2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:3-1《Festivals around the world》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:3-1《Festivals around the world》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.As Christmas Day is coming,the Smiths ________

  their house now so that festival atmosphere can accompany them.(beauty)

  2.It is ________

  that a seven­year­old boy can speak 10 foreign languages.(believe)

  3.On ________

  in America,President Hu Jintao was warmly welcomed by the people there.(arrive)

  4.There is no doubt that he can solve the problem ________ (independence).

  5.My son often breaks my coffee cup,so he usually ________

  to me.(apology)

  6.My father told me he didnt't have much________ in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.(believe)

  7.No one is to see the document without the ________of the writer of the report.(permit)

  8.To get the job done,one should be________and hard­working.(energy)

  答案 1.are beautifying 2.unbelievable 3.arriving 4.independently 5.apologizes 6.belief 7.permission



  1.I must__________________to meet you.


  2.__________________he was fooled from the beginning.


  3.一切照常进行,好像什么事也没有发生过。(as though)






  答案 1.apologize/make an apology for not being able

  2.It is obvious that

  3.Everything went on as usual as though nothing had happened.

  4.The person I admire most is my good friend Tom.

  5.He is busy/engaged in gathering information about the origin of the Spring Festival.


  Here is a conversation between a baby snail and his mother,which touches me deeply.

  Baby snail:Why was I born with a shell that __1__(grow) so hard and so heavy?

  Mother snail:Because we do not have bones to support us.We can only crawl and move __2__(slow),so we get a shell to protect us.

  Baby snail:The caterpillar(毛虫) has no bones either,nor can she move quickly.Why can she go __3__ a shell?

  Mother snail:That's __4__ a caterpillar will become a butterfly.She can fly high to sky,and __5__ sky can protect her.

  Baby snail:But the earthworm crawls like us.He has no bones,__6__ can he turn into a butterfly.Why does he not carry a hard and heavy shell?

  Mother snail:He __7__ drill a hole into the ground to protect __8__.

  Baby snail:(bursting into tears) What a __9__!We have no protection from either the sky or the ground.

  Mother snail:That's why we are __10__(gift) with a shell.We don't need to depend on the sky or the ground for protection.We depend on ourselves.

  答案 1.grew 2.slowly 3.without 4.because

  5.the 6.nor 7.can 8.himself 9.pity 10.gifted


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