2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:7-1 《Living well》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:7-1 《Living well》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.Please tell me the reason why you were ________ from work yesterday.(absence)

  2.The only ________ to that farmhouse is across the fields.(accesible)

  3.________ to you on your success!(congratulate)

  4.He ________ from his office because of the low salary.(resign)

  5.Keep your pills ________ just in case you feel seasick.(hand)

  6.Below is a page ________ from an English dictionary.(adapt)

  7.An ________ person is someone who has an aim in life and strives for it.(ambition)

  8.The teacher's words were a great ________ to George,and he decided to work harder.(encourage)

  答案 1.absent 2.access 3.Congratulations 4.resigned 5.handy 6.adapted 7.ambitious 8.encouragement

  Ⅱ.1.will have to be prepared to adapt to

  the change

  2.Experiments of this kind had been conducted

  3.to give students quick and easy access to

  4.expecting May Day's concert in the Bird's Nest

  5.twice as large as what it was

  答案 1.absent 2.access 3.Congratulations 4.resigned 5.handy 6.adapted 7.ambitious 8.encouragement


  1.The world will be different from what it is now,and we _______________ ________________________________________________________.(adapt)


  2.__________________ in both the U.S.and Europe well before the Second World War.(conduct)


  3.The system has been designed __________________ the digital resources of the library.(access)


  4.She came to Beijing on April 28,______________________________________ __________________________________.(expect)


  5.It's said that the power plant is now _________________________________ _______________________________________.(twice)


  答案 1.will have to be prepared to adapt to

  the change

  2.Experiments of this kind had been conducted

  3.to give students quick and easy access to

  4.expecting May Day's concert in the Bird's Nest

  5.twice as large as what it wasⅢ.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

  Sam:Which do you prefer,life in __1__ countryside or in town?

  Ted:Honestly __2__(speak),I prefer the latter.Living in town has many advantages over living in the countryside.Don't you think so?

  Sam:In many ways that's true.But I still prefer the countryside,__3__ it's peaceful and quiet,while it's much too __4__(crowd)and noisy in town.__5__,the air and water in town are usually __6__(pollute) by factories.

  Ted:That's true to some degree.But in spite of this,I think that life in town is preferable.Travel is more convenient,and so is shopping.

  Sam:And there are __7__(good) education and job opportunities in town than in the countryside,aren't there?

  Ted:That's right.And nobody __8__deny the fact.

  Sam:So let's say that living in town or in the countryside either has __9__ own advantages and __10__.


  答案 1.the 2.speaking 3.where 4.crowded 5.Besides 6.polluted 7.better 8.can 9.its 10.disadvantages


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