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发布时间:2017-04-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 5 Theme parks





  These bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they become rubbish.


  He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating.


  My favorites are playing football and reading stories

  which do me lots of good.


  As can

  be seen from the picture, when drops of water accumulate, they can form the sea.


  We are now living in an information age,

  in which TV, cellphones and the Web are widely




  1. I took a group of stu­

  dents to the seaside, where_they_learnt_to_swim (他们在那里学会了游泳).

  2. She didn't sleep well in the first few days, when_other_girls_kept_talking_in_the_bedroom (期间其他的女孩在宿舍里不停地说话).

  3.An old man tries to talk with his grandson who_has_come_to_attend_the_dinner_party (来参加晚会的).



  1.central adj.中心的;中央的

  2.swing n.

  秋千;摇摆vt.& vi.


  3.unique adj.


  4.preserve vt.



  5.length n.


  6.creature n.


  7.various adj.不同的;各种各样的→variety n.变化;多样性→vary v.有变化;改变

  8.amusement n.消遣;娱乐(活动)→amuse vt.使发笑;使快乐

  9.attraction n.有吸引力的事物;吸引→attract vt.吸引→attractive adj.吸引人的

  10.athletic adj.运动的→athlete n.运动员

  11.minority n.少数;少数民族→majority n.多数

  12.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步→advanced adj.高级的;先进的

  13.admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认→admit v.承认;准入


  14.There are various goods in the supermarket, and the prices vary from cents to dollars.The variety attracts many customers.(various)

  15.Shangri­La, full of attractions,_is so attractive that it attracts visitors from all over the world.(attract)


  There are various theme parks all over the world.Whichever park you visit, its unique attraction will impress you greatly.Some are famous for cartoon characters, some for water, some others for cultures from the minorities.

  Ⅱ.短语互译 1.以……而闻名be_famous_for









  6.come to life


  7.come true


  8.be familiar with


  9.face to face


  10.as well as



  1.some ..., others ... 一些……,另一些……

  Some_parks (有些公园) are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others (其他的) for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.


  Whichever_and_whatever_you_like (不论你喜欢哪个,喜欢什么), there is a theme park for you!

  3.whether ... or ... 无论……还是……

  It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether_you_are_travelling_through_space (无论你是在太空遨游), visiting a pirate ship or_meeting (还是邂逅) your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character.

  4.not only ... but (also) ...不但……而且……

  Futuroscope is not_only (不但) for individuals, but is also (而且) the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.


  If_driving (假如开车的话), Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.



  We tend to think that we are ①unchangeable,_while in fact we are ever­changing like the hands of a clock.For example, Tom used to ②dislike his new neighbour, a young girl named Alice, because every time he met her and said hello to her, she seemed ③unfriendly to him and even appeared bored.Tom didn't know why and so there was a misunderstanding with her.But in fact Alice did so just because she ④overworked every day and was too tired.So Tom ⑤misread Alice's expression on her face.But now Tom knows the truth and understands Alice, and what's more, Tom has begun to like Alice.

  1.various adj.不同的;各种各样的

   (1)variety n.变化;多样性;种类


  (2) vary vt.& vi.


  vary with sth.


  vary from ... to ...


  Coffee shops offer a variety of light meals and are less formal than most restaurants.


  ②Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school.






  ②One of the advantages is that_we_can_find_a_variety_of topics, such as science, culture and history.(find)


  2.preserve vt.保存;保留;保护 n.保护区

   (1)preserve sb./sth. from sth. 保护……免受……

  nature preserve


  (2)well­preserved adj.


  (3)preservation n.


  I think it our duty to preserve traditional Chinese culture.


  ②The organization was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.


  【关键一点】 和preserve仅一“字”之差的reserve表示意见、看法等的“保留”或座位等的“预订”。




  In this nature preserve,_all the rare plants are well­preserved,_but as far as the temples are concerned, only two are in a good state of preservation.


