2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:8-5 《Meeting your ancestors》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:8-5 《Meeting your ancestors》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.The new drug has great ________ for the treatment of the disease.(significant)

  2.He had no ________ but to accept the offer.(alternative)

  3.She is quite ________ at dealing with difficult customers.(skill)

  4.It's impossible to predict the weather with great ________.(accurate)

  5.We agreed with his ________ of the political situation.(analyse)

  6.It is a race against time to stop people dying from ________.(starve)

  7.The soldiers ________ up their knives last night.(sharp)

  8.She has kept up physical training for several years without ________.(interrupt)

  答案 1.significance 2.alternative 3.skillful 4.accuracy 5.analysis 6.starvation 7.sharpened 8.interruption


  1. As there is less and less coal and oil,__________________,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.(alternative)


  2.________________.You could have come up to me afterwards.(interrupt)


  3.__________________,they can understand each other by body language.(regardless of)



  are always coming back home so late.(feed up with)


  5.It's too bad that I failed in the math exam.__________________!(if only)


  答案 1.scientists are exploring new ways of making use of alternative energy

  2.You needn't have interrupted the meeting to tell me that

  3.Regardless of the difficulties in talking

  4.I'm really fed up with you

  5.If only I had worked

  hard at it


  Jane:How did you feel taking part in Turandot?

  Singer:It was a real opportunity for me to be cast. __1__ has always been one of my strongest desires to have a part in Turandot.

  Jane: How were you hired for the job?

  Singer:Well, I'm a musical performer, __2__ there was a short period when I was not working, and was just __3__(collect)unemployment benefits. One day, I saw a poster put up by the production company's Personnel Department, saying they were looking for singers.I __4__(apply)for the job, and they sent me __5__ invitation to try out for a part in the chorus.

  Jane:Was it difficult to try out?

  Singer:Yes, it was difficult. They asked me to sing a tune, and at the time I had a sore throat, so I was afraid I __6__ get the job.

  Jane:What did you like best about participating in Turandot?

  Singer: The __7__(good)part was visiting Beijing because the performance was __8__(stage)in the Forbidden City. It was my first __9__ to Beijing.

  Jane: Would you like to visit Beijing again?

  Singer: Yes, I would like to visit Beijing again.

  Jane: Well, it's been fun talking to you. I thank you __10__ your time.

  Singer: You're welcome.

  答案 1.It 2.but 3.collecting 4.applied 5.an 6.wouldn't 7.best 8.staged 9.visit 10.for


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