2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M4 Unit 1《Advertising》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M4 Unit 1《Advertising》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 4


  1. He asked ______ for the violin.

  A. did I pay how much

  B. I paid how much

  C. how much did I pay

  D. how much I paid

  2. — What kind of sea animal do you like ______ best?

  — Dolphins. Because they are of ______ high intelligence.

  A. a; /

  B. /; the

  C. a; the

  D. /; /

  3. My father told me that I should follow the main road ______ I reached the railway station.

  A. until

  B. whenever

  C. while

  D. wherever

  4. — How did your teacher ______ you?

  — We were lucky to escape being punished.

  A. search for

  B. take charge of

  C. deal with

  D. look back on

  5. I have typed out some notes for the ______ of those people who didn't attend the lecture last week.

  A. interest

  B. benefit

  C. attention

  D. possibility

  6. I tried to ______ my father to give up smoking, but he didn't listen to me.

  A. persuade

  B. arrange

  C. suggest

  D. support

  7. The man tricked us ______ buying his fake mobile phones, but we kept calm and didn't fall ______ his words.

  A. into; with

  B. about; for

  C. into; for

  D. about; with

  8. Our team lost. We have tried our best and it was a good game, ______.

  A. somehow

  B. altogether

  C. forever

  D. though

  9. The doctors made every effort to ______ the young man. However, he was not ______ in the end.

  A. treat; treated

  B. cure; treated

  C. treat; cured

  D. cure; cured

  10. After driving for ten years, he is not only a(n) ______ driver but he also knows the roads in the city very well.

  A. enjoyable

  B. skilful

  C. independent

  D. distant

  11. The practical experience ______ from taking part­time jobs at college is of great value to me.

  A. to gain

  B. gaining

  C. gained

  D. to be gained

  12. — Have you seen your uncle lately?

  — Yes, in fact I saw him yesterday. I ______ him for several months.

  A. don't see

  B. haven't seen

  C. didn't see

  D. hadn't seen

  13. I'd like to arrive at the company 30 minutes early ______ I can have time for breakfast.

  A. in case

  B. so that

  C. even if

  D. as if

  14. He went back to the same place ______ he started his journey ten years before.

  A. where

  B. as

  C. which

  D. at which

  15. When Jack arrived, he learned Mary ______ for almost an hour.

  A. has left

  B. has been away

  C. had left

  D. had been away



  Money matters! We all know that. However, history is full of people who have faced bankruptcy(破产) and then gone on to be highly __1__!

  At least three US Presidents once went bankrupt. The most famous was Abraham Lincoln. He

  declared himself bankrupt in 1833 after a business __2__. He then spent the next 17 years working hard to __3__ the debts. And it took him another 10 years after that to get elected president. __4__, Lincoln's career was one of almost constant failures until he reached the White House, but the great man never gave up.

  Some pop stars manage to become bankrupt even before becoming famous. Cyndi Lauper was in a band in the 1970's. The band lost money, and the __5__ were sued(起诉) by their manager for $80,000; and in 1980, Cyndi was __6__ to declare bankruptcy. But later one of her songs became a big __7__ and she became a star. Actors seem just as prone to __8__ problems as musicians. Hollywood's most famous bankrupt is probably Kim Basinger. She had to declare herself bankrupt in 1993. A judge ordered her to pay a film company $8.1 million because she __9__ to carry out an agreement to star in Boxing Helena. Kim had to sell a $20­million investment for only $1 million. However, Kim kept on __10__, and later won an Oscar award.

  Perhaps the most surprising bankrupt is Walt Disney. In 1921, before he __11__ Mickey Mouse, he started a company. Two years later, his company __12__. With nothing to do, Walt went to Hollywood to become an animator. Out of financial disaster, history was made.

  Never give up! Becoming bankrupt might just be the best thing that could happen to you!