  ②(2017·江苏高考)—The town is so beautiful! I just love it.

  —Me too.The character of the town is well ________.

  A.qualified B.preserved



  解析:选B 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意可知,这个城镇的特色保留得很好,因此选B, preserve表示“保存;保护”。qualify“使合格;使具备资格”;decorate“装饰”;simplify“使简化”。

  3.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步

   (1)advance on/upon/towards 朝……前进

  (2)in advance = ahead of time


  in advance of


  (3)advanced adj.


  This will further advance the friendly relations between the two countries.


  ②I should warn you in advance; we may be delayed.




  ①We will pay him for travelling expenses ahead of time.

  →We will pay him for travelling expenses in advance.

  ②They had moved forward 20 miles by nightfall.

  →They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall.


  ③We aren't advanced learners of English; we should spend more time on it.

  ④The rapid development of computer has in turn advanced the development of technology itself.

  4.no wonder难怪;不足为奇

   (1)No wonder (that) ... = It's no wonder (that) ...表示“难怪……;……不足为奇”。主要用于弄清了事情的缘由,恍然大悟,不再感到奇怪。

  do/work wonders创造奇迹

  in wonder


  (2)wonder vt.& vi.


  I wonder/wondered if/when/where/why/how ...


  —I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.

  —It is not your fault.With the rush­hour traffic and the heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.(江西高考)



  ②I watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids.



  ①no way没门 ②no problem没问题

  ③no doubt


  ④no hurry




  ①It_is_a_wonder_that he was so punctual this morning.(wonder)


  ②It_is_no_wonder/No_wonder_that he has refused to go out to relax tonight.(wonder)





  5.come to life活跃起来;苏醒过来

   ①When the children heard that their teacher Zhang Lili came to life, the whole class came to life at once.


  (1)come to (oneself)苏醒过来

  come to light


  when it comes to ...


  (2)bring sth.(back) to life


  full of life


  ②When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


  ③After the earthquake, the villagers tried their best to bring the village back to life.


  【关键一点】 和bring sth. back to life不同, come to life为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态,一般不用于进行时。




  When_it_comes_to literature, he comes_to_life immediately, and his talent for literature has recently come_to_light.

  ①be famous for以……而闻名

  be famous for = be known for表示“以……而闻名”,所接的名词表示著名的原因

  be famous as = be known as表示“作为……闻名”,所接的名词是主语的同位语成分

  ②amusement n.

  [U]消遣;娱乐 [C]娱乐活动

  to one's amusement


  amuse vt.


  amuse oneself with


  amused adj.


  amusing adj.


  unique adj.


  be unique to


  ④be modelled after


  ⑤minority n.


  in the minority




   ①Hangzhou is_famous_for its West Lake and also famous_as a beautiful city.

  ②Much_to_my_amusement,_the actor fell off the stage.

  ③The problem is_unique_to the country.

  ④Their education system is_modelled_after the French one.

  ⑤The nation wants peace, and people who want the war to continue are in_the_minority.

  1.Whichever_and_whatever_you_like,_there is a theme park for you!


  【句型透视】whichever and whatever you like是让步状语从句。可引导此类从句的其他情况:

  Whenever/No matter when I'm unhappy, it is my friend who cheers me up.


  (2)whatever, whichever, who(m)ever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句。

  Whoever sees the new school can't help feeling excited about the great achievement we've made.


  (3)no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)只引导让步状语从句。

  No matter which team McGrady joins, his supporters will be happy about the fact that his career will continue.




  ①However hard_I_(had)_tried,_I could not keep up with him.(try)


  ②Whichever_day_you_come,_we'll be pleased to see you because you are the kindest man we have ever met.(whichever)


  ③Nowadays young people just can't live without the Internet; they depend on it for whatever_information_they_need.(need)


  2.Futuroscope is not_only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.


