2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:4-10 Unit 10 Money(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:4-10 Unit 10 Money(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 10 Money

  [对 点 题 组]


  1.He fought the illness with courage and________(determine).

  2.I was shocked by his________(behave) towards his family.

  3.Everyone________(concern) in the incident was questioned by the police.

  4.Health officials have tried to raise public________(aware) about AIDS.

  5.He opened the bag, which________(container) a razor, soap and a towel.

  答案 1.determination 2.behaviour 3.concerned4.awareness 5.contained


  1.He made a determining effort to give up smoking._ _______

  2.More and more people are concerned themselves with environmental problems.________

  3.As far as I aware,nobody can persuade him to quit smoking.________

  4.The government is appealing for everyone to save water.________

  5.I thought I'd drop out on you while I was passing.________

  6.The box included many kinds of books.________

  7.They felt like they were giving out company secrets.________

  8.I'm shameful that I have troubled you so many times._____ ___

  答案 1.determining―→determined 2.concerned―→concerning 3.I后加am 4.for―→to 5.out―→in 6.included―→contained 7.out―→away 8.shameful―→ashamed


  1.________________(如果可能的话), I'll drop by you on my way home.

  2.My English ________________(和你一样不好).

  3.________________(他要来的消息)gave us much pleasure.

  4.The story________________(与……相关) a Russian family in the 19th century.

  5.________________(据我所知), there hasn't been any real discussion of that.

  答案 1.If possible 2.is no better than yours 3.The news that he intended to come 4.is concerned with 5.As far as I'm aware


  1.许多人一心想挣钱。一旦他们阔绰起来,他们会考虑他们要用这些钱做什么。(be determined to do)

  2.一些人愿意把这些钱捐给那些失业的人。(give away,out of work)

  3.一些人致富后把自己的资产置于一边,寻求不同的人生幸福。(turn one's back on)

  4.据我所知,我们应通过辛勤的劳动致富,对财富不要过分贪婪。(as far as I am aware,greedy)



  A large number of people are determined to earn money.Once they become wealthy,some like to give away the money to those who are out of work.Others will turn their backs on their fortune and find different ways to be happy in their lives.As far as I'm aware,we are supposed to earn money by woking hard and we shouldn't be too greedy for wealth.


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