2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:8-23 Unit 23 Conflict(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:8-23 Unit 23 Conflict(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修八 Unit 23 Conflict

  [对 点 题 组].用所给词的适当形式填空



  , soil is quickly washed by the rain.

  After only a short

  to sunlight he began to turn red.


  ①They decided to kick him upstairs and

  a younger man to take his place.

  ②They made the

  of Peter as chairman of the union.


  He is

  of the most brilliant talents.

  ②Twenty years ago, his father was in

  of a farm.


  I had

  to help him but after what he said to me, I had no intention of doing it.


  The judges

  on the high standard of entries for the competition.

  ②The area is

  for its scenery, which attracts many visitors every year.

  答案 1.exposed exposure 2.appoint appointment 3.possessed possession 4.intended 5.remarked remarkable


  1.They gave me a free ticket to London as a gift.(对斜体部分加以强调)

  2.Our university is now in possession of those buildings.(同义句转换)

  3.They had no sooner set off than it began to rain.(变为倒装句)

  4.If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have failed in the exam.(变为省略句)

  5.Because it is updated every day,our web can provide readers with the latest news.(用分词改写句子)

  答案 1.It was a free ticket to London that they gave me as a gift.

  2.Those buildings are now in the possession of our university.

  3.No sooner had they set off than it began to rain.

  4.Had you taken my advice,you wouldn't have failed in the exam.

  5.Updated every day,our web can provide readers with the latest news.



  (我要是知道真相), I wouldn't have scolded him.


  (我一离开商店) than a man came to me and asked me if my name is Peter.

  3. The more you eat,



  (虽然她是一位可爱的女孩), she can be extremely difficult to get along with.

  5.The Ministry of Education

  (呼吁学生锻炼) for an hour every day.

  答案 1.Had I known the truth 2.No sooner had I left the shop 3.the fatter you will become 4.While she is a lovely girl 5.calls on students to exercise


  1.上周李先生家一台电视机突然自燃。(in the possession of)

  2.事情一发生,李先生就要求商家调查此事。(no sooner...than,call on)

  3.李先生打算把这台电视机送交消费者协会(the Association of Consumers)处理此事。(hand over)


  Last week the TV set that was in the possession of Mr. Li caught fire itself.No sooner had it come about than Mr. Li called on the dealer to look into it.And Mr. Li intended to hand over the TV set to the Association of Consumers to deal with it.


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