  【句型透视】(1)not only ... but (also) ... “不仅……而且……”,是并列连词,主要用来连接两个并列成分,也可以用来连接两个分句,所强调的重点是后者。

  She speaks English not only in class but (also) at home.


  (2)not only ... but also ...连接两个主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上与邻近的主语保持一致。

  Not only you but also he has to leave.


  (3)not only ... but also ...连接两个分句,并且not only置于句首时,含有not only的句子要用倒装语序,但but also后的句子仍用陈述语序。

  The computer was used in teaching.As a result, not only was teachers' energy saved, but students became more interested in the lessons.(全国卷Ⅰ)


  【关键一点】 not only不能分开使用;but also既可以连用,也可以分开;also可以省略。



  ①Not only does (do) he speak English correctly, but he also speaks it fluently.

  ②Not only the students but also their teacher likes (like) playing football.


  ③Xu Jinglei is not only an actress, but also she writes novels.

  →Not only is Xu_Jinglei an actress,_but also she writes novels.


  1.This room is twice the length (long) of the kitchen.

  2.This tool can be used in a variety (various) of ways.

  3.She could not hide her amusement (amuse) at the way he was dancing.

  4.I like John but I don't find him attractive (attraction) physically.

  5.They tried to get into the club but were refused admission (admit).

  6.There were only three of us on the advanced (advance) course.

  7.As we know, Wang Zhizhi is a natural athlete (athletic).

  8.The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation (preserve).



  1.Mount Tai is a well­known tourist attraction, and it is_famous_for its unique sunrise.

  2.We booked the tickets online in_advance.

  3.We set_out and reached the peak at length before daybreak.

  4.With the first ray of sunlight appearing, all the tourists came_to_life.

  5.No_wonder there are so many visitors coming here every year.

  6.Not only will you save_time and money, but you may rediscover the pleasure of true communication.

  7.Whoever leaves_the_room last should remember to turn off the light.

  8.There were so many people in the street that firefighters couldn't get_close_to the burning building.








  Mount Tai is a well­known tourist attraction, which is famous for its unique sunrise.During the summer vacation, my brother and I decided to visit Mount Tai.First, we booked the tickets online in advance.Then we set out and reached the peak at length before daybreak.

  With the first ray of sunlight appearing, all the tourists came to life.No wonder there are so many visitors coming here every year.


  1.(2017·湖北省八校高三联考)Some questions may come to you during the interview, but you can — and should — make good preparations ________.

  A.by designB.in advance

  C.in person

  D.by chance

  解析:选B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:在面试时你可能会遇到一些问题,但是你能够而且应当提前做好准备。A项意为“故意地”;B项意为“预先;提前”;C项意为“亲自”;D项意为“偶然”。根据句意可知,B项正确。

  2.(2017·襄阳三中质检)Do not expect pupils to be identical. Every child is ________, with their own needs, preferences and talents.





  解析:选C 句意:不要期望学生们都一模一样。每个孩子都是一个独特的个体,有他们自己的需求、爱好和天赋。unique“独一无二的”,符合句意。original “最初的;独创的”; similar “相似的”; equal “平等的”。

  3.At the conference, there was ______ agreement among the experts on the issue of environment education.





  解析:选C 句意:会议上,关于环境教育这个议题专家们达成了共识。universal“通用的;普遍的;宇宙的”,符合句意。detailed“细节的”;unique“独一无二的”;separate“单独的”。

  4.“They used to pay the rent ________, but they don't even pay on time now,” the lady complained.

  A.in advance

  B.in turn

  C.in return

  D.in particular

  解析:选A 句意:这位女士抱怨道:“他们过去经常提前付房租,但现在不准时付了。”in advance“提前”,符合句意。in turn“反过来;轮流”;in return“作为回报”;in particular“尤其”。

  5.(2017·汉川一中期中)When it ________ air pollution, Beijing faces the three “C”s — cars, coal and construction, which lead to Beijing's thick air pollution.

