2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:5-3 《Life in the future》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:5-3 《Life in the future》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.________ by green hill on the north and a clear river on the east,this village really enjoys nice ________.(surround)

  2.He ________ complained about the bad living condition.(constant)

  3.—What's your ________ of your English teacher?

  —He is a kind and handsome young man,but what ________ me most is his sense of humour.(impress)

  4.It is ________ that all students should wear the school uniform in school,but not all students obey the ________.(require)

  5.The nurse ________ the wound and the ________ to the arm stopped the bleeding at last.(press)

  6.The cruel and________woman was punished by the two boys.(greed)

  7.Those desks need ________,you'd better ________ them to the height of the children.(adjust)

  8.We are often ________ by my uncle,we now can ski freely under his ________.(guide)

  答案 1.surrounded;surroundings 2.constantly 3.impression;impresses 4.required;requirement 5.pres­sed;pressure 6.greedy 7.adjustment;adjust 8.gui­ded;guidance


  1.Many children in the mountain ous area didn't finish their schooling____________.


  2.After he retired from office,Rogers____________,but soon lost interest.

  罗格退休后,他就从事一段时间绘画,但不久就失去了兴趣。(take up)

  3.The man stood at the bank waving to his friends until he__________________.


  4.Crusoe stared at the footprint,______________.


  5.In front of the building______________.


  答案 1.because of lack of money

  2.took up painting for a while

  3.lost sight of the boat

  4.full of fear

  5.stand three old pine trees over 100 years


  Laurance:Oh Sony,your face looks rather pale.Aren't you __1__(feel) well recently?

  Sony:Not very.I was sick most of __2__ night.I didn't sleep very well and I suffered a lot.

  Laurance:What __3__(seem) to be the matter?Is it the flu?

  Sony:No.I think it's something I ate.I had dinner with my father and mother at that new restaurant last night,and I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me.My parents have the same symptom __4__ I do.

  Laurance:Was it that new restaurant over there on Fourth Street?

  Sony:As a __5__ of fact,it was.Why do you ask?

  Laurance:Because Jerry ate there last week and had the same kind of problem.He was sick the next day,too.

  Sony:That's __6__(interest).Maybe we should complain to the health authorities and they should invesigate the place as quickly as possible.

  Laurance:That's __7__ I think.Two people with similar problems in such a short time can't just be coincidence!__8__,if no one __9__(take) action to accuse of them,more victims will be in the future.

  Sony:I __10__ agree more.

  答案 1.feeling 2.the 3.seems 4.as 5.mattter 6.interesting 7.what 8.Furthermore 9.takes10.can't


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