2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:6-18 Unit 18 Beauty(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:6-18 Unit 18 Beauty(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修六 Unit 18 Beauty

  [对 点 题 组]


  1.He has a wide________of science knowledge,________from advanced astronomy to physics.(range)

  2.The________decided to________his troops to march on, which was the last________before they attacked the enemy. (command)

  3.Tom's grandfather, who is________with respect by all of us, is under________now.(treat)

  4.The scenery of the mountain village________me, especially the________tower beside it.(strike)

  5.My girlfriend kept me________to go shopping and then she________me to my home.(accompany)

  答案 1.range;ranging 2.commander;command;command 3.treated;treatment 4.struck;striking 5.accompany;accompanied


  1.We don't suppose he cares,doesn't he?________

  2.We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about wide range of things.________

  3.She treated each of the children with an apple.________

  4.As we know,many kinds of animals are in danger of dying away.________

  5.No one would recommend to teach this kind of “bad”

  English to students.________

  6.She accompanied the chorus by the piano.________

  7.He commanded that the soldier started out right away.________

  8.As I watched them,an idea struck to me.________

  答案 1.doesn't―→does 2.wide前加a 3.with―→to 4.away―→out 5.to teach―→teaching 6.by―→on7.started―→(should)start 8.去掉toⅢ.完成句子

  1.________________(我认为那不是)what you want to see.

  2.I like to see the programme The Star Avenue hosted by Bi Fujian,________________(我妻子也是如此).

  3.On the bank of the river________________(矗立着一座著名的塔).

  4.________________(工作完成后), we all went home, tired.

  5.Children under 14________________(由成年人陪同).

  答案 1.I don't think that's 2.so does my wife 3.stands a famous tower 4.The work done 5.must be accompanied by an adult



  2.我父母都是医生,他们经常受命晚上工作。(be commanded to do)


  4.这样的恐惧真是难以言表。(convey in words)






  As a little boy,I didn't think I was a brave child.My parents were both doctors and they were often commanded to work at night.Sometimes,heavy rain accompanying fierce wind made me horrified.Such horror was really hard to convey in words.


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