2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:2-2 《The Olympic Games》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:2-2 《The Olympic Games》

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.As a good ________,he wins the ________ in most cases.(compete)

  2.Food,clothing and housing are all ________ necessities of life.(base)

  3.A month after her ________ into the university,she fell ill.(admit)

  4.Good ________ help sell goods.(advertise)

  5.It was a ________ experience to teach him Japanese,because his ability in language learning was poor.(pain)

  6.They've been very________ to deny these rumors.(swift)

  7.We attended a dinner party________ by the president of the company.(host)

  8.My sister bought this T­shirt at such a low price.She was really good at________.(bargain)

  答案 1.competitor;competitions 2.basic 3.admission 4.advertisement 5.painful 6.swift 7.hosted 8.bargaining


  1.Bob____________________ the murder,but he refused to admit it.(charge)


  2.You can't cancel the contract,______________.(nor)


  3.Did he admit __________________?(break)


  4.Peter________________Tom and Mike______________ join in the adventure.


  5.Canada is larger______________in Asia.


  答案 1.was charged with

  2.nor can I

  3.breaking/having broken the window/that he had broken the window

  4.as well as;has decided to

  5.than any country


  M:Have you heard?The British government is planning to tax plastic bags.

  W:Yes,it was on the news.They want to reduce the amount of rubbish.I can't help __1__ feel that it's a good idea because they can't be recycled.

  M:They've already done it in Ireland.If you go to the supermarket there,you have to pay for each plastic bag.

  W:So most people use the same bags __2__ again,do they?

  M:Yes.And the supermarket sells thick plastic bags which last __3__(long).

  W:And there's a lot less rubbish in the streets,isn't there?

  M:Yes,But it's not just in Europe that plastic bags are __4__(damage) the environment.In many __5__(develop) countries it's even worse.They're causing a serious problem.In south Africa,for example,they call plastic bags the national flowers __6__ the wind blows them everywhere.Now the government has stopped __7__ and you can go to prison for 10 years if you use them.

  W:In Bangladesh too.They say that plastic bags were largely responsible for __8__ terrible floods in 1988 and 1998.They blocked the drains and rainwater couldn't flow away.

  M:It's scary.They don't look dangerous but there're so many that they can kill.In India,cows eat them in the streets and then die.

  W:In some parts of India they are stopped.From what I understand,you can go to prison for 7 years if you use them.

  M:I can't help but feel that __9__(send) people to prison is very hard.

  W:That's because the situation is so serious.And people are not reasonable.They won't change their __10__.

  答案 1.but 2.over 3.longer 4.damaging 5.devel­oping 6.because 7.them 8.the 9.sending 10.hab­its


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