2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M3 Unit 1《The world of our senses》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M3 Unit 1《The world of our senses》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 3


  1. My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take ______ suited me best.

  A. whichever

  B. whatever

  C. whenever

  D. whoever

  2. She was reading a book carefully. All of ______ sudden, she felt ______ tap on her left shoulder.

  A. a; the

  B. the; the

  C. the; a

  D. a; a

  3. In my opinion, Tony is a success because he ______ a third company though he already has two.

  A. opened

  B. had opened

  C. has opened

  D. would open

  4. ______ many students who regretted attending the lecture, I was very interested in it.

  A. Unlike

  B. Ahead of

  C. Without

  D. Instead of

  5. Don't worry. They ______ to consider your advice. Let me remind them of it now.

  A. could forget

  B. could have forgotten

  C. should forget

  D. should have forgotten

  6. ______ is generally believed ______ forming the habit of reading good books is helpful to children.

  A. It; /

  B. As; that

  C. It; that

  D. As; /

  7. Lily didn't ask her father to buy a car for her, ______, she bought one for him.

  A. what's more

  B. on the contrary

  C. by the way

  D. in a word

  8. Ten years have passed and many of my former classmates aren't ______they were.

  A. those

  B. what

  C. that

  D. which

  9. I don't think I can ______ another year as a sailor: it is very stressful.

  A. recognize

  B. forecast

  C. survive

  D. analyse

  10. — ______ for the car as it moves off.

  — Thanks. I don't want it to hit my bicycle!

  A. Go out

  B. Reach out

  C. Watch out

  D. Work out

  11. People have been busy buying all kinds of things, because Christmas Day is ______.

  A. flashing

  B. approaching

  C. advancing

  D. lasting

  12. I think our daughter is old enough to handle this matter independently, so there is no need to be ______ her.

  A. grateful to

  B. upset with

  C. anxious about

  D. ashamed of

  13. Whenever ______ to help me with my lessons, he always refused, ______ he was too busy.

  A. asking; saying

  B. asked; saying

  C. asking; said

  D. asked; said

  14. John has bought a second fishing pole that is ______ the first one.

  A. the five times length of

  B. five times the length of

  C. as five times long as

  D. five times so long as

  15. ______ the students will visit the city museum this weekend hasn't been decided.

  A. Whether

  B. That

  C. if

  D. What



  He is 60 percent disabled. Yet he is the only one in the world who makes a __1__ by scaling(攀登)buildings. He is Alain Robert.

  “He is __2__!” cried a passer­by while Robert, nicknamed “Spiderman”, was climbing up a skyscraper in Hong Kong.

  No harnesses(保险带), no helmet, there was only the __3__ Spiderman in his climbing shoes, climbing the 137­meter­high skyscraper, one step at a time. Police quickly __4__ the street as more and more people gathered to watch the scene, holding their __5__.

  Before police set up a huge buffering mattress(缓冲垫)down on the ground and moved into __6__ positions, Robert had already reached the top.

  In fact, anyone would be surprised to see Robert, a 1.65­meter­tall man, who was able to do this at all. The Frenchman has __7__ 85 giant buildings around the globe so far, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York. Sometimes he carries a mission with him. Sometimes, he climbs just for __8__.

  “As a young boy I was __9__, afraid of heights and lacking confidence,” he said. His passion for climbing was set off quite by accident. He was locked outside his home one day when he was 11. Both of his parents were working. So the little boy had no __10__ but to climb up the building into his own house. Since that day, he has known that climbing is the only thing he's ever __11__ to do in life.

  Aren't you afraid? People always ask him. The man answers with a smile, “A lot of people are dreaming but they don't have the courage to make their dreams come __12__. At least I'm the one who did it. I'm not afraid of dying; I'm afraid of not living.”

  1. A. fortune

  B. promise

  C. difference

  D. living

  2. A. crazy

  B. tired

  C. clever

  D. creative

  3. A. bare­handed

  B. absent­minded

  C. warm­hearted

  D. cold­blooded

  4. A. cleaned

  B. emptied

  C. blocked

  D. searched

  5. A. hand

  B. belief

  C. position

  D. breath

  6. A. rescue

  B. observation

  C. fight

  D. photography

  7. A. designed

  B. explored

  C. conquered

  D. examined

  8. A. work

  B. defence

  C. pay

  D. fun

  9. A. adventurous

  B. shy

  C. brave

  D. rude

  10. A. idea

  B. time

  C. right

  D. choice

  11. A. hated

  B. intended

  C. agreed

  D. pretended

  12. A. true

  B. alive

  C. right

  D. loose


  Liu Wei was born in 1987 in Beijing. As a child, he liked sports and wanted to become a football player. In 1997, he lost 1.__________ his arms in an accident. At first, he was distraught(心烦意乱的) about his condition, 2.__________ he soon realized he had a choice to make. “For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all dreams, 3.__________ would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to live 4.__________ outstanding life,” said he. Fortunately, he chose the 5.__________. He managed to do everything with his feet in his everyday life. In 2006, he decided to become a pianist and started 6.__________ learn to play the piano with his toes. He spent over 8 hours every day in practicing playing the piano. 7.__________ the end, his efforts paid 8.__________. In October, 2010, Liu Wei took part in China's Got Talent show. He won the show after performing You're Beautiful using only his toes. In February, 2017, he was elected one of Ten Top Touching China Figures.


