列举的是一些电视选秀节目。

  3. overnight fame 整合信息题。根据the show can make the contestant famous overnight可知电视选秀节目可以使选手一夜成名。根据下面的形式可知此处用名词性词组形式。

  4. modern media 直接信息题。根据the modern media such as TV and the Internet contribute greatly to its rapid popularity可知现代媒介对电视选秀节目的火爆立下了汗马功劳。

  5. Problems/Concerns 概括信息题。根据右边的内容可知此处讲电视选秀节目存在的问题。

  6. misleads the youth 整合信息题。根据They argue that the TV talent show misleads the young people.可知电视选秀节目误导年轻人。

  7. humiliate and tease 整合信息题。根据What's worse, some judges even humiliate and laugh at contestants 可知有些评委羞辱和取笑选手。

  8. Measures 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知此处讲各国政府采取的整治措施。

  9. contestants under 16 整合信息题。根据The UK requires that contestants younger than 16 not be allowed to participate.可知英国不允许16岁以下少年参加选秀节目。

  10. during prime time 直接信息题。根据China bans TV talent shows to be broadcasted during the prime time.可知中国禁止黄金时间播放选秀节目。

  .One possible version:

  Xiao Fang and Xiao Yong are in the same class. Now they are walking home from the school. They both hold a test paper in their hands. Xiao Fang is very happy, because she has got a full mark in the test. She feels as if her mother kissed her on her cheek. However, Xiao Yong looks very sad, as he has failed the test. He feels as though somebody slapped him in his face.

  From the picture, we can see what an important role encouragement plays in education. The more a student is encouraged, the harder he will work at his lesson. On the contrary, if a student is often discouraged, he is likely to lose interest in what he is learning. He might end up giving up his lessons.

  I suggest teachers should give students more encouragement. Students' progress often comes from the praise from their teachers.


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