  A.refers to

  B.comes to

  C.happens to

  D.speaks to

  解析:选B 句意:当谈及空气污染时,北京面临三“C”——汽车、煤和建设,这造成了北京严重的空气污染。when it comes to ...是固定用法,意为“当谈及……时”。refer to“提及;查阅”;happen to“碰巧”;speak to“对……讲”。

  6.(2017·青岛质检)Although it has been buried underground for over 1,000 years, the ancient queen's body remains well ________.





  解析:选B 句意:尽管被埋在地下一千多年了,这个古代女王的尸体依然保存完好。defend“保卫;保护”;preserve“保存”;guarantee“保证;担保”;promote“促进;提升”。由句意可知选B。

  7.(2017·黄冈模拟)The famous writer described the scene very carefully, making it difficult for you to tell which the fact is and which the ________ is.





  解析:选B 考查词义辨析。fantasy意为“虚构;虚幻”,和fact相对。imagine“想象”,动词,不可作主语;difference“区别;不同”;combination“结合”。

  8.(2017·武穴中学高三模拟)I don't understand why all of the fish in the lake died overnight, but I think there must be some ________ between the death and the pollution.





  解析:选B 句意:我不明白为什么一夜之间湖里的鱼全部死掉了,但是我想它肯定与污染有关。connection“关联;关系”,符合句意。

  9.Young people prefer to live in big cities, where there are lots of ________, like convenient transportation, more opportunities and better environment.





  解析:选B 句意:年轻人宁愿住在大城市里,那里有许多吸引人的东西,比如便捷的交通,更多的机会和更好的环境。association “联合;协会”; attraction “吸引人的事物”;collection “收藏”; section “部分”。

  10.(2017·随州高三质检)She has succeeded in gaining ______ to the university, which the whole family are pleased with.





  解析:选B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她顺利考入大学,全家人都感到很高兴。admission“允许进入”,gain admission to “获准加入”,符合句意。congratulation“祝贺”;cooperation“合作;协作”;reaction“反应;回应”。


  1.(2017·襄阳调研)However_busy_he_is,_he always sets aside some time for physical exercise.(busy)


  2.(2017·襄阳调研)Tired_as_he_was,_he never forgot to update his journal.(as)


  3.(2017·华师一附中调研)Don't worry.The drug, if_(it_is_)_taken according to the directions, will have no side effect.(take)


  4.If I had a pair of unseen wings, I could_fly_as_freely as the spaceship Tiangong­1 in space.(fly)


  5.In summer, large crops of fruit may_be_preserved by freezing or bottling.(preserve)


  6.Jane is not good at sports, but when_it_comes_to_making_up stories, she's excellent.(make)


  7.Not only can_we_make_mistakes,_but also we can learn from those mistakes as part of our future success.(make)


  8.What_he_is_famous_for_is that he can foretell your fortune just by watching the fingerprint.(famous)


  9.Getting_close_to the tower, you can find that the main body is modelled after the architect in Ming dynasty.(get)


  10.Not until he was sent to the hospital did_he_come_back_to_life.(come)





  Stop­over in Stratford­upon­Avon

  The easy way to book your theatre seats, dinner and overnight stay

  Go to the theatre and enjoy Stratford­upon­Avon's shops, river and restaurants. See Shakespeare's birthplace, and the beautiful Cotswolds countryside with its charming villages.

  For as little as £90 per person in a luxury hotel, we include:

  A theatre seat in the stalls (包厢) or circles for any Monday to Saturday evening performance.

  ★A three­course dinner in the Box Tree Restaurant, before (5:45 p.m.) or after ( about 10:30 p.m.) the performance.

  ★One night's accommodation for two people sharing twin/double room. We divide our hotels into four groups:Luxury, A, B or C. Luxury is the most expensive and Group C rooms are without bath.

  If you haven't time or live too close to Stratford to stay the night — why not try our Deals on Meals package which includes a three­course dinner (or lunch if you go to an afternoon performance) in the Box Tree Restaurant. Lunch before the afternoon performance is at 12:00 noon.

