2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:选修6 Unit3《 A healthy life》-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮单元检测:选修6 Unit3《 A healthy life》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ.阅读理解(2017·襄阳四中月考)Let’s face it.No one drinks diet soda for the taste.People drink diet soda in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it.Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effecta new study.

  Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn’t drink diet soda.“What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank,the more weight they were likely to gain,”said Sharon Fowler.

  The study was based on data from 474 participants in a large,ongoing research project,where the participants were followed for nearly 10 years.

  While the findings are surprising,they also offer some explanations.

  Nutrition expert,Melanie

  Rogers,who works with overweight patients in New York,has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet soda,they don’t lose weight at all.“We weren’t seeing weight loss necessarily,and that was confusing to us,”said Rogers.

  So why would diet soda cause weight gain? No one knows for sure yet,but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet soda,and so over­compensate for the missing calories.

  A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice.“Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be riskyy may be free of calories,but not of consequences.”

  【文章大意】 本文是一篇科普性文章。有些人希望通过饮用苏打水来减肥或防止体重增加。然而新的研究表明饮用苏打水不但不能减肥反而会增加体重。________.in more energy

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句中的“will help them lose weight”可知人们饮用苏打水的目的是减肥。故选C。________.people much thinner

  D.offers people more calories

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect可知饮用苏打水不但不能减肥反而会导致体重增加。故选A。________.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“people think they can eat more if they drink diet soda”可知人们认为饮用苏打水后可以吃得更多。故选B。________.解析:选B。代词指代题。根据文章最后一段所讲述的内容特别是“the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky”可知指代的是“diet sodas and artificial sweeteners”。故选B。七选五补缺题2017·吉林长白山市一中模拟)Obtaining Fresh Water from Icebergs

  The idea of getting fresh water from icebergs that are moved to populated areas or places was once treated as a joke.Recently,scientists have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.1.________

  Glaciers are a possible source of fresh water that has been overlooked until recently.2.________ It contains fresh water so much that it could sustain(维持) all the rivers of the world for 1h over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergs throughout the year.3.________ However,they are formed entirely on land,breaking off when glaciers spread over the sea.As they drift away from the polar region,icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a direction opposite to the wind.Because they melt more slowly than smaller pieces of ice,icebergs have been known to drift as far north as 35 degrees south of the equator(赤道)in the Atlantic Ocean.4.________ The difficulty exists such as its rapid melting in warmer climates.5.________e sea every year.

  D.But the water they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced.

  E.To move them to dry parts of the world would not be too difficult.

  F.It is not a dream to get water from icebergs.

  G.Three­quarters of the Earth’s fresh water supply is still tied up in glacial ice.

  答案:1~5 BGAED完形填空

  (2017·山师大附中考前模拟)Waiting for the airplane to take off__1__ me and asked,“Would you mind changing your seat?A couple would like to sit together.”The only other __2__ seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts(石膏)__3__ am I going to sit there” was my immediate thought.__4__ then a deeper,quieter voice spoke,“Opportunity.” Finally I took my new seat and __5__ that Kathy had been in an auto collision,and she was on her way for __6__.ts and juice arrived,__7__ did not take me long to realize that Kathy would not be able to __8__ herself.I considered offering to feed her but __9__,as it seemed too close a service to offer to a stranger.But then I decided that Kathy’s need was more important than my __10__.I offered to help her eat__11__ it,she did.The experience was __12__ and she and I __13__ close in a short period of time.By the end of the five­hour trip,my heart was fully __14__,and the time was __15__ better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

  I was very glad I had reached beyond my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her.Love sometimes __16__ beyond human borders and dissolves the fears __17__ keep us separate.When we stretch to serve another,we grow to live in a larger,more __18__


  Help me move __19__ the small self so I can connect with the hearts of others.

  When I give __20__ to another,I feed my own soul.

  【文章大意】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过写作者在坐飞机时帮助双手不便的Kathy的经历告诉我们:爱总会溢出人际的疆界融化这种隔阂。伸出助人之手我们的世界就会变得更加广阔更 B.approached解析:选B。句意:正在那时一个空乘人员向我走来……touch意为“接触触动”;approach意为“走近靠近”;deserve意为“值得应得”;propose意为“建议计划”。根据下文“asked”一词可知答案选B。解析:选A。available意为“可得到的可利用的”;accessible意为“易接近的可进入的”;acceptable意为“可接受的”;comfortable意为“舒适的”。句意:剩下的唯一可坐的座位是在一个双臂打着石膏的妇女旁边。四个选项中只有符合语境。故答案选A。解析:选B。句意:我决不坐在那儿。项搭配错误故排除如改为“By no means”则可选;in no case意为“决不”位于句首句子要用倒装;with no manners意为“没有礼貌”;D项搭配错误故排除。故答案选B。解析:选C。根据下文“Finally I took my new seat and...”可知作者一开始不想坐过去后来还是说服自己坐了过去所以此处用but表示前后思想的转折。故答案选C。解析:选B。句意:我最终还是换到了那个新位置上并且发现原来Kathy经历了一场车祸她此行就是要去做治疗。intend意为“打算”;discover意为“发现”;defend意为“防护保卫”;advocate意为“提倡”。根据语境可知此处应用discover。故答案选B。ays

