2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:5-1 《Great scientists》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:5-1 《Great scientists》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.He needed more ________ experiments to support his theory.(science)

  2.She has come to the ________ that he does not love her at all.(conclude)

  3.He fell ill because of eating the ________ seafood.(pollute)4.The ________ of the food showed the presence of poison.(analyse)

  5.Follow the ________ when you operate the machine.(instruct)

  6.The army was well­trained and well­armed,and had little difficulty________ the enemy.(defeat)

  7.The________ work of the theatre is supposed to be completed within the year.(construct)

  8.He is intensely________ not to make mistakes in spelling.(cantion)

  答案 1.scientific 2.conclusion 3.polluted 4.analysis 5.instructions 6.defeating 7.construction 8.cautious


  1.Only if you believe in yourself and work hard____________________.


  2.He always brings us pretty gifts______________.


  3.________the American government ________the French officials________ the news about Syria.


  4.She smiled suddenly,__________________.


  5.She________________casually before carrying out a research.


  答案 1.can you achieve your goal

  2.every time he comes to visit us

  3.Neither;nor;have confirmed

  4.exposing a set of white teeth

  5.never draws a conclusion


  Mr. King:Please sit down.Let me see,you are Mr.Brown,is that right?

  Mr. Brown:Right.I'll graduate from college next June.

  Mr. King:Have you ever done any work in this field?

  Mr. Brown:No,nothing.__1__ we did some practice in class.

  Mr. King:You seem to be doing well at college.What kind of pay are you hoping to get?

  Mr. Brown:From what I've read,it seems that __2__ pay at the beginning will be about 12,000 a year.

  Mr. King:Here we start at 10,500 for the first year—a kind of training period.__3__ you will go to 15,000.After that your raises will depend on how well you work.

  Mr. Brown:__4__ sounds fair enough.What about other things?__5__ vacations?

  Mr. King:Those are __6__(explain) in this paper.You __7__ take it away and look at it at home.

  Mr. Brown:Do you think I'll have the __8__ to get the job?

  Mr. King:Well,I'm talking to three people today and four tomorrow.We'll be hiring two people.

  Mr. Brown:I surely hope that I can work here.But I guess I just have to go home and wait.

  Mr. King:You'll get the result __9__ next month.Good luck and thanks for __10__(come) today.

  答案 1.But 2.the 3.Then 4.That 5.Like 6.explained 7.can 8.chance 9.sometime 10.coming


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