2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:3-3 《The Million Pound Bank Note》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:3-3 《The Million Pound Bank Note》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.To those more cautious persons,travelling in the desert might seem quite ________.(adventure)

  2.Mike used to swim in the river without his parents' ________.(permit)

  3.________,she could remember 200 English words.(believe)

  4.Mark Twain,a well­known ________,was born in Florida and brought up in Hannibal.(novel)

  5.It is very important to teach their children how to deal with others' kindness and ________.(rude)

  6.By law,the youth under eighteen are not________to enter net bars.(permit)

  7.These children are very naughty,so you need________to deal with them.(patient)

  8.Good________are a very important key to your social success.(manner)

  答案 1.adventurous 2.permission 3.Unbelievably 4.novelist 5.rudeness 6.permitted 7.patience



  1.The PLA soldiers________________ soon after the disaster.(scene)


  2.The party will be held in the garden,________________.(permit)


  3.We delayed our departure________________the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将启程的时间推迟了。

  4.She________________she caught sight of a tailor's shop.


  5.________,we speak to him.(whenever)


  答案 Ⅱ.1.were on the scene

  2.weather permitting

  3.on account of

  4.was wandering through the street when

  5.Whenever we see him


  A:What's it like living in the States?

  B:Well,I'm surprised at __1__ number of different ethnic groups there.

  A:What exactly do you mean?

  B:I thought that Americans were,well,American and spoke English.But when I got there I found people are __2__ all over the world.

  A:Can you give me some __3__?

  B:Yes.There are a lot of people from Central America who speak Spanish.They came to the States __4__ they could earn more money there.Then there are a lot of black people.The first blacks were __5__(bring) as slaves from Africa,__6__ you know,and worked __7__(main) in the South.But now they live all over the country.

  A:Any others?

  B:Yes. There are a lot of Jews.Many of them __8__(travel) to the States in the 1930s __9__ it was no __10__(long) safe for Jews to live in Europe.

  答案 1.the 2.from 3.examples 4.because 5.brought 6.as 7.mainly 8.traveled 9.when 10.longer


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