  B.treatment解析:选B。根据上文“...had been in an auto collision”可知此行是要去做治疗。holiday意为“假日”;treatment意为“治疗”;sightseeing意为“观光”;interview意为“采访”。故答案选B。解析:选D。it takes sb.some time to do sth.意为“某人花费时间做某事”是固定句型故答案选D。解析:选A。句意:我很快意识到Kathy不能自行取用东nuts”和“juice”可知和drink都片面故排除C、D两项;dress意为“穿衣”与文意不符;help oneself意为“自行取用”符合语境。故答案选A。解析:选A。句意:我考虑主动喂给她吃但是犹豫了因为这对于一个陌生人来说好像太过亲密了。hesitate意为“犹豫踌躇”;reject意为“拒绝”;insist意为“坚持”;refuse意为“拒绝”。根据下文“as it seemed too close a service to offer to a stranger”可知只有hesitate符合语境。故答案选A。解析:选A。根据语境可知作者考虑到Kathy的需要远比自己的不适更重要。discomfort意为“不适”;guilt意为“内疚过失”;convenience意为“方便”;situation意为“情况”。与上文“as it seemed too close a service to offer to a stranger”相呼应故答案选A。解析:选B。根据“although”可知尽管Kathy对于作者的帮助感到不太舒服但她还是接受了attend意为“参加出席”;accept意为“接受”;convey意为“传达”;behave意为“表现举止”。四个选项中只有accept符合语境。故答案选B。解析:选B。句意:这段经历令人很愉快我们在很短的时间里就变得很亲近。desperate意为“不顾一切的令人绝望的”;pleasant意为“令人愉快的”;adequate意为“充足的适当的”;awkward意为“尴尬的笨拙的”。与下文“she and I...close in a short period of time”相呼应故答案选B。解析:选B。根据上文“she too was uncomfortable”可知我们由陌生变得亲近。maintain意为“维持继续”;grow意为“渐渐变得发展”stay意为“坚持保持”;remain意为“保持”。四个选项中只有grow强调变化的过程符合语境。故答案选B。 B.alone解析:选C。句意:在这五个小时的旅程即将结束的时候我觉得自己的内心彻底活了起来我这五个小时过得比起自己一个人独坐肯定值多了。awake意为“醒着的”;alone意为“独自的”;alive意为“活着的有生气的”;asleep意为“熟睡的”The experience was...”相呼应故答案选C。nably



  D.through解析:选C。句意:帮助我超越渺小的自我从而使我可以与他人的心相连。toward意为“朝向”;across意为“穿过横穿”;beyond意为“超过越过”;through意为“通过”。与上文“beyond human borders”相呼应故beyond符合语境。故答案选C。解析:选D。句意:在我给他人爱心之时我亦哺育了自己的心灵。sympathy意为“同情”;care意为“关心”;virtue意为“美德优点”;love意为“爱”。与上文“Love sometimes...”相呼应故答案选D。语法填空:It’s so hard for me 1.________ (learn) English.Why is it so easy for you?dent B:I don’t know you were having problems.Maybe it’s easier for me 2.________

  I already speak two languages.But also I really work at it.:Well________ you think would help?

  Student B:You might try to read newspapers.And I always talk to Americans when I get 4.________________ sometimes it’s hard.

  Student A:But,how do you meet Americans? I only know other foreign students.

  Student B:How about sitting next 6.________ an ________ (ask) someone over to your house for dinner?

  Student A:Those are good ideas.But I’m a little shy ________ (speak)English.

  Student B:You won’t learn 9.________ you try to speak.If I 10.________ (be) you解析:考查非谓语动词。本句it作形式主语后面的不定式是真正的主语。答案:to learn解析:考查状语从句。后句是前一句的原因。because表示原因。答案:because解析:考查助动词。本句为疑问句倒装语序故用助动词do。答案:do解析:考查冠词。a chance 一次机会冠词a表泛指。答案:a解析:考查副词。though表示让步意为“尽管”;句意为:尽管有时很难当我得到机会时我总是和美国人交谈。答案:though解析:考查介词。next to表示“紧挨着”。答案:to解析:考查非谓语动词。动名词asking作介词of的宾语。答案:asking解析:考查非谓语动词。形容词后面跟不定式作原因状语。答案:to speak解析:考查连词。空两边为两个单句故缺少连词。unless“除非”符合句意。答案:unless解考查虚拟语气。此处were表示对现在事实相反的假设。答案:were


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