2017届高考英语一轮课时跟踪检测:(二十三)《Life in the future》(人教版必修5)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮课时跟踪检测:(二十三)《Life in the future》(人教版必修5)

发布时间:2017-04-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时跟踪检测(二十三) Life in the future


  1.(2017·郑州调研)—Would you mind my opening the window?


  A.Yes, go ahead B.Never mind

  C.Not at all

  D.No, please don't

  2.(2017·湖南十二校第二次联考)In moments when you're feeling down, read what you wrote previously, ________ will help uplift your spirits.





  3.(2017·豫北三校联考)—Is the new job a real challenge for him?

  —Well, ________ difficulties he meets, I believe he will never lose heart.





  4.(2017·德州模拟)The boy was sitting in his chair leisurely, ________ in the magazine he was reading.

  A.being absorbed


  C.to be absorbed


  5.(2017·合肥第一次质量预测)Since Jerry is absent today, let's get someone else to ________ the work where it was left off yesterday.

  A.take in

  B.take down

  C.take up

  D.take off

  6.—Can you give the book to John for me?

  —Yes, I will give it to him the instant I ________ him.



  C.will see

  D.have seen

  7.(2017·宣城模拟)When I got home, it flashed ________ me that I had forgotten to lock the door.





  8.To tell you the truth, everyone, including me, won't ________ your selfishness and rudeness.





  9.(2017·山西大同模拟)The weather is concerned with all of us because it ________ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.





  10.(2017·郑州市第二次质量检测)Everything will be all right. We must never stop taking a(n) ________ attitude towards life.





  11.(2017·辽宁丹东四校高三摸底)The main reason for which they cannot learn English well is that they cannot see the importance of it. That is, they lack ________ to do it.





  12.(2017·湖北黄冈部分中学调研)Only by learning and adapting ________ can we keep pace with the

  development of the advanced technology.





  13.(2017·福州高三质检)After the Spring Festival, some factories cannot start production as planned ________ labour force.

  A.for fear of

  B.for lack of

  C.in need of

  D.in search of

  14.(2017·淄博一模)Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually ________ the weakening of the human body.

  A.put off

  B.speed up

  C.turn on

  D.work out

  15.(2017·青岛高三质检)As the meeting was on, the man who was late ________ the meeting room without being noticed.

  A.swept up


  C.slid into



  (2017·黑龙江省四校高三联合考试)Humans: it's time to abandon Earth or race extinction.

  It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster (大片), but this prediction isn't science fiction. It's a glimpse of the future, according to famous British scientist Stephen Hawking.

  “I see great dangers for the human race,” he said in an interview with global forum Big Think. “There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.”

  “I believe that the long­term future of the human race must be in space,” he said.“ It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million.”

  Hawking, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year, has recently voiced many concerns about the future of life on Earth.

  “If aliens visited us, the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said. “Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads (游牧民), looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”

  But Hawking says he's still hopeful for the future of humanity.

  He told Big Think, “We've made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.”

  Getting to another planet will prove a challenge, not to mention colonizing it for humanity. Katherine Freese from University of Michigan told Big Think, “ the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. That means, if you were traveling at the speed of light the whole time, it would take 4.2 years to get there — or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.”

  1.Humans are advised to abandon Earth mainly because ________.

  A.aliens will take up our home planet soon

  B.it was discussed in the forum Big Think

  C.many scientists like Hawking are concerned about it

  D.many disasters will happen on Earth

  2.Thinking about the future of humans, Hawking feels that ________.

  A.humans can't live on Earth any longer

  B.Earth will not be habitable for humans

  C.other planets are ready for humans to reach

  D.aliens are the biggest future threat to humans

  3.What is the writer's key point in the last paragraph?

  A.It is impossible to get to another planet in space.

  B.It is urgent for Hawking to develop the space science.

  C.The near future can't see human's move to another planet.

  D.The planet Proxima Centauri is far away from Earth.

  4.This passage is most probably taken from ________.

  A.a conference interview

  B.a science fiction

  C.a history book

  D.a forum report



  75%的学生不参加体育锻炼 1.不爱好体育锻炼



  25%的学生参加体育锻炼 ……



  Dear Rose,

  As we enter Senior Three, fewer and fewer students do physical training._______________









  Best wishes!

