2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:选修8 Unit5《 Meeting your ancestors》-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:选修8 Unit5《 Meeting your ancestors》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ.阅读理解(2017·山西省高三上学期诊断考试)We all have fears.Some of them are reasonable enough(幽闭恐惧症).or“fear”,is the term health experts use to describe these unreasonable mental states of anxiety.People who have claustrophobia feel anxious or nervous when they are in elevators,cars,or even large rooms.Their response,in severe cases,is to panic.They may end up shaking,sweating,hyperventilating (呼吸急促)der threatening.Unfortunately,having an anxiety or panic attack confirms that person’s fear,and they begin to avoid the objects or situations which bring on their discomfort.

  The good news is that all kinds of phobias can be treated.Since the fear is not sensible,those suffering phobias can be helped to overcome them.The hardest step on the road to recovery is the first.The realization that a phobia is unreasonable leads to further anxiety.Support and encouragement from family,friends,and colleagues to seek advice is of great help.Techniques for treatment include flooding,which exposes the person to the source of their anxiety in a controlled situation,and counter­conditioning,using self­relaxation methods to get through anxiety attacks.In the most severe cases,these techniques may be accomplished by medicines.People being treated can get over their fear in eight to ten weeks.

  There is no good reason to live in constant fear.If you have a phobia,seek medical advice and treatment.If you know someone with a phobia,be supportive.Fear is sometimes a necessary part of the human experience,but unreasonable fear is not.

  【文章大意】 本文主要介绍了幽闭恐惧症1.According to the passage,what is phobia?

  A.A fear of the Greek language.

  B.A fear of health professionals.

  C.Unreasonable anxiety.

  D.An outbreak of disease.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。通过第二段的第一句“Phobia给恐惧症下的定义可知恐惧症就是一种不合理的焦虑。故C项正确。________.at a crowded meeting

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“People who have claustrophobia feel anxious or nervous when they are in elevators可知一个患有幽闭恐惧症的人在汽车中会感到焦虑。故C项正确。ep still.

  D.A sharp pain in the legs.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Their responsesweating,hyperventilating (呼吸急促)可知患幽闭恐惧症的人无法保持平静故C项正确。 those who know someone with a phobia?

  A.They should expose the person to the source of anxiety.

  B.They should encourage the person to seek help.

  C.They should share the person’s fear.

  D.They should avoid that person.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Support and encouragement from family以及最后一段中的“If you know someone with a phobia可知B项正确。七选五补缺题(2017·石家庄模拟)Summer is the season to dive into new activities and kick back.And right now is the time to make sure that you’re ready for the great outdoorsound or two a week.1.________ And when you trouble yourself,sooner or later you’re going to gain it back.Operate at a 500­calorie­a­day deficit(亏损).2.________ So if you cut 500 calories a day for seven days straightound a week right there.

  Operating at a decrease of 500 calories a day should involve both eating less and moving more;for example plan,and break the 500­calorie goal into small groups to make it more reachable.3.________

  To cut 100 calories:4.________ Have vegetable pizza instead of pepperoni(意大利辣香肠).Use our Nutritional Needs Calculator to determine how many daily calories you should consume in order to lose:spend 15 minutes biking.5.________ Spend 20 minutes gardening.Keep on exercising at least 30 minutes daily a week.Reading food labels and counting calories or writing down what and when you eat can give you more control as well.lk or run one mile.

  C.A pound is 3,500 calories.

  D.It is okay to have some snacks between your meals.

  E.You should always make sure you get a lot of sleep.

  F.Anything more than that usually means you’re troubling yourself.

  G.Eat a chicken’s breast without the skin.

  答案:1~5 FCAGB完形填空(2017·德州模拟) After 21 years of marriage__1__of my work and my three children,I visited her only__2__.That night I called inviting her to go out.Though a bit__3____4__her up.On reaching her house,I noticed that she seemed to be nervous about our__5__.Wearing the dress she had worn to__6__ her last

  wedding anniversary__7__that,although not elegant,was very comfortable.After we sat down,I__8__my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me.A smile was on her lips.“I used to have to__9__the menu when you were small,”she said.“Then it’s time you relaxed and let me return the__10__,”I responded.During the dinner,we had such a__11__conversation—all about each other’s life—that we__12__the movie.When back home,she said,“Pity we didn’t see the film.Yet I’ll go out with you again,but only if you let me__13__you.” I agreed.

  A few days later,Mother died of a massive heart attack.It__14__so suddenly that I had no __15__to do anything for her.Some time later,I__16__an envelope of a copy of a restaurant receipt from where mother and I had__17__.An attached note said,“I paid this__18__in advance.I wasn’t sure whether I could be there;but nevertheless__19__that night meant for me.I love you,son.”