  1. A. popular

  B. powerful

  C. wealthy

  D. successful

  2. A. boomed

  B. failed

  C. revived

  D. halted

  3. A. give off

  B. turn off

  C. pay off

  D. take off

  4. A. In need

  B. In return

  C. In turn

  D. In reality

  5. A. actors

  B. singers

  C. members

  D. animators

  6. A. forced

  B. supposed

  C. encouraged

  D. required

  7. A. deal

  B. harvest

  C. hint

  D. hit

  8. A. political

  B. professional

  C. medical

  D. financial

  9. A. failed

  B. succeeded

  C. won

  D. helped

  10. A. singing

  B. acting

  C. travelling

  D. painting

  11. A. decorated

  B. knew

  C. created

  D. played

  12. A. broke down

  B. noted down

  C. looked down

  D. closed down


  Ocean storms develop when the air temperature in one area is different from the temperature nearby. Warmer air rises 1.__________ cooler air falls. These movements create a difference in atmospheric pressure. 2.__________ the pressure changes over a large area, winds start to blow in a huge circle. High­pressure air is pulled toward a low­pressure center. Thick clouds form and heavy rains fall as the storm gains speed and moves over the ocean. Storms can get stronger as they move 3.__________ warm ocean waters. 4.__________ strongest and fastest winds of a hurricane blow in the area known 5.__________ the eyewall. It surrounds the center of the storm. The eye itself is calm by comparison. Wind speeds in the most severe ocean storms can reach more than 250 kilometers an hour. 6.__________ to 50 centimeters of rain can fall. These storms also cause high waves and ocean surges. A surge is a continuous movement of water 7.__________ may reach as high as six meters or more. The water strikes low coastal areas. Surges are commonly responsible 8.__________ about 90 percent of all deaths from ocean storms.


  Bluecellworld.com — One­stop online store for all your Bluetooth Car Kits(设备).

  Motorola (OEM) T215 Bluetooth In­Car

  Speakerphone Order Information

  Product Number: 84636

  Price: $59.00

  Manufacturer: Motorola

  Stock: Shipping Now

  Product Information

  Motorola T215 Bluetooth In­Car Speakerphone is fully equipped with Motorola's world­class audio quality and superior technology to ensure you have clear conversations while keeping your eyes on the road and your life in motion. Conversations are clearly heard by its powerful speaker. Moreover, with the easy­to­find call button, you can make calls effortlessly and responsibly while on the road. It provides up to 36 hours of talk time and up to 370 hours of standby time.

  USGlobalSat BT­359 Bluetooth GPS

  Receiver Order Information

  Product Number: 80365

  Price: $129. 00

  Manufacturer: USGlobalSat

  Stock: Shipping Now

  Product Information

  The USGlobalSat GPS Receiver extends the BlackBerry Maps application so you can view your current location with accuracy and track your route to your target destination on your BlackBerry Pearl 8100 smartphone from virtually anywhere. The GPS Receiver features fast satellite acquisition times, high accuracy and a super­charged battery with power­saving features that allows it to operate for up to 11 hours.

  BlueAction Rearview Mirror Car Kit Order Information

  Product Number: 80464

  Price: $99.00

  Manufacturer: BlueAction

  Stock: Sold Out

  Product Information

  The BlueAction Rearview Mirror Car Kit is a wireless solution designed for secure driving and safe cellphone communication via Bluetooth. No installation required, simply attach to original rearview(后视)mirror. Phone numbers are displayed on mirror and calls can be taken through built in speaker phone or for a little more privacy, through an included independent Bluetooth headset. Thanks to BlueAction, you can drive and make mobile calls safely, easily and freely.

  Nuvelli Solar Powered Bluetooth Hands­free

  Car Kit & Speakerphone Order Information

  Product Number: 87590

  Price: $89.00

  Manufacturer: Nuvelli

  Stock: Shipping Now

  Take advantage of the solar energy for hands­free(免提) conversations on the go! The car kit attaches to your windshield(挡风玻璃) and charges the speakerphone via sunlight while you're driving. It delivers 14 hours of talk time and 1250 hours of standby time. Nuvelli offers you total wireless freedom!

