2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:4-11 Unit 11 The Media(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:4-11 Unit 11 The Media(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 11 The Media

  [对 点 题 组]


  1.After graduation, she found________(employ) with a local finance company.

  2.All________(attempt) to control the spread of the disease have failed.

  3.Do you remember him________(pretend) to be his father on the phone?

  4.A number of high buildings have ________(arise) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

  5.It's impossible for us to satisfy everyone's________(demand).

  答案 1.employment 2.attempts 3.pretending4.arisen 5.demands


  tand for,hold the attention of,as long as,demand...of...,stand out,in favor of,consist of,attempted murder

  1.Jessica________as a track star.

  2.The letters PLA________the People's Liberation Army.

  3.They were________the Democratic candidate for President.

  4.The little boy from Xinjiang________the audience in the competition.

  5.Most people are familiar with the idea that all matters________atoms.

  6.I will cooperate________I am notified on time.

  7.She has been charged with the________of her husband.

  8.He talked to me because he wants his editors to_______so much more_______him.

  答案 1.stood out 2.stand for 3.in favor of 4.held the attention of 5.consist of 6.as long as 7.attempted murder 8.demand;of


  1.He has two daughters,________________(她们俩并不都是护士).

  2.Those old books________________(没用的) will be sold and we'll buy some new ones________________(很有价值的).

  3.You may borrow the books________________(只要你让它保持清洁).

  4.________________(无论你做什么),I'll support you.

  5.A highway bridge________________(正在建造)over the river.They hope to finish it the next month.

  答案 1.both of whom aren't nurses 2.of no use;of much value 3.so/as long as you keep it clean 4.No matter what you do 5.is being built



  2.我尝试读《二十一世纪》英文报(21st Century),我觉得这份报纸很适合我们学生。(attempt)

  3.报纸出版地点是北京,每周一期。(come out)

  4.版面内容包括国家大事、体育、娱乐、故事等。(consist of)

  5.我相信只要我们多读,就会取得更大的进步。(as long as)







  Our teacher often demands that we read English articles to improve our English,so I attempt to read 21st Century,which I find suitable for us students.

  The paper is published in Beijing and it comes out once a week.The content of the paper consists of state affairs,sports,entertainment,stories,etc.I strongly believe that as long as we do more reading we are bound to make greater progress in English.


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