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发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  阅读理解阅读下列四篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。One of the greatest sources of unhappiness,in my experience,is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.When we see something we don’t like,we wish it could be different.We cry out for something better.That may be human nature,or perhaps it’s something ingrained(根深蒂固的) in our culture.The root of the unhappiness isn’t necessarily that we want things to be different.However, it’s that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place.We’ve judged it as bad,rather than saying, “It's not bad or good,and it just is it.”

  In one of my books,I said“You should expect people to mess up and expect things to go differently than you planned”.Some readers said it's too sorrowful to expect things to go wrong.However, it’s only negative if you see it as negative and judge it as bad.Instead,you could accept it as the way the world works and try to understand why that is.

  This can be applied to whatever you do:how other people act at work,how politics works and how depressing the news media can be.Accept these things as they are,and try to understand why they’re that way.It will save you a lot of sadness,because you’ll no longer say,“Oh.1 wish bad things didn’t happen!’’

  Does it mean you can never change things? Not at a11.But change things not because you can’t accept things as they are,but because you enjoy the process of changing,learning and growing.

  Can we make this world a better place? You can say that you’11 continue to try to do things to help others,to grow as a person,to make a difference in this world.That’s the correct path you choose to take,because you enjoy that path.Therefore,when you find yourself judging and wishing for difference,try a different approach:accept,and understand.It might lead to some interesting results.

  The author believes that we feel unhappy maybe because ___________.

  A.it is our natural emotion in the life

  B.culture asks us to be different from others

  C.everyone has their own opinions on things

  D.we dislike something in the beginning

  Some readers think the words in the author’s book is too ______________.



  C.delighting D.idealisticIn Paragraph 4,the underlined word "it" refers to ____________.

  A.acting well at work and in politics

  B.feeling depressed for the news media

  C.accepting and understanding what has happened

  D.saying something negative when bad things come

  In the last paragraph,you are advised _____________.

  A.to help others and make a difference

  B.to enjoy what you have to do in the work

  C.to judge yourself and make a wish for you

  D.to try a new way when making the world better

  What is the main theme of the passage?

  A.Expecting things to be different gives us hope.

  B.Accepting can make our life happier and better.

  C.Traditional culture becomes root of unhappiness.

  D.Judging good or bad is important for our world.


  (2017·太原一模)When Debbie Macomber decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer,she rented a typewriter,put it on the kitchen table,and began typing each morning before the kids went to school.When the kids came home,she moved the typewriter and made them dinner.When they went to bed,she moved it back and typed some more.For two years,Debbie followed this routine.Supermom had become a struggling writer and she was loving every minute of it.

  One night,however,her husband,said to her,“Honey,I'm sorry,but you're not bringing in any income.We can't do this anymore.We can't survive on just what I make.”

  That night,her heart broken and her mind too busy to let her sleep.She stared at the ceiling in their darkened bedroom.Debbie knew—with all of the responsibilities of keeping up a house and looking after four kids—that working 40 hours a week would leave her no time to write.

  Seeing her despair,her husband woke up and asked,“What's wrong?”

  “I really think I could have made it as a writer,I really do.”

  Wayne was silent for a long time,and then said,“All right,honey,go for it.”

  So Debbie returned to her dream and her typewriter on the kitchen table,pounding out page after page for another two years.Her family went without vacations,pinched pennies,and wore hand-me-downs.

  But the sacrifice and the persistence finally paid off.After five years of struggling,Debbie sold her first book.Then another.And another.Until finally,today,Debbie has published more than 100 books,three of which have been sold for movies.Over 60 million copies are in print,and she has millions of loyal fans.

  And Wayne?All that sacrifice in support of his wife paid off handsomely.He got to retire at age 50 and now spends his time building an airplane in the basement of their 7,000 square-foot mansion.

  Debbie's kids got a gift far more important than a few summer camps.As adults,they realize what Debbie gave them was far more important—permission and encouragement to pursue their own dreams.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了Debbie Macomber坚持不懈地追逐自己的梦想,最后取得成功的故事。

  20.Her husband asked her to give up writing because ________.

  A.he wanted her to do more housework rather than just write

  B.she couldn't earn any money and it was hard for

  them to make ends meet

  C.he wanted her to find a better-paid job that

  interested her

  D.he thought keeping up a house was a wife's responsibility

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段可知她的丈夫感到自己一个人挣钱实在难以应付家庭的开支,希望她能放弃写作,去挣钱分担家庭的负担,故B项符合题意。

  答案 B

  21.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Debbie spent 40 hours in writing a week before she succeeded as a writer.

  B.Debbie's family often went out on vacations without her.

  C.Debbie's husband gave up his own job to support her writing.

  D.Debbie's success has brought her lots of money.

  解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二、三段可知,Debbie作为一个职业作家获得了巨大的成功,改善了家人的生活条件,故D项符合文意。

  答案 D

  22.We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.Wayne doesn't benefit from her wife's success

  B.Debbie has great influence on her children's going after their dreams

  C.Debbie's kids all realized their dreams as adults

  D.Debbie is a failure as a mother while she is a success as a writer

  解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Debbie支持鼓励她的孩子追求梦想,给了孩子们比野营更重要的礼物,Debbie对她的孩子追求梦想有着极大的影响,故B项正确。

  答案 B

  23.What's probably the best title for the passage?