  You don't know what you've got until it's gone. When I bake cookies, I immediately miss them the moment I have eaten the last one. Last summer when I left a summer camp, I didn't realize how great it really was until I got home. What happens, however, when that happens to one of your senses?

  A few months ago I woke up deaf in one ear. I did not pay much attention to it at first. It felt that I had water in my ear. However, I began to hear less and less out of that ear. I even had to ask people to talk into my other ear so I could hear them. I didn't realize how serious it was until later in the day. That evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing chemistry homework, I fell off my bed! When trying to get up, I was incredibly dizzy(头晕的).

  I went to see a doctor who told me that hearing loss was common. However, it was usually bilateral,_or occurs in both ears. He said that my hearing should come back within a week.

  After about a week the dizziness eventually went away, but the hearing loss did not. The medicine helped and I gained some of my hearing back. After many hearing tests, it was determined that I had permanent hearing loss in that ear.

  School became harder for me because I couldn't hear my teachers. I was very depressed.

  Finally, I bought a hearing aid. With the hearing aid, my hearing is almost back to normal! It makes school and group conversations easier.

  My friends, teachers, and even complete strangers always ask me questions about hearing loss. I answer them patiently. I never get offended because I know that this is new to them. I am delighted I can teach them something new.

  What I have learned from this particular situation is that when things are desperate, there is always something good that can come out of it. My experience has given me an opportunity to teach people about something new to them and it has taught me about the value of hearing.

  1. What do you know from the first paragraph?

  A. The author had a great time in the summer camp.

  B. The author didn't enjoy himself in the summer camp.

  C. The author lost the sense of hearing in the summer camp.

  D. The author baked delicious cookies in the summer camp.

  2. The author fell off his bed when ______.

  A. getting up from the bed

  B. doing his homework

  C. waking up from a dream

  D. wearing his clothes

  3. The underlined word “bilateral” means ______.

  A. speaking two languages

  B. happening on one side

  C. losing one or more senses

  D. involving two sides

  4. We can infer that ______.

  A. after the treatment, the author's hearing loss was cured

  B. after the treatment, group conversations became easier

  C. the author took some medicine to treat his hearing loss

  D. the medicine the doctor gave him didn't work at all

  5. At present, the author is ______.

  A. desperate

  B. optimistic

  C. depressed

  D. offended


  For Internet users, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch — an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen.

  The walls show Facebook updates, and life­sized friends during video chats. It can also be controlled from anywhere — even bed — using gestures or speech. The system works uses projectors (投影仪) and sensors already available.

  “The hardware is complete but only 40 percent of the software is finished,” said Ion Cuervas­Mons, director of Think Big Factory, a Spanish design agency which created the project.

  “Everything in the house can be used to communicate. Through projections that are activated(激活) by the presence of a person, we can control everything with the movement of the hands: the lights; turning on any electrical household appliances; music; even connecting to Skype for a conference from any part of the house.”

  The system aims to replace the traditional keyboards and remote controls needed to interact with technology.

  However, Mr. Cuervas­Mons claims much of the technology will be invisible. “I don't think that an Openarch home is going to look any different. New technologies must be non­intrusive and natural,” he said.

  Mr Cuervas­Mons says the first inhabitant has already moved into the experimental apartment. “He is delighted to use the house. The main interface is in the living room, where he can see social networks, magazines, and play music just using gestures,” he said.

  The project uses sensing cameras such as Microsoft's Kinect to track users, allowing them to swipe(滑动)in mid air to move through menus.

  The project started three years ago, and the project was built in an apartment in the North of Spain, all using existing technology.

  “Now we have around 40% of the applications actually running — and we hope to finish soon, then begin developing products so people can actually begin using it.”

  1. How can the project be controlled?

  (No more than 6 words)


  2. What is Skype used for?

  (No more than 7 words)


  3. Why is much of the technology in the apartment invisible? (No more than 6 words)


  4. What does the first inhabitant think of the experimental apartment?

  (No more than 10 words)


  Module 3

  Unit 1

  Ⅰ.1. A 考查名词性从句。句意:我的朋友朱莉娅拿出她所有的衣服,让我挑最适合的任何一件,whichever 和whatever都可引导名词性从句,但前者是有范围的,whatever 是没有范围的,故选A项。

