2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:4-2 《 Working the land》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:4-2 《 Working the land》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.Your question really made me ________.(confuse)

  2.He said the earthquake could lead to a ________ in steel exports from Japan.(reduce)

  3.The ________ of a child's body in this river has shocked the community.(discover)

  4.What is your ________?(nation)

  5.His ________ is teaching in a primary school.(occupy)

  6.Each classroom in our school is________with a computer,which is helpful to our study.(equip)

  7.The method of________the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.(reduce)

  8.Women have gained the________ to decide whether or not to marry.(free)

  答案 1.confused 2.reduction 3.discovery 4.nationality 5.occupation 6.equipped 7.reducing 8.freedom


  1. ______________________on a very low income.


  2.Your education will________________your future life.


  3.________________,try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.


  4.Our party is__________________.(thanks to)


  5.Over the past decades,sea ice________(一直在减少)in the Arctic as a result of global warming.(reduce)

  答案 1.She's struggling to bring up a family

  2.equip you for

  3.If possible

  4.a big success thanks to a lot of hard work

  5.has been reducing


  Wad:Hi, Fred.Where have you been?

  Mike:I've been to the __1__ and borrowed some English books.What's wrong?

  Wad:I thought you'd been to the post office.Did you notice __2__ money I left on the desk?

  Mike:Yes, $10 altogether.But I didn't know what it was for.

  Wad:Didn't you see the note I left you with the money?

  Mike:Note? What note? I didn't see any note.

  Wad:__3__(real)? That's very strange.I left the money with a note __4__(say) I wanted you to go to the post office and get some envelopes and stamps for me.I also put the ink bottle on them __5__ they might not draw your attention.

  Mike:I see now.Why can't you go and get them __6__?

  The post office is only about 30 minutes' walk from here.We often walk there after supper.

  Wad:Of course I know how far it is from school.I __7__ go there myself because I'm very busy __8__(do) some chemistry experiments in the lab.And __9__, I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I __10__(fail) the last one.If I can't pass this time, a hard time will be waiting for me.

  答案 1.library 2.the 3.Really 4.saying 5.in case/if 6.yourself 7.can't 8.doing 9.what's more/besides 10.failed


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