  A.Go for it

  B.A great mother

  C.Union is strength

  D.Writing pays more

  解析 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了Debbie Macomber坚持不懈地追逐自己的梦想,并取得成功的故事,告诉我们要努力争取,坚持不懈。Go for it表示“努力争取”,形象地表达了文章的主旨。

  答案 A


  Only three local students won Chinese Blog (博客) Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China.

  170 students’ task: to get a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many postings based on a theme of choice—all written in Chinese.

  Themes ranged from local opinions—such as the usage of Singlish, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centre—to food blogs.

  The entries were judged on language proficiency (熟练程度) and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers.

  Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University, IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges.

  In the end, only three Singaporean students made it to the award list—the rest of the awards were swept up by students from China.

  "No surprise,” said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37, teacher-in-charge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language.”

  One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao, 19, from the Saint Andrew’s Junior College, who spared no effort in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts (播客).

  Her advice for bloggers is: Be responsible.

  "Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers,” said Miss Gao, “I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts.”

  1. The competition was organized by . 

  A. the National University of Singapore

  B. Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao

  C. Innova Junior College

  D. the Saint Andrew’s Junior College

  2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Chinese students won most of the awards.

  B. Not all the themes were about local subjects.

  C. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.

  D. The judges were from universities in Singapore and China.

  3. What Miss Gao said suggests that . 

  A. she likes to blame the authorities

  B. she has a sense of responsibility

  C. she thinks highly of the others’ blogs

  D. she loves to read valuable posts

  4. The passage is mainly about . 

  A. how Chinese students won the awards in the competition

  B. why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogs

  C. how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competition

  D. what the result of the competition was

  【参考答案】12.1-4 CABD


  (2017·)It's interesting to see how people make use of the time they spend on public transport in Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

  In crowded buses and trains people manage to take a short nap and some even reach the snoring stage.Or they spread out a newspaper over multiple knees and arms to read about the latest sport results or political crisis.

  Then there are the experienced travellers who have been playing cards with the same group over the last decade or so.They even have their specific seats so well-worn that you can make out the shape of their backsides.

  There is no doubt about it.Travelling by public transport is being in the thick of the seasons of life-a sweaty life in summer where people,blissfully unaware of the rivers of sweat running down their brows and inside their clothes.At the first smell of a perfumed man or woman boarding the stuffy bus or train,most people feel they are reborn.

  During the rains you can't avoid getting wet or muddied.The windows,almost always,are not a perfect fit and if you're not drenched by a sudden,heavy rain shower then you are bound to catch a jet spray of muddy water caused by a fellow motorist driving fast through a puddle.

  The rains are a perfect time for people to switch their old umbrellas for new ones.Since there are so many that look alike,it's impossible to tell whose is whose.

  Winter is the time when it feels good-or at least warm—to be part of a crowd.It is amazing how much the collective breaths of a hundred or so people can raise the freezing temperature inside.Looking at the masses dressed in their bright red pullovers or green coats,it's fun to imagine what faces lie beneath their dark woolen hats.

  The cold winter passes,making way for spring.It is impossible not to see every little flower by the wayside blooming proudly.And the warm sun manages to transmit some of their pleasantness to the inside of a bus or train.

  Now,wouldn't it be perfect if we had public transport worth the name in all our cities?

  【语篇解读】 普通的画面,平常的生活,变化的季节,永恒的旋律,印度的公共交通工具上每天都演绎着平凡人平淡的故事。

  24.On Indian public transport,you can always expect to see people ________.

  A.sleeping and reading newspapers

  B.arguing and playing games

  C.enjoying the view and playing cards

  D.carrying umbrellas and whispering politely

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的内容可知在印度的公共交通工具上,可以看到人们在睡觉或者在看报纸。

  答案 A

  25.According to the author what will make passengers feel refreshed when travelling in summer?

  A.The cool evening breeze.

  B.The rain pouring over their clothes.

  C.The joy of a game of cards.

  D.The sweet fragrance of a new passenger.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句的内容可知,一位新乘客散发出的香味能让车上的乘客神清气爽,犹如重生。

  答案 D

  26.If you see people in colourful clothing and breathing heavily,you are probably travelling during the ________.


  B.rainy seasons



  解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的内容可推知,当人们穿着各色衣服并且大口呼吸的时候,这里是”冬季”。

  答案 C

  27.We can infer from the passage that ________.

  A.Indian people don't mind switching umbrellas with others

  B.almost everyone in India wears perfume when they go out

  C.the buses and trains are old and in poor conditions

  D.Indian transport is the most crowded in the world

  解析 推理判断题。结合第三段以及第五段中的内容可推知,公共汽车和火车都很破旧。

  答案 C

  28.What is the tune of language used in this passage?





  解析 推理判断题。文章生动形象地刻画了印度公共交通工具上的众生相,根据文章中的多处细节描写可知作者笔调“幽默”。后三项分别表示“批判的”“令人恐惧的”“担心的”,都不是本文的写作风格。

  答案 A


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