2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:4-1 《Women of achievement》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:4-1 《Women of achievement》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.We felt a great sense of ________ when we finally entered the key universities.(achieve)

  2.This is a really ________ journey.(entertain)

  3.We must learn to be ________ and care more about others.(consider)

  4.I'm ________ to succeed.(determine)

  5.The police are working on the ________ of the case.(intend)

  6.Here are some________on whether to use animals on tests.(argue)

  答案 1.achievement 2.entertaining 3.considerate 4.determined 5.intention 6.arguments


  1.The school being built at present is__________.


  2.____________________(我突然想起)that I forgot to go to the airport to pick up my friend.

  3.童年的记忆涌上我的心头。(crowd in)


  4.我们所需要的就是能有足够多的钱来继续我们的工作。(carry on)




  答案 1.to be intended for the disabled children

  2. It occurred to/hit/struck me

  3.The memories of childhood crowded into my mind/crowded in on me.

  4.All/What we need is enough money to carry on(with)our work.

  5.Only when I reached the top of the mountain did I feel a great sense of achievement.


  1.Suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten the ticket at home.________

  2.He was laughed by everybody present.________

  3.He is so famous that he is known by everybody.________

  4.Just across the street stands big buildings.________

  5.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.________

  6.—Is your father at home?________

  —No, he went to Shanghai on business.________

  7.I have come here once or twice before.________

  8.He suggested me that we should go for an outing.________

  9.I am sorry to have you waited so long.________

  10.However loud I spoke, I could not make myself hear.________

  11.Why are you in such great hurry?________

  12.As weather is fine, let us take a long walk.________

  13.World War II was brought to end at last.________

  14.He finished his work very sooner than usual.________

  15.The sun sets more slowly in summer than in winter.________

  16.—Do you mind posting the letter for me?________

  —Yes, certainly not.________

  17.These tools have been left laying in the rain.________

  18.I have gone to the station to see a friend of mine off.________

  19.When you leave this room, please lock the door and bring the key with you.________

  20.They gradually became to enjoy their English lessons.________

  答案 1.forgotten→left 2.laughed→laughed at 3.by→to 4.stands→stand 5.make→makes 6.went→has gone 7.come→been 8.me→to me 9.waited→waiting 10.hear→heard 11.such→such a 12.weather→the weather 13.to→to an 14.very→much 15.more slowly→later 16.Yes→No 17.laying→lying 18.gone→been 19.bring→take 20.became→came


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