  2. D 考查冠词。all of a sudden 突然,为固定搭配。tap 作“轻拍”讲时,为可数名词,此处用a 表示泛指。

  3. C 考查时态。根据句意“在我看来, Tony是位成功者,因为他已经有两个公司了,又开了一个”可知应用现在完成时。

  4. A 考查介词用法。从句中I was very interested in it 可知“我不同于大多数同学”, 故选unlike, 表示“不同, 不像”。

  5. B 考查“情态动词+have been”结构。由Don't worry及第三句可知,第二句意为“他们可能忘了考虑你的建议”。could have done 表示对过去情况的可能性猜测,意为“可能已经做了某事”,符合语境。

  6. C 考查主语从句。通过分析句子结构再结合句意可知本句中, it 作形式主语,真正的主语是that 从句。

  7. B 考查短语意义。what's more 而且; on the contrary 相反; by the way 顺便问一问; in a word 总而言之。

  8. B 考查名词性从句。句意:十年过去了,我以前的许多同学已经不是原来的样子了。 what 引导表语从句, 且在从句中作were的表语, 相当于the people that。

  9. C 考查动词辨析。recognize 认出; forecast 预报; survive 活下来,生存下来,活得比……长; analyse分析。

  10. C 考查动词短语辨析。 根据题干中的for可排除A、D两项。 watch out for 留心, 密切注意; reach out for 伸出(手)去拿,故选C项。

  11. B 考查动词辨析。flash 闪烁; approach 接近; advance 前进; last 持续。

  12. C 考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我认为我们的女儿长大了,能独立解决这件事情了, 因此没必要为她担心。 be anxious about 担心,担忧; be grateful to感激; be upset with 对……感到失望; be ashamed of 对……感到羞耻。

  13. B 考查非谓语动词。由于ask 与he 之间构成一种动宾关系,故第一空用v.­ed形式;第二空由于he 与say 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用v.­ing形式作状语。

  14. B  考查倍数表达法。常见的倍数表达方式有三种:(1)A is…times as +形容词/副词原级+as B; (2) A is…times the size/length/width/height…+of B; (3) A is…times+形容词/副词比较级+than B。

  15. A 考查名词性从句。句意:学生们这个周末是否去参观市博物馆还没有决定。此处whether引导主语从句, if 不能引导从句作主语。

  .A 1. D make a living意为“谋生”,符合句意。make a fortune 发财,发迹; make a promise 承诺,许下诺言; make a difference 改变,有所作为。

  2. A 阿兰·罗伯特在不借助任何防护装置的情况下徒手攀登摩天大楼,人们通常会认为这是一种疯狂之举。

  3. A  前面提到罗伯特攀登时没有用保险带,也没有戴头盔,可见他是徒手攀登摩天大楼的。bare­handed 意为“徒手的,赤手空拳的”,符合句意。absent­minded 心不在焉的; warm­hearted 热心的; cold­blooded 冷血的。

  4. C block在此用作动词,“堵住,封锁”之意,符合句意。

  5. D hold one's breath意为 “不出气,屏住呼吸”,符合句意。

  6. A 警方还来不及摆好营救的姿态,阿兰·罗伯特就已经爬上了楼顶。rescue“营救”之意,符合句意。observation 观察; fight 战斗; photography 摄影。

  7. C conquer是“征服”之意,符合句意。

  8. D 有时他爬高楼纯粹是为了好玩。just for fun意为“只是玩玩而已”,符合句意。

  9. B 从后面afraid of heights and lacking confidence可以看出阿兰·罗伯特小时候是个害羞的男孩。

  10. D have no choice but to do sth.为固定短语,意为“不得不做某事”。

  11. B intend在此意为“打算,想,希望”,符合句意。

  12. A come true意为“(梦想等)成真”,符合句意。

  B 1. both 考查代词。在一次事故中,他失去了双臂。

  2. but 考查逻辑关系判断。前后意义转折,故填but。

  3. which 考查关系代词。which引导一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面整个句子所表达的内容。

  4. an 考查冠词。此处用不定冠词表泛指。注意outstanding以元音音素开头,故填an。

  5. latter 考查句意判断。前面提出了两种选择,他选择了后者。latter意为“后者”,符合句意。

  6. to 考查句子结构判断。不定式作宾语缺少不定式符号,故填to。

  7. In 考查介词短语。in the end意为“最终,最后”。

  8. off 考查动词短语。pay off在此是“回报”之意。

  .1. A 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句Last summer when I left a summer camp, I didn't realize how great it really was until I got home.可知作者在夏令营玩得很开心。

  2. B 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句That evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing chemistry homework, I fell off my bed!可知作者在床上做化学作业时从床上摔了下来。

  3. D 词义推测题。根据后面的提示occurs in both ears可知bilateral是“双边的”之意。

  4. C 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句The medicine helped and I gained some of my hearing back.可以判断作者服了一些治疗耳聋的药。

  5. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句What I have learned from this particular situation is that when things are desperate, there is always something good that can come out of it.可知作者目前非常乐观。

  .1. By using gestures or speech. 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句It can also be controlled from anywhere — even bed — using gestures or speech.可知这套系统可以通过使用手势或者讲话来控制。

  2. It is used to hold a conference. 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句Skype for a conference from any part of the house可知Skype可用来召开网络视频会议。

  3. Because it will look natural. 细节理解题。根据第六段第一、二句New technologies must be non­intrusive and natural可知智能住宅大部分技术设备都是隐形的,这样看上去更自然。

  4. He is very satisfied with the apartment. 推理判断题。根据第七段第二句He is delighted to use the house.可知第一位入住“实验公寓”体验者对智能住宅是满意的。


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