  Group discounts apply (15 or more)for Monday to Friday evenings and Thursday and Saturday afternoons until June 18th.


  There is an intercity (城市间的) train from London Euston to Coventry. Trains leave London at 9:10 a.m., 10:40 a.m., 16:55 p.m., 2:40 p.m. Then take a bus to Stratford. Also, there is a new direct train service from London to Stratford. Train leaves London at 9:18 a.m. and arrives Stratford at 11:30 a.m. Returns are available: leaves Stratford at 15:55 p.m. and arrives London at 18:15 p.m.


  Connect with all the above trains at Coventry Station.

  Stay longer

  You can have an extra night's stay at the hotel of your choice to complete your break. Please note on your booking form if you would like to stay an extra night and include the cost (prices shown are per person sharing a double room) in your total payment. Theatre tickets can also be added for those wanting to go to another performance on the extra night.

  Booking is easy:

  ★Choose the show and date you wish to come.

  ★Choose your hotel.

  ★Fill in the form and send it to the Stop­over Office.

  Please give a choice of three dates if possible to avoid disappointment and name alternative hotels in the same group when completing your booking form.

  1.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

  A.there is one train per day direct from London to Stratford

  B.if there are twelve people in your group, you can get group discounts

  C.you can eat in the Box Tree Restaurant at any time

  D.you can go to an evening performance seven days a week

  解析:选A 推理判断题。根据文章中Trains一段中的“there is a new direct train service from London to Stratford”以及下文中列车的出发时间可知,只有一趟直达车。故选A项。

  2.Deals on Meals package is intended for those ________.

  A.who want to get the cheapest tickets

  B.who won't spend the night at Stratford

  C.who won't have lunch in the Box Tree restaurant

  D.who like to enjoy the evening performance

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章中“If you haven't time ... Meals package”可知,应选B项。

  3.From the last paragraph we can infer ________.

  A.you may change your hotel if you aren't satisfied

  B.you may be disappointed at the performances you watch

  C.it is possible that you may not go on the day you want

  D.you should choose from three dates to avoid no hotels

  解析:选D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,建议提供三个日期以供选择,以免当天没有旅馆。故选D项。

  4.The passage is most likely taken from ________.

  A.a magazine

  B.a report

  C.a website

  D.a travel booklet

  解析:选D 文章出处题。本文主要介绍了去莎士比亚的出生地Stratford­upon­Avon游览观光的注意事项。由此可推断,这篇文章可能摘自旅游小册子。故选D项。


  (2017·成都实验外国语学校模拟)There is a problem each of us faces in following advice on emotional healing: apologizing is difficult. We are trapped in what we think of ourselves by holding onto our pride. We can be selfish and not willing to admit our most obvious mistakes. Pride eats away at us as we argue or ignore the mistake.

  It's happened to me. I have had too much pride and selfishness to apologize to a loved one I hurt. When I did want to apologize, I couldn't bring myself to face the other person. This is the pride I'm talking about. Maybe apologies come difficult for men because they're expected to be dominant (占优势的). It's like the joke that a man never asks for directions when lost. Ladies are more emotionally open than guys and are willing to express it. Still, both genders wonder how to correctly apologize.

  In shifting the focus on apologizing away from you, what does not apologizing do to other people? They feel hurt that you are not willing to communicate your mistake. They lose trust in you as you hide behind your mistake avoiding reality. They become angry with you, wondering why you do not tell them the truth. They may begin to counter your lack of apologies by not apologizing themselves and from this the relationship goes downhill as the two of you get caught in a power struggle.

  You need to communicate your mistakes. A mistake you made is like a scratch and by not apologizing you are making the scratch a deeper wound and rubbing salt into it. You need to stop hurting the other person and yourself by learning to apologize. There is real power in apologizing and emotional healing.

