2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:7-21 Unit 21 Human Biology(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:7-21 Unit 21 Human Biology(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修七 Unit 21 Human Biology

  [对 点 题 组].用所给词的适当形式填空

  1.The high cost of equipment

  (prohibition) many people from taking up this sport.

  2.Make sure all plans must be

  (submit) by Tuesday.

  3.I don't know how you can

  (tolerance) that noise.

  4.The students living far away from the school were strongly

  to the plan.Their

  prevented the plan from being carried out.(oppose)

  5.This is a modern, bright and well

  hospital, and its

  is of the first level.(equip)

  答案 1.prohibits 2.submitted 3.tolerate 4.opposed;opposition 5.equipped;equipment

  .选词填空prohibit...from...,rob...of...,at all costs,get down to,be opposed to,seek,postpone...until...,at any rate1. She

  very much

  your going abroad.

  2.Traffic regulations


  riding bicycles on the sidewalk.


  to be mature on the job and are capable of being so.

  4.It can


  your self­confidence if you don't learn to forgive yourself.


  our holiday

  we have some more money.

  6.They stopped the press from finding out the truth


  7.It is ordered that the medical supplies should reach the flooded area

  within a week.

  8.The College Entrance Examination is approaching.It's high time for us to

  our studies.

  答案 1.was;opposed to 2.prohibit;from 3.seek4.rob;of 5.postponing;until 6.at all costs 7.at any rate 8.get down to.完成句子

  1.Li Na

  (被认为是)one of the best players of China.


  (对我们学生来说很重要) to master a foreign language.

  3.Before boarding the plane, we should


  4.The sweater she bought was beautiful


  5.If you had stayed calm yesterday, everything


  答案 1.is considered to be 2.it is important for us students 3.have our luggage checked 4.rather than cheap 5.would have gone smoothly


  1.据说昨日三名强盗抢劫了一家银行的一笔巨款。(It be said that...,rob...of...)


  3.对这样的犯罪行为,警方必须不惜任何代价清除。(at all costs)



  It was said that three robbers had robbed a bank of a large fortune yesterday.The police immediately blocked the main roads and prohibited the suspect cars from passing.The police must wipe out them as for such crimes.At present,the police are seeking the information.


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