2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:2-4 《Wildlife protection》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:2-4 《Wildlife protection》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.The ________ of wildlife has become urgent because more and more animals are dying out.(protect)

  2.The ________ king saved the poor old man.(mercy)

  3.Most of the students ________ passed the exam in the end.(success)

  4.The old man told his son that he should realize the ________ of saving.(important)

  5.It is ________ to smoke too much.(harm)

  6.His death means a great________to science(lose).

  7.If you really like the job,________is not a problem.(distant)

  8.He took the poor children under his________.(protect)

  答案 1.protection 2.merciful 3.successfuly 4.importance 5.harmful 6.loss 7.distance 8.protection


  1.Once I was angry,I found it more difficult to________________.(contain)


  2.Many __________________because they are out of date.


  3.It is their duty ____________________the enemy.


  4.该村的人口已经减少到1 000人。(decrease)




  答案 1.contain myself

  2.traditional customs have died out

  3.to protect their friends against

  4.The population of the village has decreased to 1,000.

  5.I offered to help him,but he didn't respond.


  A sports journalist(J)is interviewing an athlete(A)who is from Kenya two days after he won the London marathon.

  J:Congratulations on your __1__ in the marathon!Are you pleased with your performance?

  A:Yes,very.It was my new record and it was also quite __2__ windy day,so I think I did very well.

  J:Could you tell me about __3__early days in Kenya?When did you first start __4__(run)?

  A:My brother and I used to run to school every day.We lived about ten miles from the __5__(near) primary school and as it __6__ take too long to walk,we used to run there and back.That was twenty miles every day.When I went to secondary school I used to join in a lot of competitions,__7__(main) middle and long distance races.I think I won every race I took part in!

  J:What are your future __8__?

  A:I want to run in the Olympics next year.I hope I'll be __9__(choose)for our national team,so I'm going to plan a hard __10__(train) programme.

  答案 1.success 2.a 3.your 4.running/to run

  5.nearest 6.would 7.mainly 8.plans 9.chosen 10.training


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