  1. T215 Bluetooth In­Car Speakerphone is produced by ______.

  A. Motorola

  B. USGlobalSat

  C. BlueAction

  D. Nuvelli

  2. BT­359 Bluetooth GPS Receiver can help drivers ______.

  A. make a call freely

  B. monitor their heart rates

  C. listen to music

  D. find the right route to the destination

  3. Which of the following products can't you buy online now?

  A. T215 Bluetooth In­Car Speakerphone.

  B. BT­359 Bluetooth GPS Receiver.

  C. Rearview Mirror Car Kit.

  D. Solar Powered Bluetooth Handsfree Car Kit & Speakerphone.

  4. We can infer that Solar Powered Bluetooth Hands­free Car Kit & Speakerphone is ______.

  A. environmentally­friendly

  B. power­saving

  C. world­famous

  D. cost­saving

  5. What do the four products have in common?

  A. These products are made by the same manufacturer.

  B. Bluetooth technology is adopted in these products.

  C. These products are used to make hands­free telephone calls.

  D. The four products are simple to install and free to use.


  Twenty years ago, the prosperous high street(繁华商业区) was the heart of most cities. It was filled with a variety of shops, which were crowded with customers. But that's all changed. Nowadays, high streets are declining, with very few shops and very few shoppers. With about 14 shops shutting down every day, Britain's high streets are starting to look like ghost towns! High streets are dying little by little in the UK.

  So, why are high streets in such a desperate situation? It's fairly easy to understand. To start with, people are spending less because of the economic recession(衰退). On top of that, more and more people are using the Internet to do their shopping. And it is not easy for shopkeepers in the high streets, either, who have to pay increasing high rents.

  Finally, there are the out­of­town retail parks with free car parking that sell just about everything at very low prices.

  So, what can be done? Prime Minister David Cameron has hired Mary Portas, a British businesswoman and star of TV show Mary Queen of Shops, to bring some life back into Britain's high streets. She's talked about creating “magnets(磁石)” to attract people back to the centre. But he is not the only one to solve the problem. In one town, a bicycle rickshaw (人力车)service is delivering people's shopping to their homes. In another town, they set up a nursery, where children can be cared for while parents are shopping.

  Members of the public have also voiced their opinions. “My ideal shopping centre is one where there's a wide selection of attractive looking shops, with cheap parking and good public transport links,” said Mike, a 28­year­old man. “I'd like to see Night Shopping evenings where shops are open through to 10 pm or later,” said Amy, a 22­year­old girl.

  Title: 1.__________ high streets are dying slowly

  Ⅰ. Changes:

  ◆20 years ago: the prosperous high street filled with 2.__________ crowded with customers

  ◆at present: declining high streets with very few shops and very few shoppers

  Ⅱ. 3.__________:

  High streets are dying slowly in the UK.

  Ⅲ. Causes

  ◆Less is being 4.__________ because of the economic recession.

  ◆More and more people choose to 5.__________.

  ◆Shopkeepers in the high streets have to pay increasing high rents.

  ◆The out­of­town retail parks sell almost everything 6.__________ with free car parking.

  Ⅳ. 7.__________

  ◆Prime Minister David Cameron has hired Mary Portas to revive Britain's high streets.

  ◆People's shopping is being delivered to their homes with a 8.__________ in a town.

  ◆A nursery was set up to 9.__________ shoppers' children while parents are shopping.

  Ⅴ. The public's opinions

  ◆Mike: An ideal shopping centre should have a wide selection of attractive looking shops, with cheap parking and good public transport links.

  ◆Amy: She prefers Night Shopping evenings where shops are 10.__________ through to 10 pm or later.

  Unit 1

  Ⅰ.1. D 考查间接引语中的语序。宾语从句要求使用陈述句语序,而非一般疑问句语序。故此题答案为D。

  2. D 考查冠词。best 前的定冠词可以省略;“be +of+名词”结构常用于表示人或事物所具有的性质、特征等。在本结构中,抽象名词前通常不加冠词。

  3. A 考查连词。until 在肯定句中意为“到……为止”。动作follow the main road一直延续到达火车站。

  4. C 考查动词短语意义辨析。deal with意为“处理,应付”,符合句意。search for 寻找; take charge of 主管,负责; look back on 回顾。

  5. B 考查名词词义辨析。for the benefit of sb.为固定搭配,意为“为了某人的利益,为了帮助某人”。句意:我已经帮上周未能听讲座的那些人打印了一些笔记。

  6. A 考查动词用法。persuade sb. to do sth. 意为“说服某人做某事”,符合句意。arrange 安排; suggest 建议; support 支持。

  7. C 考查介词搭配。trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事;fall for 上……的当,受……的骗。

  8. D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们队输了,可我们已经尽力了,这也不失为一场好球。though作副词,常置于句末,表示“不过,然而”。somehow 不知怎么地; altogether 完全; forever 永远。

