2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:必修1 Unit4《 Earthquakes》-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:必修1 Unit4《 Earthquakes》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (创新题)It’s been seven days since a 7.0?How are the animals coping? And do they have y in Chengdu.Fortunately,all of the pandas here were out on the grounds when the earthquake hit,so they were very safe.Although no deaths or injuries have been reported among the Baoxing panda population so far,they’ve been badly frightened by the






  the earthquake seems to have made no discernible(可辨别的)negative impact on the pandas.These two baby pandas Chengshuang and Chengdui are playing fighting with each other and climbing trees.When they climbed too highhe breeders have to rescue them from the trees.

  The visitors are amused by the scenes and think it’s like a fantastic acrobatics show.

  The quake zone is not only the home of these pandas,it’s also the source of their food.Fortunately,enough bamboo has been stored away in five bamboo storehouses for the pandas,so there are no worries with regard to food supplies.

  Wu Kongju,Breeder,Chengdu Panda Breeding Base,said,“When the Wenchuan earthquake happened in 2008,we were unprepared and had a shortage of bamboo.But we’ve been able to handle this earthquake event more smoothly.There are no problems with the food supply.”Apart from the pandas’ favorite Baijia Bamboo,breeders also give them bamboo shoots,which are very rich in nutrients.

  Wu Kongju said,“Bamboo shoots contain more protein than ordinary bamboo,and they’re also very succulent because they contain more water.”

  【文章大意】 本文介绍了雅安地震中的熊猫状况。________.ong earthquake hit Ya’an

  B.food supply to pandas is enough

  C.impact of Ya’an earthquake on China’s pandas

  D.two baby pandas Chengshuang and Chengdui are in good condition

  解析:选C。主旨大意题。文章讲述了雅安发生了7.0级地震这次地震对当地的熊猫造成了一定的影响故答案选C。A项不全面;B、D两项是细节。________.eding Base received the food supply from foreign countries

  D.the Panda Breeding Base has stored away enough bamboo in advance


  D.有营养的解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据最后一段的“they’re also very succulent because they contain more water.”可知culent的意思是“多汁的多水分的”故答案选A。解析:选A。观点态度题。由文中意思可知作者对成都熊猫养殖基地的表现很满意。B

  (2017·深圳调研)Since the beginning of the yearer the smog gets serious,hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory(呼吸系统) and heart diseases.asize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere.

  Smog is especially a common concern.As a popular online post said,air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone,despite your income or profession.People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices,but they breathe the same air as everyone else.

  At a meeting on Monday,many Representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality,too.One talked about his experience in Beijing.“After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel,which took about an hour,I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black.We should ask ourselves this question:Why do we want to develop? It’s for living a better life.Dirty air is definitely not a better life(投资)in high­tech.Every Chinese has a dream to make China stronger.But without blue skynomy will become meaningless.Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can move to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth.

  What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China.The great efforts must be made to promote ecological progress and build a beautiful China.The words have shown the central government’s determination to address the environment issue.

  【文章大意】 本文是一篇议论文。今年北京的雾霾天气引起了许多人对环保重要性的重视我们不能只关注经济而忽视了我们赖以生存的环境因为发展是为了生活得更好。________.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“The rising PM 2.5...more patients suffering (呼吸系统) and heart diseases.”可知雾霾导致PM 2.5值升高许多人因呼吸疾病、心脏病突发而住院。故答案选C。r prices.

  B.Because nobody can avoid it.

  C.Because we have to develop industry.

  D.Because a popular online­post discussed it.

  解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容可知空气面前人人平等不管你的职业是什么都呼吸一样的空气。因此空气一旦被污染谁都没有办法不受影响所以大家都特别关注空气质量。故答案选B。________.解析:选A。代词指代题。they是代词用来代替前面出现的复数名词。根据句意可知此处they代替上文中的human beings。故答案选A。________.veloped in a large scale

  C.we can move to Mars after the earth has been destroyed

  D.we must protect the environment while developing


  解析:选D。推理判断题。文章最后两段强调了我们既要发展经济、科技建设一个强大的国家但同时也要保护生态环境创造一个美好的国度。故答案选D。语法填空:Today________(interview)nine­year­old Alex about her feelings on how people can help

  2.________(save)the environment.So,Alex,how can we save the environment? ____

  W:By saving water.:Well:By not using too much water when we wash dishes________(plant)outside.

  M:Oh:When 4.________(drink)something outsideshould keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put 5.________ in because littering makes our planet dirty.Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?


  W:Yes.We shouldn’t waste paper because trees

  7.________down to make the paper.By recycling paper________animals live.


  9.________I could make things out of them,like paper trees,10.________ just throwing them away.Now,the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

  M:That’s great.Wellyour ideas.

  1.解析:考查时态。由下文内容可知采访正在进行中故用现在进行时。答案:am interviewing解析:考查非谓语动词。help帮助后接do sth.或to do sth.。答案:(to)save解析:考查名词复数。由语境可知此处特指外面的那些植物故用复数形式。答案:plants解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知此处主语you与drink之间为主动关系故应用When drinking相当于When you drink water。答案:drinking解析:考查代词。 由语境可知此处it指代上文的the garbage表示同名同物。garbage垃圾为不可数名词。答案:it解析:考查名词复数。分析句子结构可知此处suggestions在句中作have的宾语。答suggestions

  7.解析:考查时态和语态。trees与cut down之间为被动关系且这一情况正在进行故用现在进行时的被动语态。答案:are being cut解析:考查定语从句。此处where引导定语从句修饰先行词the forests且在从句中作地点状语。答案:where解析:考查状语从句。 由句意可知此处so that/in order that引导目的状语从句。答案:so that/in order that解析:考查复合介词。由句意可知我小的时候为了能用报纸制作像纸树这样的东西我把报纸攒下来而不是把它们扔掉。”instead of代替而不是符合语境。答案:instead of短文改错(2017·东北三校模拟)Yesterday(收据).When she got there the bag and looked at it careful.Many eyes were staring at her,what made Li Mei very embarrassing.Luckily,a salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go.

  答案: to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt (收据).When she got there she showed him the receipt.Thinking

  was no way out,Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left.Suddenly two shop

  stopped her and began to search her.They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it .Many eyes were staring at her, made Li Mei very .Luckily, salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go.

  Ⅳ.书面表达(2017·南昌模拟)11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。2017年的感恩节是11月22日。某英文杂志社要举办一次征文比赛活动。活动主题是:“Learn to be grateful”。假如你叫魏来请根据下列提示写一篇100词左右的短文投给该杂志社。主要内容包括: 为什么要感恩;对谁感恩;感恩实际行动(给父母泡一杯热茶或给他们一个拥抱给老师制作感恩卡给同学和朋友发短信感谢他们的帮助等)。Learn to be grateful

  Thanksgiving Day in this year is on November 22nd and








  One possible version:Learn to be grateful

  Thanksgiving_Day_in_this_year_is_on_November_22nd_and it is around the corner.How shall we welcome it? Who shall we give our thanks to? I’d like to share my idea with you.I always think if everyone is grateful to our society,it will be more harmonious.If everyone has got a grateful heart to our parents,teachers and friends,love and happiness will greet us every day.

  Gratitude is so important and necessary that we should take action right away.Let’s start with small things—give our parents a warm hug or make them a cup of tea,design beautiful thank­you cards for our dear teachers and send thank­you emails to our friends etc..

  Don’t hesitate.Just do it!


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