2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:8-24 Unit 24 Society(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:8-24 Unit 24 Society(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修八 Unit 24 Society

  [对 点 题 组]Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空

  1.Within three months of his

  (elect) he was forced to resign.

  2.The girl is only fifteen years old, but she has to be

  (burden) with her family.

  3.Do you know Mr.Li has handed in his


  4.He was found guilty and

  (sentence) to death by poisoning.

  5.The lake attracts an

  (abundant) of wildlife.

  答案 1.election 2.burdened 3.resignation 4.sentenced 5. abundance


  show off,elect,in abundance,be burdened with,undertake,sentence to death,knock into,come into being

  1.I will be glad to

  to see what can be done with the papers.

  2.I don't like him very much.He's very proud and always tries to


  3.He was found guilty and

  by poisoning.


  Mr.Johnson to be their representative.

  5.She read as she walked,and then

  a tree.

  6.All kinds of flowers grow

  in the park.

  7.The author tells us in Paragraph 1 how two “Irelands”


  8.Nowadays peasants

  no longer

  heavy taxation.

  答案 1.undertake 2.show off 3.sentenced to death 4.elected 5.knocked into 6.in abundance 7.came into being 8.are;burdened with


  1.All these noises



  (如果……怎么办) I won the lottery?

  3.It's high time that we

  the issue of the Diaoyu Islands.

  4.I'd rather

  (你见到她) at the airport tomorrow morning.

  5.When you

  (撞上) someone, it's good manners to say “Sorry”.

  答案 1.make it impossible for me to go on working

  2.What if 3.solved 4.you met her 5.knock into



  2.他因闯入一家超市盗取大量的珠宝而被判处三年监禁。(break into,abundant,be sentenced to)


  4.后来因为常去一家坏网吧,就变坏了。政府该取缔这样的坏网吧了。(It's high time that...)


  The other day I undertook a task to interview a criminal.He was sentenced to three years in prison because of breaking into a supermarket to steal abundant jewellery.He told me he used to be a good boy and was elected monitor in his class.But later because he often went to a bad cybercafe,he became bad.It is high time that the government banned such bad cybercafes.


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