  9. C 考查动词用法。treat“治疗,处理”之意,强调治疗的过程,而cure“治愈”之意,强调治疗的结果。

  10. B 考查形容词词义辨析。skilful意为“熟练的”,符合句意。enjoyable 愉快的; independent 独立的; distant 遥远的。

  11. C 考查非谓语动词。gain 和experience 是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用gain的v.­ed 形式作后置定语。

  12. D 考查时态。从I saw him yesterday可知,昨天之前“我”有几个月没有见到他,故用过去完成时。

  13. B 考查状语从句。句意:我喜欢早到公司半个小时,为的是有时间吃早餐。so that 此处引导目的状语从句。in case 万一; even if 即使; as if 好像。

  14. A 考查定语从句。where引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语,相当于from which。

  15. D 考查时态呼应。宾语从句的动作先于learned的动作,故宾语从句谓语动词要用过去完成时态,后面又有一个段时间状语,故不能用短暂动词leave,从而判定答案为D。

  Ⅱ.A 1. D 结合后面举的例子可知很多名人在经历全面破产之后却迎来了事业的成功,故答案选D。

  2. B 根据常识判断,只有在生意失败之后才会破产。

  3. C pay off是“还清”之意,符合语境。

  4. D in reality是“事实上”的意思。

  5. C 乐队的经纪人起诉乐队成员要求赔偿其8万美元。

  6. A be forced to do sth.意为“被迫做某事”。

  7. D hit在此用作名词,指“成功而风行一时的事物”。

  8. D 破产属于财政问题。

  9. A 根据because可知,她是因为没有按合同办事而被迫赔钱。

  10. B 从carry out an agreement to star in Boxing Helena可以看出Kim Basinger是个电影演员,故选B项。

  11. C create在此是“创造、塑造(人物)”之意。

  12. D close down是“倒闭”之意。后面一句With nothing to do有提示。

  B 1. while 并列连词while在此表示对比。

  2. If 从属连词if引导一个条件状语从句。

  3. over move over朝……方向移动。

  4. The 形容词最高级前应用定冠词the。

  5. as be known as 意为“被称之为”。

  6. Up 固定短语up to意为 “多达……”。

  7. that/which 定语从句缺少关系代词。此处先行词为物故用that或which引导定语从句。

  8. for 短语be responsible for意为“对……负责”。

  .1. A 细节理解题。根据第一款产品中的Manufacturer: Motorola可知这款产品是由Motorola公司生产的。

  2. D 细节理解题。根据第二款产品中的产品介绍第一句可知这款产品可用于汽车导航。

  3. C 细节理解题。根据第三款产品中的Stock: Sold Out可知这款产品目前已售完,暂时没有存货。

  4. A 推理判断题。根据第四款产品Take advantage of the solar energy for hands­free conversations on the go!可知这款产品用太阳能提供能源,属环保型产品。

  5. B 细节理解题。根据One­stop online store for all your Bluetooth Car Kits(设备).可知这些产品都采用了蓝牙技术。

  .1. Britain's 概括信息题。根据全文可知本文主要讲英国的繁华商业区正在走向衰亡。

  2. various shops 整合信息题。根据It was filled with a variety of shops, which were crowded with customers.可知答案。注意用various替代a variety of,以减少词数。

  3. Conclusion 概括信息题。此处是根据上面的变化情况得出的结论。

  4. spent 整合信息题。根据people are spending less because of the economic recession可知因为经济衰退,人们花的钱少了。注意原句是主动语态,此句是被动语态形式。注意变换动词形式。

  5. go shopping online 整合信息题。根据more and more people are using the Internet to do their shopping可知越来越多的人选择网上购物。

  6. cheaply 整合信息题。根据there are the out­of­town retail parks with free car parking that sell just about everything at very low prices可知提供免费停车的郊外商业区可以很便宜地买到各种商品。

  7. Measures 概括信息题。根据下面的信息可知此处讲解决问题所采取的措施。

  8. bicycle rickshaw直接信息题。根据In one town, a bicycle rickshaw (人力车)service is delivering people's shopping to their homes.可知一个小镇的商业区用人力车送货到家。

  9. care for 整合信息题。根据In another town, they set up a nursery, where children can be cared for while parents are shopping.可知另外一个小镇建立了托儿所来照顾购物者的孩子。

  10. open 直接信息题。根据I'd like to see Night Shopping evenings where shops are open through to 10 pm or later可知答案。


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