  5.People find it hard to apologize for their mistakes because of their ________.

  A.emotional feeling B.sticking to their pride

  C.making argument

  D.being trapped in lies

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句“We are trapped in what we think of ourselves by holding onto our pride.”和第一段的最后一句“Pride eats away at us as we argue or ignore the mistake.”可知,B项正确。

  6.Why are men more unwilling to make apologies?

  A.They don't intend to hurt other people.

  B.They expect others to forgive them.

  C.They don't want to be considered weak.

  D.They aren't good at expressing themselves.

  解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“because they're expected to be dominant (占优势的)”可知,男人不愿意道歉的原因是他们不希望别人认为他们弱,不占优势。故C项正确。

  7.What bad effect will there be if you refuse to apologize for your mistakes?

  A.Other people won't pay attention to you.

  B.You will lose confidence in yourself.

  C.You won't be forgiven even if you tell the truth.

  D.The friendship will get hurt and go worse.

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They feel hurt that you are not willing to ...get caught in a power struggle.”可知D项正确。

  8.From the last paragraph, it can be inferred that ________.

  A.communication can stop you making mistakes

  B.mistakes would turn into deeper scratches

  C.apologizing is good for you and other people

  D.apologizing is the most powerful in emotional healing

  解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“You need to stop hurting the other person and yourself by learning to apologize.”可知C项正确。

  阅读理解解题技法(六) 两种特点的篇章结构题




  [典例](2017·陕西高考阅读理解C节选)According to sociologists (社会学家), every modern industrial society has some form of social stratification (阶层). Class, power and status are important in deciding people's rank in society.

  Class means a person's economic position in society. A commonly used classification is lower class, middle class and upper class. While sociologists disagree on how these terms should be exactly defined, they do describe societies like the United States quite well. One study shows that 53% of Americans belong to the lower class, 46% the middle class, and 1% the upper class. Interestingly, a surgeon earning $500,000 a year and a bus driver earning $50,000 a year both regard themselves as the middle class!

  Power refers to the amount of control a person has over other people. Obviously, people in positions of great power (such as governors) exercise (行使) big power, but people who take orders from others have less power. Power and class do not always go hand in hand, however. For example, the governor of a state has great power, but he or she may not belong to a corresponding (相应的) economic class. Generally, however, there is a relationship between power and class. To our knowledge, there aren't too many people who aren't millionaires in the U.S. Senate!

  Status is the honor or respect attached to a person's position in society. It can also be affected by power and class, but not necessarily so. For example, a university professor may have a high status but not belong to a high social class or have a lot of power over others.

  56.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?

  (P: Paragraph)


  第一段提出定义社会阶层的三个方面:class, power, status;第二段(class)、第三段(power)和第四段(status)分别叙述了它们在定义社会阶层上的作用。文章结构为“总分”式,所以选择A项。


  [典例](2017·北京高考阅读理解D节选)“In wilderness (荒野) is the preservation of the world.” This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism. The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection: whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.

  As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out, there is a strong appeal in images of the wild, the untouched; more than anything else, they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly. The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong, and the danger exploitation (开发) brings to such landscapes (景观) is real.Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans need — the rainforests, for example, store carbon in vast quantities.To Mr.Sauven, these “ecosystem services” far outweigh the gains from exploitation.

  Lee Lane, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, takes the opposing view. He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, such as water conservation.But that is not, he argues, a reason to avoid all human presence, or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation.There are ever more people on the Earth, and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives, rather than merely struggle for survival. While the ways of using resources have improved, there is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in abundance. If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide, the argument goes, there is no further reason not to do so. Being untouched is not, in itself, a characteristic worth valuing above all others.

  I look forward to seeing these views taken further, and to their being challenged by the other participants.One challenge that suggests itself to me is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly.And there is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm.

  This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason.What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.

  70.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

  CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub­point (次要点)

  C: Conclusion




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