  Wang Cheng



  Ⅰ.1.选C 句意:“你介意我打开窗户吗?”“一点儿也不介意。”根据句意可知C项正确。

  2.选C 句意:当你情绪低落的时候,读一读你先前写下的东西,这会帮助你情绪高昂。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子的内容。

  3.选D whenever“无论何时”;however“无论如何”;whichever“无论哪一个”;whatever“无论什么”。根据语意“无论遇到什么样的困难,我相信他都不会灰心气馁”可知,应用whatever来引导让步状语从句,whatever在此相当于no matter what,其中what用来修饰名词difficulties。故答案选D。

  4.选D 句意:那个男孩悠闲地坐在椅子上,沉浸于他所读的那本杂志之中。本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法,需判断该动词与句子主语的关系。absorb与the boy之间为被动关系(be absorbed in意为“沉浸于”),因此应用其过去分词形式。故答案选D。

  5.选C 句意:由于Jerry今天缺席,我们让别人从昨天停下来的地方继续做这项工作。take up“继续(他人未完成的事)”,符合句意。

  6.选A the instant引导时间状语从句时要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。

  7.选A It flashed upon sb. that ...为一常用句型,意为“某人突然想到……”。

  8.选D 句意:说实话,包括我在内的每一个人都不能忍受你的自私和粗鲁。tolerate (doing) sth.“忍受……”,符合句意。

  9.选C 句意:天气与我们息息相关,它对我们有着直接的影响,如我们的穿衣、行为甚至感觉。 move“移动”;guide“指导”;affect“影响”;benefit“使受益”。根据句意选C。

  10.选D 句意:一切都会好的,我们对生活永远都要采取乐观的态度。optimistic“乐观的”,符合句意。

  11.选B 句意:他们不能学好英语的主要原因是:他们没有看到英语的重要性。也就是说,他们缺乏学习英语的动力。inspiration“激情”;motivation“动机;动力”;regulation“规则;条例”;cooperation“合作”。

  12.选D 句意:只有通过不断的学习和适应,我们才能跟得上先进技术的发展。constantly“不断地”,符合句意。instantly“立即”;properly“适当地”;deliberately“故意地”。

  13.选B 句意:由于劳动力缺乏,春节后一些工厂不能按原计划开展生产。for fear of“为了避免;唯恐”;for lack of“因缺乏;因缺少”;in need of“需要;需求”;in search of“寻找;搜寻”。 for lack of符合句意,故答案选B。

  14.选B 句意:许多生活方式对健康造成了如此大的危害以至于它们事实上加速了生命的衰老。put off“推迟;暂缓”;speed up“加快速度”;turn on“打开;呈现”;work out“解决;锻炼;设计出”。根据句意选B。

  15.选C 句意:由于会议正在进行,迟到的那个人在没被注意的情况下溜进了会议室。 sweep up“打扫;横扫”; steal“偷……;偷偷做”,其后若加into也正确; slide into“溜进”。



  1.选D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million.”可知,在接下来的几百年中地球上会有许多灾难发生。故答案为D。

  2.选B 推理判断题。根据文章第七段中的“We've made remarkable progress in the last hundred years.But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.”可知,我们虽然在过去的几百年中取得了卓越的进步,但是如果我们要在接下来的几百年中继续延续这种进步,我们将来的生活空间在太空。据此可以推断出,未来地球将不再适合人类居住。故答案为B。

  3.选C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,人类借助现在的火箭科学技术,短时间内是不可能到达离地球最近的Proxima Centauri (比邻星)的,所以人类搬去另外一个星球在不远的将来是不会实现的。故答案为C。

  4.选D 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了斯蒂芬·霍金对人类未来的预测,是在global forum Big Think上发表的自己的看法与观点,故文章最有可能摘自论坛报告。答案为D。


  Dear Rose,

  As we enter Senior Three, fewer and fewer students do physical training. According to a survey, only 25% of the students do sports. They can benefit a lot from sports. There are many reasons for students not doing physical training. Some students complain that they have too much homework to do and have not enough time to do exercise. Some of them say that they aren't fond of doing physical training since childhood. Others say that they live far away from places where they can do physical training. Because of all these, many of us lack physical training and are in poor health.

  In my view, we should realize the importance of taking exercise. Firstly, without health, we can't learn well.

  Only in good health can we learn attentively. Secondly, as we all know, time is a spongy. We can find time to do exercise if study and physical training are balanced. In all, once we lose our health, we gain nothing. Let's do physical training right now.

  Best wishes!

  Wang Cheng


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