2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:5-14 Unit 14 Careers(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:5-14 Unit 14 Careers(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修五 Unit 14 Careers

  [对 点 题 组]


  1.She woke up________(instant) the phone rang.

  2.________(operate) of this equipment requires special training.

  3.We sent out over 1,000 letters but the________(respond) rate has been low.

  4.The poor woman made a ________(commit) she would look after the orphan for ever.

  5.Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear in the world that will make you green with ________(envious).

  答案 1.instantly 2.Operation 3.response 4.commitment 5.envy


  1.In case emergency,break the glass and press the button.________

  2.I charge this man of using the Brotherhood movement to advance his own selfish interests.________

  3.As a reward of passing his examination,he got a new watch from his parents._______

  4.You'll have to pay out your old loan before being allowed a new one.________

  5.They responded with my joke by laughing.________

  6.He consulted with his dictionary to look up the meaning of the word “consult”.________

  7.The teacher asked the students to make out short dialogues by themselves._______

  8.The production cost of these trucks has decreased to one third compared to last year.________

  答案 1.case后加of 2.of―→with 3.of―→for 4.out―→off 5.with―→to 

  6.去掉with 7.out―→up 8.to―→by


  1.________________(他一到达北京), he came to visit us.

  2.I________________(发现很愉快)to work with you.

  3.________________(不是他同学而是他爸爸) helps him finish the homework.

  4.________________(无论你做什么), you should do it well.

  5.It took them three years________________(还清)their debts.

  答案 1.The instant he arrived in Beijing 2.find it a pleasure 3.Not his classmates but his father 4.Whatever you do 5.to pay off


  1.毕业后我被安排到一家公司负责资料收集的工作。得到这份工作是因为我的英语专业背景。(take charge of)

  2.这份工作本身具有挑战性,要求掌握计算机基本技能。(due to)

  3.经理告诉我如有困难多向同事们请教。(concult,in case of)


  5.上个月我因勤奋工作受到奖赏。我所有的努力都有了回报。(award,pay off)









  I was appointed to take charge of collecting data in a company after graduation.I got the job due to my English major background.The job itself is challenging and it requires basic computer skills.The manager told me to consult my colleagues in case of any difficulty.With their aid,I overcame many difficulties.Last month I was rewarded for my hard work.All my efforts paid off.


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