  At that moment,I understood the importance of giving our loved ones the time they__20__ because these things can never be put off till “some other time”.【文章大意】 本 B.plans


  解析:选C。句意:因为工作和照顾三个孩子的“要求”我只能“偶尔”去看望母亲。A项意为“希望”;B项意为“计划”;C项意为“要求”;D项意为“承诺”。根据句意可知应用demand一词。 解析:选A。A项意为“偶尔间或”;B项意为“经常频繁地”;C项意为“偶然地无意地”;D项意为“立即马上”。根据语境可知应用occasionally一词。 解析:选C。句意:那天晚上我打电话给她约她出来。尽管有点“吃惊”但她还是高兴地接受了我的邀请。A项意为“沮丧的”;B项意为“尴尬的”;C项意为“吃惊的”;D项意为“泄气的”。根据上文内容可知结婚二十一年来由于工作繁忙有孩子去照顾我不常去看望母亲因此当我打电话约她出来时她应该是感到“吃惊”。 解析:选D。句意:星期五下午下班后我开pick up除了有“捡起拾起接收学会”的意思外还可作“到(某处)接某人到(某地)取某物”讲。 解析:选B。句意:到达母亲的住所之后我发现她看来好像对我们的“约会”有些紧张。A项意为“旅行”;B项意为“约会约定”;C项意为“电影”;D项意为“骑乘坐兜风”。根据上文可知我邀请母亲外出。所以我们之间是一个“约会”。解析:选B。句意:穿着她上个结婚周年庆典上的衣服她笑得像个天使。C项意为“宣布”;D项意为“欢迎”。A、B两项都有“庆祝祝贺”之意。但后的宾语应为人而celebrate后的宾语为事因此应用celebrate。解析:选B。句意:我们去了一家“餐馆”。尽管不那么雅致但很舒适。根据下文的“menu”及“During the dinner”可知我们去的是“饭店餐馆”。 B.cleaned解析:选C。句意:坐下之后我“抬起双眼”看到母亲坐在那里正盯着我看。focus one’s eyes(on)意为“注意集中”;clean one’s eyes 意为“揉眼睛”;lift one’s eyes意为“抬起眼睛”;open one’s eyes意为“睁开眼睛”。lift符合语境。 解析:选A。句意:她说:“你小的时候我不得不给你读菜单”。A项意为“读”;B项意为“打印”;C项意为“写”;D项意为“交上交”。根据情景和常识可知孩子小的时候只有母亲“读”菜单给他听。 解析:选D。句意:“现在到了你坐下来放松休息我回报的时候了”我回答说。return the favor意为“回馈回报报答”。 解析:选D。句意: 在吃饭期间我们有如此“愉快的A项意为“复杂的”;B项意为“紧急的”;C项意为“幽默的”;D项意为“愉快的”。根据语境可知应用pleasant一词。 ed

  D.delayed解析:选C。A项意为“讨论”;B项意为“安排”;C项意为“错过”;D项意为“耽误延误”。根据上文及后面“Pity we didn’t see the film.”解析:选A。句意:回到家后她说:“很遗憾我们没能去看电影。但是我还会再跟你出来的只要你能让我邀请你。”我表示了同意。A项意为“邀请”;B项意为“通知告诉”;C项意为“注意”;D项意为“记得记起”。上文的“inviting”可知此处应用invite一词。 解析:选B。句意:几天以后母亲突发心脏病离我而去。它的“发生”如此突然以至于我没有“机会”为她做任何事。A项的意思是“出现显现看起来像”指某人或某物的露面不符合语境。 解析:选C。A项意为“勇气”;B项意为“C项意为“机会”;D项意为“许可”。根据上文可知应用chance一词。 解析:选A。句意:过了一段时间我“收到”来自我和母亲“吃饭”的那家餐馆的一封信里面装有一份收据。A项意为“收到”;B项意为“发送”;C项意为“邮寄”;D项意为“拒绝接受”。根据句意可知应用receive一词。



  D.ticket解析:选B。句意:里面附有一张纸条上面写着“我已经提前付了账……”。A项意为“菜单”;B项意为“账单”;C项意为“信”;D项意为“票”。pay the bill意为“付账”。


  解析:选C。句意:那一刻我理解了拿出时间陪陪我们所爱的人的重要性因为花时间陪伴亲人的这种值得做的事是不能被推迟到“以后某个时候”的。A项意为“相信信任”;B项意为“移动感动”;C项意为“值得”;D项意为“分享”。根据句意可知应用deserve一词。语法填空:Hi:Hello________ my little brother.

  Jenny:I 2.________ (buy)my brother a computer game

  3.________ (call) City 2011.He plays 4.________:How old is he?:Ten.:Oh—my brother’s twelve.:That’s OK.This game’s good for eight 5.________:Great! Where did you buy it?y:In Black’s PC Shop.I looked everywhere in Cambridge and Peterstown________(find)it.

  Mark:Where is the shop?:On Marsden Street.You know Hunter Road? Turn left at the end________ it’s opposite Walker’s Department Store at number twenty nine.

  Mark:I can go there next Thursday.:That’s good.Next week from Monday to Friday you get 8.________ second game free!:Great.How much was your brother’s game?:I bought two games that day and forty­eight pounds ________ (pay) altogether,and my brother’s game was twenty­six pounds.

  Mark:Oh________ than thirty! That’s not bad.Thanks,Jenny.

  1.解析:考查介词。shop for sth.for sb.为某人到商店购买某物。答案:for解析:考查时态。由后面He plays __4__for hours.可以判断为过去发生的动作故用一般过去答案:bought解析:考查非谓语动词。一个句中没有并列连词不可能有两个谓语又a computer game与call存在被动关系故用过去分词作后置定语。答案:called4.解析:考查代词。it指代前文提到的a computer game。答案:it考查介词。eight to thirteen­year­olds.八到十三岁的孩子们。答案:to解析:考查非谓语动词。句中不定式作目的状语。答案:to find7.解析:考查并列连词。“祈使句+and+简单句”结构中表示顺承关系。答案:and解析:考查冠词。a second 再一又一。答案:a解析:考查时态和语态。由and前面谓语bought可确定为一般过去时货币作主语谓语动词用单数且与pay构成被动关系故用was paid。答案:was paid解析:考查语境填词。根据上下文可知认为“还不到三十英镑”故用less than。答案:less


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